Department of Food Science and Technology



S/No. Course code Course Title Credit Unit
1 GSS 101 Use of English I 1
2 GSS 105 Humanities 2
3 GSS 107 Nigerian Peoples and Culture 2
4 GSS 108 Basic Igbo Studies I 1
5 ICH 101 Basic Organic Chemistry 2
6 ICH 111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 2
7 PHY 101 General Physics I 3
8 PHY 107 General Physics Laboratory I 1
Total 14




S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 GSS 102 Use of English II 1
2 GSS 106 Social Sciences 2
3 GSS 109 Basic Igbo Studies II 1
4 ICH 102 Basic Physical Chemistry 2
5 ICH 112 Basic Practical Chemistry 2
6 PHY 102 General Physics II 3
7 PHY 108 Physics Laboratory 1
Total 12




S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 BIO 101 General Biology I 2
2 MAT 101 General Mathematics I 3
3 CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Progamming & Language I 2
4 PHY 103 General Physics III 3
5 FEG 213 Engineering Drawing 2
6 FEG 221 Fluid Mechanics I 2
Total 14





S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 BIO 102 General Biology II 2
2 MAT 102 General Mathematics II 3
3 CSC 102 Introduction to Computer Progamming & Language II 2
4 FEG 242 Thermodynamics 2
5 FST 102 Introduction to Food Science & Technology 2
6 FST 104 Fundamentals of Materials Science 2
Total 13




S/No. Course code Course Title Credit Unit
1 FEG 281 Workshop Practice 2
2 AMB 111 Introduction to Microbiology & Brewing 2
3 AGR 211 General Agriculture 3
4 BUS 101 Introduction to Business I 3
5 ICH 201 General Organic Chemistry I 2
6 AEC 211 Principles of Agricultural Economics 2
Total 15



S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 MAT 202 Elementary Differential Equation 3
2 ICH 202 General Organic Chemistry II 2
3 FST 202 Agricultural Biochemistry 3
4 BUS 102 Introduction to Business II 3
5 FST 206 Fundamentals of Food Engineering Process Calculations 2
Total 13




S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 MAT 231 Calculus 3
2 ICH 221 General Physical Chemistry 2
3 ICH231 Analytical Chemistry 2
4 FST 301 Food Chemistry I 2
5 FST 303 Food Machinery (Basic Unit Operations) 2
6 FST 305 Food Analysis and Instrumentation 2
7 FST 391 Food Technology Laboratory 2
Total 15




S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 AMB 212 General Microbiology Laboratory 2
2 FST 204 Postharvest Storage of Farm Produce 3
3 FST 302 Processing of Miscellaneous Foods 2
4 FST 304 Elements of Food Plant Design 2
5 FST 306 Principles of Nutrition 2
6 FST 308 Food Microbiology 3
Total 14




S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 MKT 201 Principles of Marketing 3
2 STA 101 Introduction to Statistics 3
3 BUS 425 Production Management 3
4 FST 401 Thermobacteriology and Thermal Process Calculations 2
5 FST 403 Research Methods in Food Sci. & Tech. 2
6 FST 413 Technical Writing 1
Total 14



S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 STA 202 Statistics for Biological Sciences 3
2 FST 310 Food  Chemistry II 2
3 FST 392 General Food Technology Laboratory 2
4 FST 502 Food Packaging 2
5 FST 504 Sensory Evaluation & Quality Control 2
Electives (2 Units)
1 FAT 212 Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture 2
2 AMB 232 Principles of Brewing Science & Technology 2
Total 13



S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 FST 405 Technology of Fruits and Vegetables 3
2 FST 407 Technology of Cereals and Legumes 2
3 FST 415 Food Process Engineering I: Heat Transfer Principles 2
4 FST 491 Food Processing Laboratory I 2
5 FST 501 Technology of Meat, Fish and Poultry 2
6 FST 505 Technology of Roots and Tubers 1
FST 507 Technology of Fats and Oils 1
Total 15



S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 FST 506 Food Product Development & Design 2
2 FST 508 Food Standard and Legislation 2
3 FST 510 Food Fermentation and Biotechnology 2
4 FST 512 Food Plant Sanitation 1
Elective (2 Units)
1. FST 516 Principles and Technology of Water Treatment 2
2 FST 518 Advances in Food Science and Technology 2
Total 9



S/N Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 FST 503 Technology of Milk and Dairy Products 3
2 FST 509 Seminar 1
3 FST 511 Separation Processes in Food Processing 2
4 FST 513 Food Additive, Toxicology and Safety 2
5 FST 515 Food Process Engineering II: Concentration and Drying 2
6 FST 517 Food Process Engineering III: Refrigeration and Low Temperature Storage 2
7 FST 591 Food Commodity Processing Laboratory 2
Total 14


S/No. Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
1 FST 598 Research Project 6
Total 6





  1. ICH 101: Basic Organic Chemistry                             2 Units


Brief Historical background, bonding in organic compounds, the carbon atom, hybridization (sp3, sp2, sp).

Classification of organic compounds.

Isolation and purification of organic compounds

Elemental or Qualitative analysis

Formulae of organic compounds – (empirical, molecular and structural)

Structural and stereoisomerisms

Functional group and homologous series

IUPAC Nomenclature

IUPAC Nomenclature of the following family of organic compounds:  alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, halogenoalkanes, alkanols, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoates, acid amides, nitriles, and amines, alkanoic acids, acid chlorides and acid anhydrides.


  1. ICH 102: General Physical Chemistry I                                                     2 Units

The gas laws:  Boyle’s law, Charles law, the general gas equation, Gay-Lussac’s Law; Gas constant.  Dalton’s law of partial pressures, Graham’s law of gaseous diffusion.  The Kinetic theory of matter.  Derivation of the Kinetic equation Derivations from the ideal gas law; Vander Waal’s equation, Liquefaction of gases, the Joule-Thompson effect.


Properties of dilute solutions:

Definition of the following concentration terms; molarity, molarity, mole fraction, vapour pressure and lowering of vapour pressure; Raoult’s law; elevation of boiling point, lowering of freezing point; Osmotic pressure.


Introduction to Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry

Definition of the following terms:  Systems, state variables, and equilibrium, isothermal and adiabatic processes.  The first law of therdynamics; work done for state changes (PV type).

Thermochemistry:  Heat changes; heats of reaction, laws of thermochemistry (Lavoisier and Laplcae laws and Hess;law of constant heat summation).  Applications of the laws in calculations, Bond energy.

