1. Law in Social Context
- Nature and Functions of Law in Society. Law, Order and Anarchy, Law and Morality, Law and Justice, Law and Freedom, Law and the State, Law and Legitimacy, Law and Sovereignty.
- Aspects of Law, Types of Law, Eternal Law, Divine Law, Natural Law and Human or Positive Law, Classification of Law, Common Law and Civil Law, Common Law and Equity, Public and Private Law, Civil and Criminal Law, Substantive and Procedural Law, Written and Unwritten Law, Customary Law and Islamic Law.
- Methods of Social Control through Law; Penal Method, Grievance – Remedial Method, Private Arranging Method, Constitutive Method, Administrative Regulatory Method, Fiscal Method, Conferral or Social Benefits Method.
2. Legal reasoning and approach to problems, language of the law, principles, standards and issues in law, formality and precision in the use of language and distinctiveness of legal language, legal rhetoric and legal logic, legal reasoning and practical reasoning, legalism.
3. Legal reasoning in judicial processes – lifting of facts and law in courts, ratio decidendi, precedents.
4. Legal reasoning in legislation – legislative proposals, legislative drafting, ambiguity, vagueness, open texture, semantics in law, legislative process, construction of statutes, types of legislation, codification of laws.
- Sources of Law – primary sources: statutory materials and judicial materials; secondary sources: books and pamphlets, letters, speeches, interviews, periodicals and newspapers, foreign materials.
- Use of source materials – law library and legal research, indexing and identification of library materials, cases and citation of cases and reports, identification of issues, principles, rules, authoritative elements in books and judicial opinions, analysis and note taking, use of authorities in legal argument and legal writing.
- Legal writing – methods and approach in essay writing, styles of writing, analysis of social and legal issues and application of legal rules, division of topics into chapters, sections and subsections.
- Professional Ethics and Regulation of the Legal Profession.
The method of deduction using rules of inference and bi-conditionals, qualification theory. Types of discourse, Natural or arguments, Validity and soundness; Techniques for evaluating arguments; Distinction between inductive and deductive inferences; etc (illustrations will be taken from familiar texts, including literature materials, Novels, Law reports and newspaper publications. Categorical syllogism and validity of syllogism.
A brief survey of the main branches of philology, symbolic logic, special symbols in symbolic logic- conjunction, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalent and conditional statements of law of tort.Enthymeme, dilemma, definitions, fallacies (language and emotive).Modes of knowing, scientific method of induction.
- Nature of Contract: Sources of Law of Contract, Concept of Bargain, classification.
- Formation of Contract: Offer and Acceptance, Consideration, Intention to Create Legal Relations.
- Contents of Contract: Terms, Representations, Excluding and limiting terms and fundamental breach of terms.
- Capacity: Infants, Illiterates, Corporations, Mental Patients and Drunken persons.
- Vitiating Elements of a contract: Mistake, Misrepresentation, undue influence, duress, Illegality and Unenforceable Contract.
- Privity of Contract: Rules and Exceptions.
- Discharge of Contract: By performance, Agreement, breach and Frustration.
- Remedies/Damages; Equitable remedies in outline only, Quantum Merit claims and Quasi Contract.
- Contract under Customary Law and Islamic Law, Constituents capacity, Terms, Breach, Remedies.
- Historic background and general principles of tortious liability (Defences will be considered in relation to each tort).
- Tress pass to person – Assault, Battery, False Imprisonment and International Harm to the Person.
- Trespass to Chattel, Conversion and Detinue.
- Tress pass to Land.
- Negligence – Duty of Care, Standard of Care, Proof of Negligence, nervous Shock, Contributory Negligence and Damages, including Remoteness of Damage.
- Occupiers Liability.
- Nuisance; The Rule in Rylands v Fletcher; Liability for Animals.
- Malicious Prosecution.
- Vicarious Liability.
- Defamation.
- Death as cause of action.
- Fatal Accidents.
- Deceit.
- Economic Torts-Passing off.
- Civil Conspiracy, Intimidation, Interference with contract.
- Parties.
- Joint Torts.
- Remedies.
- Definition and sources of constitutional law- classification of the constitutions, written and unwritten, rigid and flexible, federal and unitary, presidential and parliamentary.
- The concepts of separation of power, rule of law, federalism, supremacy of the constitution/ parliament. The legal consequences of change of government by extra-constitutional means (e.g. coup d’etat)
- Constitutional history of Nigeria from the advent of British rule up to date, including the military era.
