Current Academic Staff of the Department

Current Academic Staff of the Department


S/N Name/Qualifications Rank Area(s) of Interest/ Specialization
1 A.N. Nwokoye

B.A., M.A., P.G.D., Ph.D.

Reader Igbo Literature and Stylistics; Chinese Language
2 A.I. Okodo

B.A, MA (Ling), MA (Eng), Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer Literature and Culture
3 G.E. Onwudiwe


Senior Lecturer Igbo Language and Linguistics (Phonetics and Phonology; Sociolinguistics)
4 N.M. Obi

N.C.E., B.Ed., M.A.

Senior Lecturer Igbo Literature and Stylistics
5 T.N. Udemmadu

B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Lecturer I Igbo (Language Stress)
6 A.A.O. Anedo

N.C.E., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Lecturer I Igbo Culture
7 J.O. Ogbuagu

N.C.E., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Lecturer I Igbo Literature
8 G.I. Udechukwu

N.C.E., B.A., M.A.

Lecturer I Culture
9 S. I. Odinye

B.A., M.A.,  Ph.D.

Lecturer I Linguistics/Chinese Language
10 N.M. Nnyigide

B.A., M.A.

Lecturer II Igbo Literature
11 C.N. Ugochukwu



Assistant Lecturer Igbo Language
12 D.I. Ilechukwu

B.A., M.A


Assistant Lecturer Igbo Langauge
13 C.E.C. Ogwudile

N.C.E., B.Ed., M.A.

Assistant Lecturer Igbo Language
14 A. Umeodinka



Assistant Lecturer Igbo Language
15 I.C. Isidienu

N.C.E., B.Ed.

Graduate Assistant Igbo Culture