Chemical equillibrium:

Chemical Equillibrium and reversible reaction. The law of mass Action; equilibrium constant, factors affecting chemical equilibrium, Equillibrium between ions in the solid and liquid phases; solubility and solubility product.  Effect of a common ion on solubility and solubility product.

Chemical Kinetics:

Rates of a chemical reaction; factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction.  Activation energy.

Ionic Equillibrium:

Electrolytes; Acids and Bases:  Bronsted Lowry, Lewis and Arrhenius theories of acids and bases.  pH and Dissociation constant, ionization of water Hydrolysis, Buffer solution and Buffer capacity.


  1. ICH 111: General Basic Inorganic Chemistry I                                 2 Units

Matter:  Laws of Chemical  Combination, Stoichiometry of chemical kinetics.

Atomic structure and electronic configuration of elements.  Eletronic theory of valencies.  Bonding; ionic; convalent; co-ordinate, metallic, hydrogen bondings and vander Waals forces.  Fundamental components of atoms.  Stable and unstable particles.  Periodic classification of elements.  Blocks, rows and groups.  General feature of chemistry of s-, p-, d, and f-blocks Isotopes detection, concentration and separation of isotopes.


Natural and artificial radioactivity stability of nucleus.  Fission and fusion.  Differences between radioactivity and ordinary chemistry reactions.  Measurement of radioactivity decay constant and calculation involving radioactivity.


  1. ICH 112: Basic Practical Chemistry                                                           2 Units

Theory and practice of volumetric and qualitative inorganic analysis.  Preparation of standard solutions, calculation of molarity and concentrations.  Method of dilution of solution and calculation.  Redox ­ titration and calculations involved.  Test for common anions and identification of SO42, SO32-, NO32-, CI, Br-, I, NO2-.  Test for common cations:  Fe2+, Fe3+, NH4+, Zn2+, Pb2+, AI3+, alkali and alkaline earth metals.  Test for common ions in the first transition series e.g. Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, etc.  Group separation of cations.


  1. ICH 201: General Physical Chemistry I                                                 2 Units

Electronic Effects in organic molecules.  Electron displacement in molecules, Inductomeric effect, hyper-conjugation mesomeric effect and resonance; Inductomeric effect, hyper-conjugation mesomeric effect and resonance; Inductomeric effect, hyper-conjugation medomerism, Tautomerism.  Introduction to reaction mechanism.  Preparation, physical and chemical properties and uses of various classes of organic compounds such as alkanes alkenes, alkynes, halogenoalkenes, alkanols alkanals and alkanones, alkanoic acids.  Derivatives of alkanoic acids (namely acid chlorides, acid anlydrides, alkanoates and acid amides) Nitriles and Amines.  A mechanistic approach should be used to explain the chemical reactions treated in each case.


  1. ICH 202: General Physical Chemistry III                                                 2 Units

Alicyclic hydrocarbons: Preparation, properties and uses of cycloalkanes, cycloakenes, cycloalkadienes.  Aromatic hydrocarbons Aromaticity, properties of aromatic compounds, chemical properties of benzene.  Electrophilic substitution reactions, detailed mechanisms of the following electriophilic substitution reactions should be studies using benzene as example:  Halogenation, nitration, sulphonation, akylation, acylation, addition, hydrogenation, and halogenation.  Effect of substitutions on the reactivity and orientation of electrophic substitution of benzene.  Ortho-, para-, and meta directing groups.  Reaction of the side chains of alkylbenzens:  ring substitution reactions, addition reactions, and side chain substitution reactions; oxidation of the side chain.


  1. ICH 221: General Physical Chemistry III                                                 2 Units

Kinetic Theory:  Behaviour gases and kinetic theory.  Ideal and non-ideal behaviour of gases.  Derivation of the kinetic theory equation for the pressure of an ideal gas and deductions there from.  Molecular and collision- Collision diameter and number.  Mean free path; viscosity of a gas; Boltzmann distribution law.  Types of speed; mean velocity, root-mean-square velocity and most probable velocity.


Chemical Thermodynamics:  Nature and scope of thermodynamics, important definitions, the first law of thermodynamics, calorimetry, standard molar enthalpies of formation and the determination of standard molar enthalpy for chemical reactions from tables of these;  Heat capacities.  The Carnot Cycle.


  1. ICH 231: Analytical Chemistry                                                                        2 Units
  2. Meaning and importance of analytical chemistry, expression of analytical results, preparation of solutions
  3. Theory of errors in quantitative analysis, theory of sampling, detection and elimination of errors.
  4. Statistical treatment of data including mean, precision, accuracy, and standard deviation. Theoretical basis of quantitative inorganic analysis, separation methods including classification.
  5. Gravimetric analysis, volumetric method of analysis including acid-base equilibrium, complexometric titration and redox titration
  6. Electrical method of chemical analysis, introduction to electrode processes and electrode potential, conductometric method of titration, potentiometric titration




  1. PHY 101: General Physics 3 Units

Pre-requisite:  Credit in 0.L. Physics and Mathematics. Co-requisite – MAT 101

Space and Time, frames of reference, units and dimension, Kinematics – vectors, scalars, speed/velocity, acceleration, circular motion and applications.  Fundamental Laws of Mechanics.

Statics:  Equilibrium, Centre of Mass.

Dynamics:  Newton’s Law of Motion, force, Inertia, Mass, and Weight, Contact forces, Atwood machine, Pulleys, Projectile Motion.

Linear momentum.  Galillean Invariance, Universal, Gravitation – Newton’s Gravitation Law:  Kepler’s Laws, Gravitational Potential, Earth’s Statelite, Velocity of escape and Weightlessness.  Work and energy, Rotational dynamics and Angular momentum, Moment of inertia, Kinetic Energy of rotation; Conservation Laws.   Oscillatory motion – Simple Harmonic Motion, Damped and Forced Oscillation.


  1. PHY 102: General Physics II:                                                                 3 Units

(Pre-Requisite: Credit in O-Level. Physics and Mathematics Co-Requisite: Mat 102)

Electrostatics:  Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Capacitors, Electric fields and potentials, energy in electric fiel.  Conductors and Currents:  Ohm’s Law, Temperature dependence of resistance, Combination of Resistances.  Measurement of Resistances, emfs.  Dielectrics (Qualitative treatment only), magnetic fields and induction, Faraday’s and Lenz’s Laws, Earth’s field, Ampere’s Law.  Maxwell’s equations (Qualitative treatment only), Electromagnetic oscillations and waves, types, properties, Mirrors and Lenses, reflection, refraction, applications.  Optical instruments.