- The Military and constitution making in Nigeria.
- Law making by the military.
- The judiciary under the military.
- The executive under the military.
- The military and the search for constitutional and political order.
2. The study of the current constitution
- Supremacy of the constitution, citizenship, fundamental rights, fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy, creation of states, and constitutional amendments
- Legislative power: Its meaning, scope and relation with the executive and judicial powers, delegation of legislative power – division of legislative power between the federation and the states, interpretation of legislative entries/its doctrines of pitch and substance, implied powers, repugnancy and occupied field – impeachment power
- Judicial power: Its meaning and scope -judicial review of legislation – independence of judiciary -jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Federal and State High Courts, Sharia and Customary Courts of Appeal – judicial control of administration – nature, scope of writs and orders, Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, certiorari prohibition, quo warranto, declaration and injunction.
- Executive power: Its meaning and scope, powers and functions of the president and governors, appointment, legislative, police, public order, defence, emergency, prerogative of mercy, foreign affairs, Federal (and State) executive bodies, Attorney General’s Powers
The main aim of this course is to introduce the student to the study of the sources of Nigerian law generally, to acquaint him with the machinery for the administration of justice in Nigeria and to further the students’ ability to understand the problems and concepts of substantive law by elucidating the judicial process.
Emphasis is placed on the interaction between various arms of our legal system and the social context which the legal system is supposed to serve.
First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
- The idea of a legal system.
- Nature and function of law.
- Classification of law.
Sources of Nigerian Law
- Legislation: Judicial precedents: case law, customary law, Islamic law, English common law and doctrines of equity.
- Reception and application of English law in Nigeria.
LAW 244: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Internal Conflicts.
- Different Customary laws/Islamic laws.
- English law and Customary law.
- English law and Islamic law.
2. Judicial Institutions
- The Role of the Judiciary.
- The History and Development of the Courts.
3. Types and Jurisdiction of Courts
- Customary and Area Courts.
- Magistrate and District Courts.
- Court of Record.
- Special Courts:
i. Sharia Court of Appeal,
ii. Customary Court of Appeal,
iii. Tribunals (excluding Commissions of Inquiry).
- Judicial Personnel -Appointment and Tenure .
- Outline of Civil and Criminal Procedure in Nigeria.
- Legal Aid and Advice;
- Development and future of law in Nigeria,
- The organisation of legal education and legal profession in Nigeria.
- General introduction and purpose of criminal law.
- The concept of crime.
- History and sources of Nigerian criminal law.
- The elements of an offence.
- Classification of offences.
- General principles of criminal responsibility.
- Parties to an offence.
- Preliminary offences.
- Offences against the person.
LAW 345: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Offences against property.
- Offences against the State and against Public Order.
- Offences of Corruption.
- The Police and the Administration of criminal Justice.
- Theories and types of punishment.
- General principles of sentencing.
- Islamic criminal law and customary criminal law.
Commercial Law LAW 346: First Semester-Part I (4 Credit Units)
- Sale of Goods
Nature and Formation of Contract, Conditions, Warranties and Representations, Ownership and Passing of Property, Duties of the Seller, Duties of the Buyer, Effect of Contract, Remedies, Special Commercial Contracts in outline, the use of various payment devices e.g. Cheques, Credit Cards, Luncheon and Fuel Vouchers.
LAW 347: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Hire Purchase
Nature and meaning of Hire purchase, hire Purchase at Common Law and under the Hire Purchase Act 2004. Ownership and passing of property, Remedies of owner and hirer, Minimum payment clauses and damages, Standard Form of Hire Purchase Agreement, Bill of Sales, Conditional Credit Sale and Credit Sale Agreement.
- Agency
Definition formalities and capacity; Authority of the Agent, Ratification, Types of Agents; Rights and Duties of the Principal and Agent, Termination of Agency; Relationship of Principal and Agent to Third Parties.
- Introduction: Nature, history, sources, scope.
- Contract of Employment: Definition, Formation, Contracts, Parties; Young Persons, Apprentices, Women.
- Employees duties: Good faith, Accountability, Confidentiality, Restraint of Trade.
- Termination of Contract of Employment: Performance Agreement, Notice, Summary Dismissal, Repudiation, Remedies for wrongful dismissal.
- Safety at work-employer’s duty of care; Vicarious Liability; Factory’s Act; Workmen’s Compensation Act, Reform.
