Department of Adult Education
The Adult Education Department focuses on democracy, equity or fairness to all in education. It emphasizes Continuing Education (CE) and Education For All (EFA). In line with the Nigerian Constitution, it stipulates, among others, that no one should be discriminated against in education on the grounds of age, sex, ethnicity, domicile, religion and calling.
The department prepares students for professional courses in adult education by providing them with the theoretical and practical background to help them function optimally in their respective areas of specialization. Another underlying philosophy is to induce community consciousness in the graduates of adult education by making them essentially relevant to the society in which they live by inculcating the spirit of self-reliance in them and making them skillful users of tools.
Job Opportunities
Graduates of Adult Education have excellent job opportunities locally and internationally. The Graduates are equipped to serve as personnel in Accountancy, Political Science, Economics, Mass Communication and Marketing fields, and to fulfill the manpower requirements in international organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID and other Non-govemmental Organizations. Opportunities also abound for graduates in Ministries, Schools, Local Govemment departments, Community development, Social Work, Adult Education Agencies, Rural Development, and the Mass Media, units of Ministries of Agriculture, Industry and Finance.
Human Kinetics and Health Education
In line with the National Policy on Education, the Human Kinetics programme provides optimum development, integration and physical, mental and social adjustment of the individual through guided instruction and participation in selected total-body sports, conducted according to social and safety standards.
The objectives of the programme are to:
a. Equip students with sufficient intellectual, physical and manipulative skills needed for effective teaching of Human Kinetics and sports in secondary schools, sport councils and sports clubs;
b. Expose students to the skills required for the utilization of print and electronic media in sports reporting, marketing and promotion;
c. Emphasize life-time sports through mass participation in sports and Human Kinetics;
d. Expose students to cun”ent coaching skills and managerial techniques needed for producing world class athletes;
e. Develop the spirit of inquiry and creative ability through research in Human Kinetics and sports, and through the application of such research results in improving human performance in sports and Human Kinetics;
f. Expose students to a wide range of creative and administrative pattems for the development of purposeful and goal-oriented programmes of Human Kinetics and sports.
Job Opportunities
Graduates of Human Kinetics and Health Education are equipped to teach in the Secondary School System as Physical and Health Educators. They can also comfortably work in Sports Councils as Coaches, Exercise Physiologists and Sports Organizers/Administrators. They can equally Work with Prisons, Police, and other institutions that organize sports.Health Education graduates can also work in the Ministry of Health as Public Workers, or establish Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) to take care of some special health problems. They can work in the industries, as Safety Officers or in Prisons, Police, and other related institutions as Paramedical Health Officers.
Department of Guidance and Counselling
Guidance and Counselling is a human oriented discipline concerned with human self- understanding and self-management. Guidance and Counselling as an offshoot of the science of human behaviour is also concerned with human problem solving. Hence, it is regarded as one of the “helping professions”. Guidance and Counselling exposes students to problem-solving skills through an understanding of self and the provision of adequate information for handling various challenging human situations. Guidance and Counselling is designed with the following objectives in view:
a. To prepare students who will work in schools and the society, as well as work as counselling practitioners
b. To produce graduates who will be versed in human development, human adjustment and rehabilitation
Department of Science Education
The Science Education Department is concerned with the production of competent and dedicated teachers in Science, who will be able to engage creatively in science teaching, scientific research, the development of new technologies and the application of these technologies to economic, social and human needs.
Towards this end, the programme is designed to provide:
a. A sound academic preparation in Science Education (with options in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Integrated Science, Mathematics and Physics education)
b. Atheoretical understanding and practical skills in development, implementation and evaluation of the secondary school science curriculum to meet the needs of the learner, and society in changing times
Department of Educational Management and Policy
The Faculty of Education was established buy the senate resolution of 1985. Following the visitor‘s directive of 1987, the faculty was rationalized in three departments namely:
A. Business Education
B. Health & Physical Education
C. Educational Foundations with the following Units
i. Educational Administration & Supervision
ii. Guidance and Counseling
m. Library Science
iv. Service Unit
On August 9th, 2006, Educational Foundations was split into three departments namely:
l. Educational Management & Policy formerly Edu. Admin. & Supervision)
2. Guidance and Counseling
3. Educational Foundation
During the 2005 NUC accreditation exercise, the accreditation team recommended a change of name from Educational Administration & Supervision to Educational Management and Policy as obtains in many other universities, which was approved by senate on 9“ August, 2006.
Educational Management and Policy now has 13 programmes namely: Economics, Geography, Health Education, Political Science, Accountancy, English Language, Computer Science, Business Administration, Cooperative Economics, Music, and Religion & Igbo for its Undergraduate Programme. The Department has gained full accreditation of all its programmes at the NUC accreditation exercise of 2014.
The department also runs: Ph.D, M.Ed. B.Ed (Regular, CEP, Sandwich) Undergraduate Diploma & Post Graduate Diploma.
The Philosophy of Educational Management and Policy Department is to produce educational managers and policy makers with appropriate managerial skills, abilities and competence such that the prospective educational managers and policy makers would better understand human behaviour and interrelationships.
Vision and Mission
- Vision
To continuously position the Department as one of the best departments in Nnamdi Azikiwe University and beyond in terms of producing quality graduates and engaging in the highest standards of excellence in all aspects of teaching, research and rendering services to the University, surrounding communities and the nation.