  1. PHY 103: General Physics III                                                                 3 Units

(Properties of Matter, Waves and Thermal Physics)

Pre-reqquisite: Credit in physics and mathematics.

Molecular treatment of properties of matter, Elasticity: Hook’s Law, Young’s shear and Bulk Modulli, Poisson’s ration, Hydrostatic: pressure, buoyancy, Archimede’s principle, Hydrodynamics: Streamlines, Bernoulli and Continuity equations, turbulence, Reynold’s number, viscosity, laminar flow, Poiseuilles equation.

Stokes Law and application – Terminal velocity, Toorricalli’s Theorem. Surface tension; adhesion, cohesion, capillarity, drops and bubbles, Temperature; the Zeroth law of thermodynamics; heat, gas laws, laws of thermodynamics; Kinetic Theory of gases, Applications. Waves and wave motion, Types of waves, longitudinal, transverse, travelling, and stationary waves, sound waves.


  1. PHY 107: Physics Laboratory I 1 Unit

This introductory course emphasizes quantitative measurements, the treatment of measurement errors, and graphical analysis. A variety of experimental techniques will be employed. The experiments include studies of mechanical systems, and mechanical resonant systems, light, heat, viscosity covered in PHY 101, and PHY 103.


  1. PHY 108: General Physics Lab II 1 Unit

Basic experiments on electricity and magnetism covered in Phy 102.  Experiment includes studies of meters, the oscilloscope, and electrical resonant system.



  2. MAT. 101: Elementary Mathematics I                                                       3 Units

Number Systems – natural, integer, rational, Irrational, real complex numbers.  Elementary set theory.  Indices, surds and logarithms.  Quadratic equations.  Polynomials and the factorizations:- the remainder and factor theorems.  Rational functions and partial fractions.  The PMI (Principle Of Mathematical Induction).  Permutation and Combination.  The Bionomial theorem for rational index.  Progression – arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, arithmetic-geometric, solution of inequalities.  The algebra of complex numbers:- addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions; Argand diagrams and the geometry of complex number; Modulus; arguments and polar coordinates; the de Moivre’s theorem.  Complex nth roots of unity and complex solutions to Zn = a.  Trigonometry – circular measures, addition, formular and other trigonometric identities sine and cosine laws; solutions of triangles, heights and distance


  1. MAT. 102: Elementary Mathematics II                                      3 Units

Pre. Requisite MAT 101

Functions: – Concept and definitions, examples-polynomial, exponential and trigonometric functions.  Graphs and their properties.  Plane analytic geometry-equation of a straight line, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.  Tangents and normal.  Differentiation from first principles of some polynomial functions.  Techniques of differentiation – sum, product, quotient and chain rule including implicit differentiation.  Differentiation of simple algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic and composite functions.  Higher order derivatives.  Applications to extremum and simple rate problems.  L’Hospital’s rule, simple Taylor/McClaurin expansion.  Curve sketching.  Applications to areas and volumes.


  1. MAT 231: Calculus 3 Units

Vector function and their derivatives. Partial derivatives. Directional derivative. Tangent plane and normal line. Gradient, curl and divergence. The chain rule. Maxima and minima problems. Optimization and lagrange multiplier method. Rolle’s and mean-value theorems. Taylor’s theorem. Multiple integrals. Applications to areas, volumes, centres of mass. Moments of inertia etc.


  1. MAT 202: Elementary Differential Equations 3 Units

Prerequisite: MAT 102

Methods of integration, Introduction to differential equations  – classification, order, degree. Ordinary differential equations of the first order. Examples to illustrate the sources of differential equations from the physical and biological sciences – growth, decay, cooling problems and the law of mass action. Linear differential equations of second order. Application of the first and second order linear differential equations to falling problems and simple circuits. Laplace transformation.


  1. STA 101: Introduction to Statistics 3 Units

(Pre-requisite:  O’Level.  Pass in Mathematics)

Meaning and Scope of Statistics, Types of Statistical data, Sources, Collection. Analysis and Presentation of Data.  Frequency Distribution and Graphical Presentation.  Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Dispersion.  Elements of Probability. Permutation, Simple Linear Regression and Correlation.  Index Numbers. Elementary Analysis of Timer Series.  Applications.


  1. STA 202: Statistics for Applied Sciences                                 3 Units

(Prerequisites: STA 101)

Frequency distribution. Measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Laws of probability. Distributions: binomial, poisson, and normal distributions. Estimation of test of hypothesis; z, t, X2 and F-tests. Regression and correlation. Analysis of variance. Contingency tables. Simple non-parametric tests




  1. CSC 101: Introduction to Computer Programming I   3 Units

History of computers:  functional components of a computer. Characteristics of a computer.  Number systems.  Boolean algebra, Flowchart; Algorithms; statement symbolic names, lists and arrays: subscripts, expressions and control statements in computer programming.  Programming in BASIC.  Computer application.  Strategy for computer programming.  Rules that guide the writing of BASIC programs & Subroutine in BASIC.



  1. CSC 102: Introduction to Computer Programming II                3 Units

Pre-requisite CSC 101

Introduction to problem solving methods and algorithm development; designing, coding debugging and documenting programs (i.e flow charts control statements, INPUT/OUTPUT statements, DO statements, Array, Subscripts, Dimension statements) using the technique of FORTRAN).


  2. FEG 213 – Engineering Drawing I 2 Units

Use of engineering drawing tools/equipment.  Lettering, construction of title blocks, freehand sketching. Pictorial views.  Introduction to orthographic projection. 1st and 3rd angle projection.  Projection of prints, lines and planes.  Supplementary views visibility.  True length of lines, grade and bearing of a line.  Intersecting lines, skew lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, point view of a line.  Edge view shortest perpendicular or horizontal at a given grade).  True shape of a plane surface.  Line conventions.  Geometric construction. Dimensioning practices.


  1. FEG 221: Fluid Mechanics I 2 Units

Hydrostatics: Fundamental elements of fluid statics; density, pressure, surface tension, viscosity, compressibility.  Hydrostatic equation and its integration for incompressible fluids.  Pressure destitutions over place and curved surfaces.  Resultant force; line of action; centre of pressure. Measurement of pressure.

Dynamics:  Steady and unsteady flow of fluids; streamlines; stream tubes. One, two and three-dimensional flows, uniform and non-uniform flows.  Laminar and turbulent flows.  Nature of motion around blunt and streamlined bodies; establishment of velocity profiles, boundary layer separation; formation of wakes.