LAW 351: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Collective bargaining and collective agreement- Framework, Nature, Legislation.
- Trade Unions – Formation, rights, obligation, criminal liability, civil liability.
- Industrial Action: Strike, Lock-out, sit-in,etc.
- Machinery for settlement of industrial disputes. A study of the relevant provisions of the Trade Disputes Act will be undertaken.
- Agencies-T.A.P., N.I.C, P.P.I.B., Industrial Training Fund.
- Industrial Law and Economic Development.
Law of Banking and Insurance LAW 331: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units) Banking
- Nature, history and evolution of banking in Nigeria.
- Law regulating the establishment and operation of banking in Nigeria.
- Nature and legal effect of negotiable instrument including cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, etc.
- Negotiability and assignability, endorsement and delivery, presentment and delivery, presentment and notice of dishonour, bank/customer relationship, including the nature and legal effects of bank accounts, overdrafts, bank notes, cheques and their crossing, etc. Mortgages and foreclosures etc, forgeries and conversion and securities and advances; Regulations of Banks and Financial Institutions – CBN; NDIC.
LAW 332: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units) Insurance
Nature of insurance, purpose and functions of insurance, types of insurance, including marine insurance, life and personal accident insurance, motor vehicle insurance, etc. miserable interest and principles of indemnity, parties to insurance, contracts, assignment of insurance policies, underwriting and reinsurance claims and settlement of claims, state control of insurance business, recapitalization of insurance business.
This decade can rightly be acclaimed the decade of computers and microchips. Vast developments in the techno chips, and in technological fields have spumed the need for the protection of intellectual property and innovations. The information industry, email, Internet, global television stations. etc have brought the international society into a small world, an interactive family. Consequently, the use and protection of intellectual and industrial property – trademarks, copyrights, patents, designs, etc. have attracted and increased the awareness of the citizenry.
LAW 335: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
- Nature and scope of intellectual property law.
- Meaning of copyright.
- Nature and scope of copyright protection.
- Works eligible for copyright protection.
- Right granted to copyright owners.
- Duration of copyright.
- Ownership of copyright.
- Exception of copyright control.
- Neighbouring right.
- Infringement of copyright.
- Remedies for infringement.
- Administration of copyright.
LAW 336: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
Intellectual and Industrial Property Law II (2nd Semester) Part A:
- Meaning of trade marks.
- Historical development of trade marks legislation in Nigeria.
- Protection of trade marks.
- Trade marks Administration.
- Registration of trade marks.
- Assignment and transmission of trade marks.
- Infringement of trade marks, remedies and defences.
- Jurisdiction over trade marks matters.
- Passing off.
- Meaning of patent.
- Historical development of patent protection.
- Nature and scope of patent protection.
- Patent able invention.
- The patent grant.
- Infringement of patents.
- Administration of patents.
- Jurisdiction.
- Remedies.
- Meaning of industrial designs.
- Historical development of designs protection.
- Registrable designs.
- Designs proprietorship.
- Infringement of industrial designs.
- Administration of industrial designs.
- Jurisdiction.
- Remedies.
- Introduction.
- Legal notions of Property.
- Historical evolution of Land Law in Nigeria.
- Sources of Nigerian Land Law.
- Terminology – Ownership, Possession, Titles, Rights, Liability, Land, etc.
Customary Land Law / Islamic Land Law
- Modes of acquiring title to land, Settlement, Expansion, Loan or Borrowing, Pledge or Paw, Gift, Conquest, Allotment, Kola tenancy.
- Concepts and Ownership of Land.
- Nature of Title to Land.
- Control and Management of Community Land; individual rights and extent of community land tod
- Creation of family land-Nature and extent of member’s right in family land; Control of family land; Alienation of family land; Recovery of family land; Improvement by a member of family Termination of family land.
- An outline of succession to rights in land today.
LAW 418: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units) Legal Regulation of Property
- The Land Use Act- State Control of Land; Grant of Right of Occupancy; what certificate of occupancy connotes; Alienation of certificate of occupancy; Revocation of certificate of occupancy; Compensation for Revocation.
- Relationship between Land Use Act and State Land Law.
- An outline of control of natural resources – minerals water and forests; Agrarian Reforms.
- Rights and interest in land – Freehold, Joint Tenancy, Tenancy in common, Prescription, Laches, Acquiescence, Leasehold, Easements, Profit aprendre, Covenants, Mortgages.
