Animal Research Ethics Committee

Animal Research Ethics Committee Application Form

It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure that all facets of animal care and use meet the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Care of Use of Animal for Scientific purposes in Nnamdi Azikiwe University. This includes a responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of animals used.

The Code of Practice embodies the principles of:

  • Replacement of animal use
  • Reduction of animal use
  • Refinement of animal use

It is important to consider these principles when designing and carrying out projects. Under the Animal Research Act (1985), approval by an Animal Research Ethics Committee (AREC) is required for the use of any experimental animal for research and teaching. Approval can be given for up to 3 years. Annual renewal of approval is conditional on submission of all required paperwork and compliance with the Code. The AREC must assess the impact of all procedures and the project as a whole on animals.



  1. Any activity involving the acquisition of animals for research, education or practical work hereafter called a study requires completion of this form and submission for approval to the Animal Research Ethics Committee.
  2. Each researcher or investigator has the primary responsibility for ensuring that animal carcasses or parts are kept and used where it is protected from other students, staff and private individuals.
  3. Complete all fields in the form below and enter NONE for items not relevant to your study.
  4. Ethics approval remains valid for three years, provided that the approval protocols and conditions remain unchanged.
  5. How to Proceed

a. Fill the application form by clicking

b. Complete the form and click on the Submit button to ensure confirmation of submission.