Use of control volume for steady flow mass balance, momentum balance and energy balance pressure and velocity in ideal fluids and in shear flow situation.


  1. FEG 281: Workshop Practice I 2 Units

Elementary introduction to types and organization of engineering workshop, covering, jobbing, batch, mass production.  Safety measures in the workshop in mechanical, electrical and civil engineering workshops.  Principles of working.  Bench work and fitting.  Introduction to workshop hand and powered tools, with emphasis on safety measure during operation.  Workshop materials, their properties and use. Various gauges, micrometer and other measuring devices. Measurement and making for uniformity, etc.

General principles of working of standard metal cutting machine tools.  Drilling machine and drilling processes.  Screw threads and thread cutting using stock and dies.  Marking off on face plate.  Functions and capabilities of grinding machines, drilling machines, lathe machine, grinding machines and sharpening machines.  General machine operation practice.  Mass production and modern machine tools, turret lathes, automatic and semiautomatic lathes, etc.


  1. FEG 242 – Thermodynamics 2 Units

Basic concepts. What is thermodynamics? Basic definitions.  Historical background of thermodynamics.  Dimension. Units. Macroscopic and microscopic domain.  Thermodynamic systems, boundaries, control volume.  Properties and states, processes, heat and work, pressure, temperature and zeroth law.  Intensive and extensive properties Measurement of temperature, volumes and pressures.

The first law of thermodynamics.  Application to open and closed systems.  Internal energy, work and heat transfer.  Storing work as non PV work. Sign convention in heat and work transfer.  Steady state flow equation (Bernoulli equation).  Conservation of energy, flow processes and enthalpy. Flow and non-flow work.

Thermodynamic properties of pure substances, working fluids, liquids, vapours and gases.  Liquidvapour phase equilibrium diagram.  Saturated and superheated states in water and in working fluids of refrigerators.  P-V-T relations and diagrams.  The ideal gas. Steam quality measurements.  Barrel calorimeters, separation, throttling and combined calorimeters, Use of property tables.  Processes in the vapour phase at constant volume, constant pressure.  Isothermal, hyperbolic and polytropic processes.  The perfect gas, the ideal gas and P-V-T relation.  Specific heats, the gas constant, universal gas constant. The mole processes with the ideal gas.  Isothermal, isochronic, adiabatic, and polytrophic processes.


The second law of thermodynamics and its corollaries.  Reversibility and irreversibility.  Efficiency in temperature scale. Carnot cycle in idealized heat engines and refrigerators.  Heat pumps, absolute temperature scale.

Entropy:  Clausius inequality; T-S diagram for various processes.  Maximum available energy.  Entropy change in isolated systems. Consequences of the second law.


  1. FST 104: Fundamentals of Materials Science  2 Units

Fundamental principles of structure and properties of materials utilized in practice of Food engineering. Atomic, molecular, crystalline structure of Metals, ceramics, multiphase systems, and polymeric materials. Relationships between structure and electrical, mechanical, thermal, chemical properties.


  1. FST 206: Fundamentals of Food Engineering Process Calculations 2 units

Dimensions and Units; primary, secondary and tertiary quantities, cgs, MKS and SI units, unit prefixes, dimensionless quantities and dimensional analysis. Concentration expressions in solids, liquid and gaseous mixtures, wet and dry basis methods including weight fractions, volume fractions, ratios, molar expressions, oBrix, etc. Material and energy balances, least cost estimates and solutions


  1. FST 303: Basic Unit Operations in Food Engineering:              2 Units

Units of operations explained.  Discussion of heat processes namely: Pasteurization, Blanching, Drying, Sterilization and Evaporation processes.  Cooling processes namely Refrigeration and Freezing; Mechanical separations: Filtration, Centrifugation, Sedimentation, Screening, etc. Size reduction operations such as slicing, cutting, grinding, etc.  Size enlargement such as extrusion, aggregation, agglomeration, gelations, etc.  Mixing including solubilization.  Emulsions and foam formation, homogenization and blending of liquids and solids.



  1. AGR 211. General Agriculture 3 Units

The definition of agriculture; World population and food supply. History, scope and importance of agriculture to man; Agriculture and natural environment; Characteristic features of tropical agriculture and how they effect production; Land use and tenure; Trends in the production, distribution and utilization of agricultural products; Measures of improving Nigeria Agriculture. Climate, edaphic and social factors in relation to crop production and distributions in Nigeria; Systems of crop farming; Types, distribution and significance of farm animals; basic principles of animal farming; Place of forestry, fish farming and wildlife in Agriculture.



  1. BIO 203 Introduction To Cell Biology                                                         2 Units

Detailed study of cell and cell organelles including their ultra-structure.  General study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  Cytology and cytochemical methods.  Cytoplasm and cytoplasm organelles, variation in chromosomes, morphology and number, polyploidy and mutations.


  1. AMB 111 Introduction To Microbiology & Brewing                         2 Units

Pre-requisites: BIO 101.

Microbial cell types-Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; bacterial cell structure and function. The biology of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae and viruses. Ecological relationship and the role of microorganisms in natural and special environments such as soil water, milk, food industry and in disease. Definition and scope of Brewing Science, inter-relationship with other sciences, principles and application of Brewing Science in dealing with beer production, its supply, quality and safety. Physiology and biochemistry of cereals used in dealing with beer production), its supply, quality and safety. Physiology and biochemistry of cereals used in brewing: Barley; sorghum, maize, rice, millet, hops. Carrier opportunities for brewing scientists.


  1. AMB 212 General Microbiology Laboratory                              2 Units
  • Techniques employed in culturing of microorganisms
  • Gram staining and other staining techniques
  • Techniques employed in the study of microbial physiology and metabolism
  • Motility studies techniques will also be emphasized



  2. FST 202: Agricultural Biochemistry                                                              3 Units

This course is designed to give the student an overview of the subject of biochemistry.

Classification and structure of carbohydrates, Concepts of the reducing sugars; The glycosidic bond; Chirality in carbohydrates; Polymers structures of starch, glycogen and cellulose; Carbohydrate Metabolism; The glycolytic pathway, the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation and the electron transport chain; Generation of ATP by the electron transport chain. Gluconeogenesis – importance and nature of this pathway.

