The following may qualify for admission into:

Hybrid Masters Programme:

Graduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University who hold B.Sc. degree in Architecture with FCGPA lower than 3.00 on 5-point scale.

Master of Science Degree in Architecture (M.Sc.):

Graduates of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University or other recognized universities who hold the B.Sc degree in Architecture with FCGPA of not less than 3.00 on a 5-point scale.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Architecture (Ph.D.):

Holders of M.Sc (Architecture) degree of Nnamdi Azikiwe University or equivalent degree from recognized universities with a minimum FCGPA of 3.50 on a 5-point scale.



All places for postgraduate studies in Architecture are offered through the School of Postgraduate Studies of NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY. The Hybrid Masters Programme and M.Sc.  Programmes are offered only for full times studies. The Ph.D programme can be full time studies or part time studies..


     Hybrid Masters Programme:

The Hybrid Masters Programme is for graduates of Nnamdi Azikiwe University who hold B.Sc. degree with Final Cumulative Grade Point Average (FCGPA) lower than 3.00 on a 5 – point scale. Such qualifications which do not meet the entry requirement for Master’s Degree work are also indicative of the student’s deficiency in some courses of study. The programme therefore aims at improving such student’s knowledge and understanding of architecture. B.Sc. or any other equivalent Bachelors degree with Final Cumulative Grade Point Average (FCGPA) lower than 3.00 on a 5 – point scale. Such qualifications which do not meet the entry requirement for Master’s Degree work are also indicative of the student’s deficiency in some courses of study. The programme therefore aims at improving such student’s knowledge and understanding of Architecture.


    Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.):

The mode of study is by coursework and research (with coursework predominating over research). The examination consists of written papers with research work to be presented in a dissertation consisting of Design Research Report, and Architectural Design Project to be defended orally before an External Examiner at the end of the programme.


     Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.):

The Programme consists of coursework and intensive scientific research work culminating in the submission of a thesis which must be adjudged to be original and to have made a new contribution to existing body of knowledge.  It must also be of publishable quality. The Academic Board requires that candidates must have at least one publication (in a reputable journal) in the chosen area of research before he can be adjudged ready to defend his thesis before an External Examiner.



      Hybrid Masters Programme

Full Time: A minimum of two (2) Semesters and a maximum of four (4) Semesters.


      Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.):

Full Time: A minimum of four (4) Semesters and a maximum of eight (8) Semesters.


       Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D):

(a)        Full Time: A minimum of four (4) Semesters and a maximum of ten (10) Semesters.

(b)        Part Time: A minimum of three (3) Academic Years of six (6) Semesters, and a maximum of six (6) Academic Years (12 Semesters).



Research is conducted in a number of areas including aspects of architectural history and theory, CAD as a communication medium, environmental studies (energy efficiency, passive solar design, acoustics, effects of buildings on health), urban morphology, architectural typology, land use and transportation, earthquake resistance of traditional structures, disaster mitigation, film and architecture, the recording and analysis of historic buildings, the foundations (history and philosophy) of architectural and urban order and the hermeneutics of architecture in its cultural context (the question of communicative space, the relation between simulated and natural environments and the nature of creativity and meaning of the age of production). Research links already exist with other Departments in the University.

      The Major M.Sc. Study/Research Areas

Although the area of academic specialization is Architecture the programme is conducted under the following instructional and research modules.

  1.  Architecture design
  2. Communication Skills.
  3.  History and Theoretical Studies.
  4.  Building Construction Technology.
  5.  Humanities and Social Studies.
  6.  Environmental Control Systems.
  7.  Physical (Building) Sciences


      The Major Ph. D. Research Areas are:

–           Housing and Urban Studies.

–           History and Theory of Architecture.

–           Architectural Sciences.

–           Architectural Technology and Production.

–           Architectural Design and Construction.

–           Environmental Design in Architecture.

–           Project Management and Control.