PG Dinner

Dear PhD Graduand

Kindly take note of the following information in respect of the forthcoming convocation.

  1. PhD Graduands Dinner Party

a). Venue College of Postgraduate Studies Precincts.

ü  Checking in starts at 5:00pm

ü  You are entitled to bring only one guest to the Dinner Party.

ü  You are requested to pick your invite at the PG College  on Wednesday,16th March,2022 from 8am- 4pm and on

Thursday, 17th March, 2022 from 8am to 12pm; Please note that only the ’invite’ admits

  1. Award of higher Degrees,

Friday 18th March, 2022.


  1. i) 8 am prompt – Address by the Provost,CPGS,

Ii)  10am – Convocation Procession and award of Higher Degrees

iii) 2pm – Collection of PhD certificates.

Come and be celebrated in grand style!

Dr Ifeyinwa F. Anolue.