Introduction to Amino Acids; Structure of amino acids found in proteins; Non-protein amino acids; Properties of amino acids; Reactions of amino acids; Biosynthesis of amino acids:- transamination deamination; Oxidative amination reactions, urea cycle; Protein structure:- primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, quaternary structure; Classification of Proteins:- fibrous proteins globular proteins, antibodies, hormones, etc. Protein biosynthesis; Protein synthesis; Role of amino acids and proteins in plant and animal growth;

Classification of fats; Biosynthesis of fats; Fat metabolism;

Nucleic acid structures; Purine and pyrimidine nucleosides, nucleotides; Nucleic acid metabolism;

Biochemistry of nitrogen fixation by symbiotic and non- symbiotic systems;

Photosynthesis: The light and dark reactions; photosystems I and II; relationship of light reactions to the dark reactions; The dark reactions – fixation of CO2 in the Calvin cycle;

Introduction to enzymes – nature, properties and classification; Enzyme kinetics:- Factors influencing enzyme catalysis;



  2. BUS 101 – Introduction To Business I 3 Units

A study of the nature of Business Organizations. The Character of Business from a Social and Economic Perspective.  Scope of Business; Definition of Business; External Properties of Business; Role of Business; Types of Economic Systems Why Study Business.

FORMS OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, joint Stock Company; Statutory Corporations/Public Enterprises, and Cooperative Societies.

MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION: Nature of Management; Functions of Management; Line and Staff Functions in Organizations.

PRODUCTION AND MARKETING: Types of Production; Production Processes; the Marketing Concept; Marketing Functions.

THE FINANCE FUNCTION: Types of Financing – Short Term, Medium Term, Long Term financing; Factors influencing choice of funds.  Types of shares.

THE ACCOUNTING FUNCTION: Purpose of Accounting; Principles of Accounting; Double entry Book-keeping; Day books, Ledger Accounts, The Trial Balance, Profit and Loss Account, and the Balance Sheet.


BUS 102 – INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS II  (Pre-requisite: BUS 101)           (3 Credits)

This course is designed to familiarize the students with forms of business and management process.

Business Integration and Combination

Types of Integration; Reasons for Business Integration; Problems of Business Integration.

Government/Business Relations

Government and Business; Government in Business; Reasons fro Government Involvement in Business.

Business Organizations and Social Responsibility

What is the Social Responsibility of Business? Social issues facing Business Organizations; The debate on the social responsibility of Businesses – Nigeria’s corporate experience.

International Business/International Trade

Theories of International Trade; Reasons for International Trade; terms of International Trade.

Management of Industrial Relations 

Trade Union formation and growth: Trade Union Objectives; Problems of Trade Unions; Formation of Employer’s Associations; Objectives and Functions of Employers Association: The role of Government in Labour-Management relations.


  1. MKT 201- Principles Of Marketing I 3 Units

(Pre-requisite: MKT 102)

Marketing definition, concept, evolution, roles and importance.  The marketing system.  The Marketing Environment, Buyer behavior, Market segmentation; Market Measurement and forecasting; Marketing research. The marketing organization: Basic marketing structures, the product based organization; the market based organizations, the combination organizations, etc.




  2. AEC 211: Principles of Agricultural Economics                          2 Units

Nature of economics, scope and functions.  Price theory and functions of market with particular reference to agriculture.  Concept of opportunity cost.  Supply and demand and their application to production functions.  Cost analysis and functions concept.  Types of market, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc.  Price theory and some applications.  Theory of distribution, the place of agriculture in national economy.  Resource allocation on farms.  Aggregate income, expenditure, investment, interest rate, savings and employment.  Inflation, international trade, commodity agreements and balance of payments, money and banking.


  1. BUS 425 – Production Management 3 Units

General Introduction to production Management.  Product and Process Design.  Facilities Location and Layout of Facilities, Project planning and scheduling – use of the critical path method, PERT etc, Linear programming models for planning Transportation problem.  Inventory control Management.  Quality control, Maintenance and replacement Analysis.


  1. FST 413: Technical Report Writing: 2 units

Research report presentation. Tables, Figures and References. Data collection, analysis, planning and organization as well as critical evaluation of data to arrive at suitable conclusions and recommendations. Skills in scientific writing and presentation including, in verbal and non-verbal language, audience awareness, voice quality and use of visual aids. Writing of proposals, conference and other technical papers



  1. FST 102: Introduction to Food Science and Technology           2units

Introductory knowledge of Agriculture in Nigeria. Pre- and post harvest factors affecting food production, Role of Government in Food Security.  Overview of food science and technology: Food constituents, principles of food processing and storage including traditional methods.


  1. FST 204: Postharvest Storage of Farm Produce. 3 Units

Post-harvest physiology of farm commodities. Control of post-harvest losses. Refrigeration and cooling systems. Handling and storage of Fruits and Vegetables, cereal grains and legumes, tubers etc.  Measurement of temperature, relative humidity moisture in stored foods. Building and other structure for food storage.


FST 291:       Introduction to Food Science & Technology Laboratory 2 Units

  • General Overview of Food Science and Technology Laboratory:
  • Food Chemistry Laboratory
  • Food Microbiology Laboratory
  • Food Processing Laboratory (Wet and Dry Processes)
  • Sensory Evaluation practical


  • Exposure of Students to Work Environments
  • Rules and regulations guiding the work environment
  • Identification and uses of laboratory equipments
  • Care of laboratory equipment
  • Writing of laboratory report


  1. FST 301: Food Chemistry 1:                                                             2 Units

Organic chemistry of the major components of foodstuffs, including the main types of aliphatic carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds their synthesis and reactions. Water-its nature in foods, reactions, storability and other properties, proteins in foods-reactivity, changes associated with processing and storage. Milk, meat, egg and plant proteins. Sugar and starches; practice substances and gums in foods.

Lipid autoxidations; mechanism of rancidity in fats and oils, methods of control. Non glycoside lipids. Plant pigments. Structure and degradation during processing, carotenoids, chlorophylls, anthocyanins and other flavonoids. Beta cartenoids. Browning reactions in foods: Enzymic and non Enzymic browning: initiation, mechanism and subsequent reactions and methods of control.


  1. FST 302: Processing of Miscellaneous Foods I 1 Units

Detailed study of Local traditional foods of legumes, vegetables, cereals, meat and milk bases.




  1. FST 303: Food Machinery (Basic Unit Operations in Food Processing)    (3 Units)

Principles, design and functions of food processing equipments. Hardware and consideration for equipment selection. General principles of commodity cleaning, sorting and grading. Principles and rationale for size reduction. Reduction equipment, operations and techniques; general principles of mixing, emulsification, filtration, centrifugation and sedimentation; theories, operations and equipment, expression, extrusion. Considerations and requirements for selection of food processing equipment for cleaning, size reduction, mixing, emulsification, filtration, centrifugation and sedimentation; expression, extrusion, etc.