- Mission
The Mission of the Department is to produce graduates with a broad spectrum of knowledge with specialization in educational management and policy and as well, demonstrate logical reasoning; high ethical standards in personal and professional life; high sense of responsibilities; and ability to translate knowledge into practice.
Aim and Objectives
- Aim
The main aim of Educational Management and Policy is to train educational managers for integrity and excellence.
- Objectives
The programmes in Educational Management and Policy are designed to achieve the following:
a. To produce highly motivated conscientious and efficient education managers for all levels of the education system
b. To provide the educational managers with the intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and to make them adaptable to any changing situation not only in the life of their country but also in the Wider World
c. To help educational managers to fit into the social life of the community and society at large and enhance commitment to national objectives
d. To help educational managers acquire managerial and leadership skills that will aid them in day- to-day management
e. To produce top-level teaching and research personnel for services in the eountry‘s tertiary institutions and research institutes; or other organizations
f. To provide much needed growth and specialization opportunities for educational practitioners engaged in various administrative arms of education or other organizations
Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE)
The Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education as the bedrock of the entire education system in all countries of the world, trains teachers to deliver quality education in schools.
The department has successfully graduated students. Many of them have gained employment in schools, cooperate institutions; and many manage their own schools.
The department runs the following programmes:
- B.Ed Early Childhood and Primary Education (Regular, sandwich, CEP programmes)
- M.Ed Early Childhood Education
- M.Ed Primary childhood Education
- PhD Early Childhood Education
- PhD Primary Childhood Education
Department of Library and Information Science
History of the Department
Library and Information Science as an academic discipline started in the then Anambra State University of Science and Technology (ASUTEC) in 1986. It was then a B.Ed, programme for upgrading the NCE and Unibadan diploma graduands who combined Library Science with a teaching subject such as Human Kinetics and Health Education, Political Science, Economics and English. These NCE holders were given parallel appointments as Teachers as well as Librarians in the nation‘s primary and post primary schools.
It operated as one of the sub-units in the Department of Educational Foundations With the most senior staff member as the coordinator. The academic programme/curriculum consisted then of three parts: Core education courses, librarianship and teaching subjects. Each of these parts carry one third of the whole. The programme was popular and was available to Regular, Sandwich and also Continuing Education students.
Over time it was realized that the programme was meeting the needs of school library only because of its restrictive content and emphasis. Pressures from the Nigeria Library Association consequent upon the promulgation of the Librarians‘ Registration Council Decree and the empowennent of the NUC resulted into a rethink of the B.Ed. programme which the end result was that the NUC ordered that the B.Ed. programme be dropped and in its place a BLIS (Bachelor of Library and Infonrration Science) be instituted.
About the same time the struggle for a Departmental status was gaining momentum and in 2005 the Senate gave its much awaited approval. New intake for the BLIS started in October, 2005 while the B.Ed, students were programmed for phasing out in the subsequent years.
The Department believes that information is power and as such should be repackaged appropriately and disseminated Without hindrance to the users for self and societal development.
Vision and Mission
- Vision
The Departmental vision is to produce competent and dedicated Library and Information Scientists that are Infonnation and Commtmication Technologies compliant and Who will be able to provide adequate professional services for societal advancement
- Mission
Departmental missions are to:
* Instill in our students the passionate interest for library and information science, an understanding of its application in different areas and to involve them in an exciting intellectual experience for learning and study
* Prepare information professionals who can demonstrate excellence in leadership, service, research and education in technology driven world
* Produce graduates who can teach and practice in different library/ information centres
* Prepare graduates who can contribute to professional, academic and public interest through consulting, continuing education and leadership
Aim and Objectives
- Aim
The Departmental aim is to produce graduates who can use Information and Communication Technologies to collect, organize, preserve and disseminate information to their users, as well as graduates who can teach library and information science effectively and efficiently in library schools.
- Objectives
The objectives are to produce graduates who:
* Are competent, value oriented and dedicated to serve as catalyst for development and societal change;
* Can be self employed through entrepreneurship education that will be given to them
Department Of Educational Foundations
The Department of Educational Foundation was one of the existing Departments in the Faculty of Education at the inception of Nnamdi Azikiwe University in 1991. The Department has gone through different stages of development to arrive at its present status where it has nine accredited bachelor degrees in education programmes with options in: Education English; Education Igbo; Education Political Science; Education Economics; Education History; Education Fine and AppliedArt; Education Religion; Education French; and Education Music. The Department also trains Postgraduate students who are willing to specialize in Curriculum Studies, Educational Psychology, and Educational Measurement, Research and Evaluation.
The Department’s aim is to produce graduate teachers who are academically and profoundly competent to teach at all levels of their specializations in both the secondary and higher institutions. This is coupled with the aim of producing graduate teachers with entrepreneurial and leadership skills among others. The Department has good and excellent relationship with the students and thus taking care of the students as appropriate.
The department has an array of facilities which has made leaming easier for students. The Department has functional library (print and electronic), and micro-teaching laboratory, that are manned by well-experienced hands. This places the Department in the forefront of others and has thus been providing Workshop and technical assistance to other Departments, Faculties and the University and the Nigerian society. The Department is blessed with seasonal and erudite scholars who have published Widely and have contributed to the development of education sector in Nigeria.