Communication channels are the means through which people in an organization communicate in order to achieve the objectives of the organization. Thought must be given to what channels are used to complete tasks, because using an inappropriate channel can lead to negative consequences.
There are several means of communication in the university system which include writing memos and minutes. Communication flows from bottom to top and vice-versa. This helps to bring out the necessary information on which to base decisions by Management. Examples are: Applications for Study Leave, for Contract Appointment, Recruitment or Applications by students. When officers minute “Recommended” or “Strongly recommended” or “Forwarded”, they have not communicated. Since the officer is likely to be better acquainted with the situation than the Dean and the Vice-Chancellor, the officer should provide the background information.
– Students should make their requests for excuse from academic activities due to ill-health or possible misfortune known to the authorities through their Heads of Departments and approval obtained in writing.
– Heads of Departments should be conversant with the provisions of the University Act, Conditions of Service, General and Academic Regulations to be able to advise appropriately.
– Heads of Departments should be courageous enough to make appropriate recommendations, including disciplinary measures on erring staff under them when necessary.
It follows, therefore, that very high standards of work ethics must be put in place if the organization must make progress.