  1. FST 304: Elements of Food Plant and Process Design 2 Units

The nature of design activity and presentation factors affecting design-strength, materials, aesthetics, cost, etc. Introduction to production techniques and mechanical design of process vessels. Definition and development of process designs.  Feasibility studies and design of food processing equipment for local food stuffs, covering meat, poultry, egg handling, fruits and vegetables etc. Qualitative and Quantitative flow charts, materials energy considerations. Cost estimates, capital investment, cost indexes, products analysis and estimates, Break even and optimum production capacities, gross earnings and profit design project receipts. Case study on design of specific food processing plants.


  1. FST 305: Food Analysis                                                                     3 Units

Discussion and laboratory exercises of the methods available for the chemical and physical analysis of food and water. Pre-analysis sample preparation, routine methods for water, carbohydrates and sugars, protein, fat, ash and minerals, vitamins, food additives and enzymes. Theoretic aspects of the use of specifies equipment in the analysis of food/beverage samples and food components.  Spectrophotometry. Chromatography-TLC, GLC, HPLC etc. Refractometry, Fluorimetry, Atomic Absorrption sepctrophotomery, Flame Photometry etc.


  1. FST 306: Principles of Nutrition:                                                   3 Units

Identification, function and food sources of nutrients required by man; basic food guides, nutrition labeling, fortification and enrichment programmes; food and food tables, factors influencing food-habits; nutrition education, effect of cooking on nutrient; interrelationships of nutrients; nutrient losses in current food processing; dietary allowance and standard; calorimetry and energy requirement protein carbohydrates and liquids; micro-minerals and macro-minerals.  Calorimetric measurement of energy intake and expenditure in man; qualitative and quantitative analysis of nutrients in food; calculating of nutrients in diet of groups or individuals use of animal methodology in nutrition education, models in nutrition experiments, visit to food institution.

History and definition of nutrition. Composition of human body. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats: sources, functions, absorption, metabolism of these nutrients, protein synthesis protein calorie malnutrition, diabetes militus, dental caries and deficiencies. Recommended dietary allowance (RDS;s) fortification and food additives. Nutrition and infection. Prevention of nutritional disorders. Nutrition and the following: childhood; pregnancy and lactation, old age and other socio-economic groups including related factors and associated problems.


  1. FST 308: Food Microbiology: 3 Units

Physiological characteristics of micro-organism important in food (moulds, yeast, and bacteria). Factors affecting microbial growth and activity in foods (moisture, pH, oxidation – reduction potential  temperature nutrient content). Contamination of food (general treatment). Microbiological background of food preservation, detailed study of preservation by use of high temperature, low temperature drying use of preservatives and radiation. Detailed study of contamination, preservation and spoilage of; cereal and cereal products, fish and other sea foods; egg and poultry, milk and milk products, heated canned foods.


Food Poisoning and Food Infection: Botulisms; staphlocous food poisoning, salmonellas and streptococcus infection. Other micro-organism  association with food borne infection and intoxications, their isolation and identification. Factors affecting their growth-microbiological specifications for foods assessment of microbiological quality, isolation and detection of microorganisms in food. Hazard Analysis critical control points (HACCP) concept and practice in food microbiology. Practical work should cover the following subject sampling and preparatory treatment for sampling enumeration techniques for bacterial yeast and moulds.





  1. FST 310: Food Chemistry II:                                                 2 Units

The colloidal state. Classification structural characteristics proportion peptization, sols, and electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, coagulation inhibition, syneresis. Colloids and confections. Emulsion and  foams. Oil in water and water in oil emulsions, polymerization, surfactants-types, classification functions and applications.


  1. FST 312: Process Control and Instrumentation 3 Units

Introduction to process control, types of measurements and uses. Measurement of pressure, level, flow, temperature. Other measurements & what they mean. Industrial process control symbols, instrumentation,  instrument loop diagrams and uses in troubleshooting. Introduction to valves and proportional control. Introduction to PID controllers.


  1. FST 391: General Food Science and Technology Laboratory I 2 Units
  • Calibration of specific equipments
  • Demonstration of weighing using weighing balances
  • Preparation of standard solutions e.g. acids, bases, molar concentration, molar mass, etc.
  • Review of titration methodology
  • Qualitative analyses of foods
  • Tests for Carbohydrates:
  • Iodine test,
  • Fehlings test,
  • Benedicts test and
  • Mollisch test
  • Test for Protein
  • Biuret test and
  • Million’s reduction test
  • Tests for Fats:
  • Grease test
  • Acroline test


  • Determination of pH of foods
  • Use of Thin Layer Chromatography and paper Chromatography to identify proteins, amino acids and sugars
  • Use of microscope to identify and characterize yeast, mould and bacteria.


  1. FST 392: General Food Science and Technology Laboratory II                                        3 Units


  • Quantitative analyses of foods
  • Proximate analyses of foods:
  • Moisture
  • Protein
  • Lipids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Ash
  • Chemical Analyses of foods
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Phytochemicals


  • Microbiological Analyses of foods
  • Determination of microbial load of using various techniques.
  • Determination of microbial load of water from different sources e.g. tap water, borehole, streams, wells, etc


  • Macronutrient characterization
  • Lipids:
  • Iodine value (IV)
  • Free fatty acids (FFA)
  • Peroxide Value (PV)
  • Saponification Value (SV)
  • Thiobarbituric Acid Value (TBA)


  • Amino Acids
  • Titration techniques
  • Amino acid analyser


  • Sugars:
  • Use of refractometer
  • Use of polarimeter


  1. FST 401: Thermo Bacteriology and Thermal Process Calculations (2 Units)

Microbial growth curve, generation time calculation, microbial nutrition. Isothermal destruction kinetics of microorganisms and heat labile food constituents. Review of logarithmic order of death, including rate constants, D-value concept and variations with temperature, z-value concept, Q10 values, lethality estimates and TDT values for isothermal and non isothermal processes, general, Patashnik’s F-value approaches.

Food grouping based on pH and safety based on minimum lethality (Fo), Heat penetration equations with estimates for fh and jh parameters. Process time calculations based on Ball’s, Stumbo’s and Hayakawa’s approaches for in-can and aseptic processes. Estimation strategies for nutrient and quality retention in processed foods.


  1. FST 403: Research Methods in Food Science and Technology           1 Unit

Design of experiments in Food Science and Technology.  Factorial and composite experimental designs.  Library, Survey, laboratory and sensory experiments.


  1. FST 405: Technology of Fruits and Vegetable Processing               3 Units

Considerations in setting up a food processing plant eg canning factory, dehydration plant, factory site building, water supply and drainage, labour, equipment and plant layout. Production of canned frozen and dehydrated pineapples products. Harvesting and processing techniques for apples, banana, grapes, carrots, okro, onions, potatoes, tomatoes carbages, etc. Production of sugar products from cocoa. Cocoa beverages manufacture. Product quality and methods of analysis.


  1. FST 407: Technology of Cereals and Legumes 2 Units

Structure of cereal grains and legumes seeds. Nutritional quality of the grains. Chemical composition. Factors limiting the utilization of legumes. Modern and traditional methods of milling. Effects of milling on nutritional quality. Wheat chemistry  and technology including bread making, biscuit manufactured cake making. Manufacture of breakfast cereals and other products. Local cereals processing utilization of rice, maize, sorghum and millet. Nutritional deficiencies of processed tropical cereal and methods of improvement. Fundamentals of chemistry and technology of malting of cereals. Microbiology of cereal products.


  1. FST 409: Processing of Miscellaneous Foods II 2 Units

Detailed study of Sugar, Coffee, chocolate and Tea.  Confections, candies, sweets, toffee, caramels and syrups.


  1. FST 415: Process Engineering;  Heat Transfer Principles       2 Units

Importance of heat transfer in food processing. Modes of heat transfer. Application and analogies of concepts of thermal resistances, potentials and circuitry in the formulation and solution of heat transfer problems. Steady state and transient conduction, convection, radiation and combined modes of heat transfer in food systems. Estimates of heat transfer coefficients in various processing conditions. Analysis and selection of heat exchangers for food processing systems;- concentric pipes, shell and tubes and plate heat exchangers.


  1. FST 491: Food Commodity Processing Laboratory I                3 Units
  • Demonstration of different techniques of processing and preservation of foods
  • Fruit juices, fruit drinks, jams, marmalades, jellies, fruit bars, tomato ketchup.
  • Vegetable based products e.g. pickles, dehydrated vegetables, etc.


  1. GIT 499: Students’ Industrial Works Experience Scheme 6 Units

Student’s Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a six month training in food and related industries. Students are expected to receive sufficient practical training in production, quality control, engineering and maintenance as well as marketing under strict industrial conditions and supervision. Detailed reports of students’ experiences and activities during the period of attachment should be submitted by each student. These records and other factors should be assessed; including oral presentation of experience at students’ seminar and on-site assessment in the industry by university and industry based supervisors will be used for grading the students.


  1. FST 501: Technology of Meat, Fish and Poultry 3 Units

Definition of meat and muscle. Chemical and biochemical constituents of muscles Abattoir practice including pre-slaughter handling and examination of animals. Carcass quality and methods of assessment. Conversion of muscle to meat; Post mortem glycolysis, rigor mortis and aging. Curing of meat, storage and preservation of meat. Intermediate moisture meats Microbiology of processing and storage of fish and poultry. Post Mortem changes in fish muscle. Smoking drying, irradiation, salting and canning of fish. Fish protein concentrates, fish meal.


  1. FST 502: FOOD PACKAGING 3 Units

Types of packages materials. Uses of materials. Effect of nature of products, distribution and marketing arrangement on the types of containers. Principles of package design. Unit operations in the manufacture of “tin cans” and glass. Package testing. Special feature packages. Local and international markets. Active and smart packaging: principles and processes, importance, and applications. Sociology of packaging materials.


  1. FST 503: Technology of Milk and Dairy products 3 Units

Collection and hygiene of liquid milk composition. Properties and uses of milk, physical, chemical and microbiological method of determining milk quality. Machine milking factors affecting milk yield and composition. Preservation of liquid milk principles and application of pasteurization and sterilization. Separation of cream, milk proteins and lactose from milk.  Homogenization of milk. Introduction to the manufacture of Diary products-including methods for quality assessment along the process line and of finished, chilled milk, condensed milk, yoghurt and other sources milks, cottage cheese and ripened, butter and ice-cream. Diary, waste management and processing. Diary plant Sanitation.


  1. FST 504: Sensory Evaluation Quality Control 2 Units

Definition of quality. Classification of quality attributes of food and beverages. Quantitative, hidden sensory attribute. Explain QC, QA and TQM. Principles of measurement-instrumental and sensory analysis. Statistical methods used in taste panel and quality control. Use, selection and size of taste panels. Training tasters. Statistical quality control; definition and functions, acceptance, sampling inspections including treatment of Mil. Std. 105D, USDA, Dodge and Romming plans. Development and application of single and, multiple sampling for attributed and variables. Basic principles of quality control.


  1. FST 505: Technology of Roots and Tubers 1 Unit

Roots and tubers –structure and composition. Processing of yams, cocoyam, sweet potatoes, cassava dehydrated yam products. Cassava flour production. Technology of potato chips processings. Nutritional attributes of processed roots and tubers. Recent developments in processing of yam and cassava. Potential of tubers in meeting the nutritional requirements of the population.


  1. FST 506: Food Product Development and Design 2 Units

Evolution of product development in food industries, place of product development methods. Factors to be considered in development of nutritional foods including eating habits convenience and raw materials selection. Stages in product development. The new product idea. Laboratory development of the physical new products, use of consumer guidance for laboratory research. Packaged product storage studies. Principles of marketing. Brief introduction to market research and market forecasting. Case study of selected products.


  1. FST 507: Technology of Oils and Fats 1 Unit

Composition of naturally occurring triglycerides, fats and oils. The principles of the isolation of crude oils and fats. Preparation of crude isolate: purification (refining), bleaching and modification chemical reactivity of fats and oils. Modification of properties by hydrogenation, transesterification. Manufacture of margarines, cooking oils etc.


  1. FST 508: Food Standards and Legislations 2 Units

Definition of terms, importance of food legislation. Nigeria and international food grades. Standards, including mandatory and voluntary standards. Legislation enforcement and penalties of violation. microbiological standard of common foods. Development of grades and standards. Codex Alimetarius. Nigeria food and drug Law. Principles and enforcement. Food labeling, value and limitations. Practical aspects of food inspection and legislation with reference to Nigeria and international market.


  1. FST 509: Seminar 1 Unit

Students would be required to select topics from list supplied by staff. They will review recent publications in the subject area and present a paper consisting of advances in the subject. A student will carry out his study under the supervision of an academic staff of the department.


  1. FST 510 Food Fermentation and Biotechnology 2 Units

The use of microorganisms in fermentation technology and biotechnology, covering principles and history of fermentation, microbial metabolisms and regulation, strain improvement, microbial isolation and screening, culture preservation, fermentation techniques and conditions and their application in the production of enzymes, amino acids, alcohol, acetic acid, lactic acid, biomass and mixed fermentation commonly implemented in food industries.

Regulation of microbial metabolites, microbial genetics, gene manipulation, genetically-modified foods, protein purification, enzyme technology and fermentation.


  1. FST 511: Separation Processes in Food Processing                                2 Units

Introduction to mass transfer operations; selection criteria among different separation processes; complete design calculations for equilibrium stage processes; distillation; Absorption; Leaching; liquid extraction: design calculations for differential contractors; applications of mass transfer fundamentals, calculations of rate of mass transfer: limiting processes; case study taking environmental, manufacturing and economic effects


  1. FST 512: Food Plant Sanitation 1 Unit

Principles of sanitation. Importance of environmental sanitation and personal hygiene. Hygiene design of food plants. Hygiene design-site selection, construction and plant layout. Equipment design; nature and materials of construction. Cleaning demands of batch and continuous operations in food and beverage industries. Plant cleaning and sterilization methods, including dismantling cleaning and in place cleaning. Factors influencing the degree of cleaning achieved. Detergent types and concentration, conditioners used. Sterilization-heat and chemical. Methods of control of insects and rodents.


  1. FST 513: Food Additive, Toxicology and Safety 2 Units

Food additives and contaminants; importance and safety, legitimate and illegitimate uses; the GRAS and regulations affecting use of food additives including chemical preservatives, organic and inorganic microbial antagonists, and quality improvers such as flavourings, buffering and neutralizing agents.


Quantitative toxicology, Biotransformation and elimination of toxicants, Mechanisms of toxicity; target organ toxicity, teratogenesis, mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, haemaglutinins, antivitamins, protein inhibitors, food allergy etc. Heavy metals, Organic toxicants, Mycotoxins, Phytotoxins, Other foodborne toxicants. Risk assessment and Government regulations.

Harzards from pesticide residues. Concept of pollution and environmental toxicants – air, land, water, sound, and industrial effluents. Environmental policies and future of food additives.


  1. FST 515: Food Process Engineering II: Concentration And Drying 2 Units

Importance of concentration in food processing, and methods of concentration n including evaporation, membrane processes, freeze-concentration. Evaporator types and components, problems associated with evaporation and mitigation strategies, boiling point rise estimates, duty, steam requirements and steam economy. Single and multiple effect evaporators, strategies for increasing steam economy, heat pump cycle, vapour compression systems etc.

Drying;- Water activity, sorption isotherms, equation for predicting water activities of foods, psychrometry, humidity, relative humidity, dry and wet bulb temperatures, dew point etc. Drying stages and rates, estimates of drying times from drying rate data. Types of driers;- spray, solar, cabinet, tunnel etc


  1. FST 591: Food Commodity Processing Laboratory II              3 Units

Methods of Processing and Preservation of Foods

  • Meat:
  • Tsire: Kilishi, Balangu and suya
  • Barbecue
  • Meat sausage
  • Corned beef
  • Fish:
  • Smoked fish
  • Fish meal
  • Fish fillets
  • Fish balls
  • Poultry:
  • Slaughter techniques
  • Evisceration and cutting-up techniques
  • Processing techniques
  • Milk and dairy
  • Yoghurt production
  • Cheese production
  • Butter production
  • Dry milk production
  • Roots and Tubers:
  • Gari production
  • Cassava, potato, yam and cocoyam chips production
  • Cassava, potato, yam and cocoyam flours production
  • Cassava and yam fufu production
  • Starch extraction from cassava, potato, yam and cocoyam flours
  • Oils and Fats:
  • Extraction and refining of oils from oil seeds and nuts
  • Hydrogenation of oil to fat
  • Production of salad cream
  • Production of mayonnaise


  1. 37. FST 599: Final Year Research Project I 2 Units

Student will be required to with the supervision of a supervisor choose a research topic.  He or she is expected to after thorough library research make a research proposal before the academic board and other student and the public that may be invited.


  1. 38. FST 598: Final Year Research Project II 4 Units

Student will be required to carry out original research investigation in a selected area under the supervision of an academic staff. He/she will be required to write a thesis based on his/her results, and will defend the thesis before a panel of external and internal examiners.


  1. ELECTIVE COURSES Choose Any 7 Credits


  1. FAT 212: Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture 2 Units
  • The importance of fishes of West Africa with emphasis on Nigerian species
  • Classification, evolution, morphology and basic structure of fishes
  • The adaptation of fishes to aquatic life
  • Life cycle of principal species
  • Significance of fish industries in Nigeria
  • Fundamental principles of fish management and production.


  1. AMB 232: Principles of Brewing Science and Technology 2 Units

Outline of malting and brewing Definition of malting, processes involved in malting. Definition of brewing. Milling and mashing, boiling with hops, wort cooling and fermentation. Beer processing, types of beer.  Other beverages and allied products. The brewing industry.  Barley: the barley plant, barley cultivation and harvesting, evaluation and purchase of malted barley. Pests of stored barley and malt.  Sorghum: taxonomy, cultivation, harvesting, evaluation and purchase.  Other local cereals used in brewing. Physiological aspects of malted barley and other local cereals


  1. FST: 516: Principles and Technology of Water Treatment       2 Units
  • Different sources of water available to mankind
  • Physical, chemical, microbial, and organoleptic qualities of water for different purposes
  • Principles and technology of processing water:
  • Sedimentation and flocculation
  • Aeration
  • Filtration
  • Boiling
  • Chlorination
  • Packaging
  • Water quality standards:
  • European
  • WHO, etc.
  • Quality control in water treatment and processing plant


  1. FST: 518: Advances in Food Science and Technology                2 Units


  • Functional foods
  • Food security
  • Appropriate and hurdle technology in food processing
  • Emerging technology or non-thermal processes including microfiltration, ultra-high or high pressure processing (HPP), high-intensity field strengths (Pulsed electric fields) processing, microwave, and ohmic heating processes.
  • Controlled and Modified atmospheric storage of foods
  • Trends in nutritionally related food ailments
  • Novel foods


Course without Synopsis


  1. ENT 200 – Entrepreneurial Studies (UMIT)