- Registration- Registration of Instruments, Registration of Title.
Equity and Trusts LAW 433: First Semester Part I – (4 Credit Units)
Part I – A. General Principles of Equity
Nature, doctrine and history of equity, its development in England and its introduction to Nigeria, the relation between Equity and Common Law, conflict between Equity and Customary Law, Maxims of Equity, Nature of Equitable Rights and Interest, Priorities, Assignment of Choses in Action, Conversation, Election, Satisfaction.
Part I-B
- Equitable Remedies – Injunctions, Specific Performances, Rescission, Rectification, Delivery up and Cancellation of Documents, Account, Receivership, Restitution.
- Equitable Defences: Estoppel, Laches and Acquisance.
LAW 434: Second Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units) Part I – The Law of Trusts
- Nature and classification of Trusts, the requirements of trust, the constitution of Trusts, Express Private Trust, Charitable Trusts, Constructive Trusts, Protective and Discretionary Trusts (an outline), Trust in Favour of Creditors.
- Appointment of Trustees: Duties and Discretion of Trustees, Power of Trustees, Breach of Trust, Retirement and Removal of Trustees. N.B. The lecturer is authorized to add anything peculiar or local which a lawyer from a given locality is expected to know.
Law of Evidence LAW 435: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
- General introduction.
- Sources of Nigerian Law of Evidence.
- Direct and Circumstantial Evidence.
- Facts in Issue and Relevant Facts.
- Complaints.
- Similar Fact Evidence, Res Gestae.
LAW 436: Second Semester- Part I (4 Credit Units)
- Character Evidence.
- Opinion Evidence.
- Hearsay Evidence.
- Estoppel, Competence and Compellability of Witnesses.
- Privilege Generally.
- Corroboration.
- Burden of proof.
- Documentary Evidence.
- Evidence under Customary Law/ Islamic Law.
Women and Minority Rights LAW 421: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
Women and Minority Rights in International Law
This course will address the efforts of international and municipal legal systems, particularly Nigeria’s, to eliminate discrimination against women in civil, social, economic, political, and cultural aspects of life such as obnoxious practices, vis-a-vis the repugnancy, incompatibility and public policy tests. Nigeria and the international community have granted rights to children, which will be included in this course; minority rights recognized as group rights at the international level.
The primary sources of authority: the Nigerian Constitution of 1999, Civil, Customary and Sharia Laws, cases; The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, (CEDAW) the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the AU Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, other relevant international instruments, e.g. Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.
Methods available to redress grievances by individuals and groups, through the municipal courts and various international fora. Considering that this course will require students to look at international law, they will be given an introduction to the law of treaties, including definition, legal effect of treaties, distinction between treaty and declarations. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties will serve as the primary source of authority.
LAW 422: Women and Minority Rights (4 Credit Units) Women’s Rights in Domestic Law
Women’s rights within the family, marriage, divorce, inheritance and regarding areas of property, and nationality. Women’s reproductive rights (in Re Kasinga (resistance to female circumcision); violence against women, including rape as an instrument of war, and women’s rights in economic life – in the work place, access to credit, loans, etc; children’s rights to education, against abuse and neglect, against exploitation, childlabour. Rights of lesbians, rights of homosexual, HIV/AIDS parents rights of freedom from discrimination.
Law of Energy and Natural Resources LAW 415: First Semester-Part I (4 Credit Units)
- The Origin and Occurrence of Oil and Natural Gas.
- Theories of Ownership of Oil and Gas.
- Interests in Oil and Natural Resources.
- Interests in Oil and Gas-Oil concession, effect of rights of concessionaires on natural gas.
- Expropriation of Rights in Oil and Gas.
- Oil and Gas Pipelines- natural, legal status, conditions for grants, rights and obligation of the licenses.
- Refining of Petroleum Oil.
- Pollution.
- Oil and Gas Revenue Legislation.
- Administration of Petroleum Profits.
- Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).
- State Participation in the Petroleum Industry.
- Manpower Development.
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
LAW 416: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
Examination of laws of environment in the Petroleum and other mineral industries under municipal and international law, government participation in oil and mining industry. Attention is also focussed on the organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the Organization of Petroleum Importing Countries.
Administrative Law. Law 437: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
Nature, Scope and Sources of Administrative agencies and procedure, Relationship between Administrative Law, the Rule of Law, Separation of Powers and Delegation of Powers. Delegated Legislation- its nature, forms making and control thereof.
LAW 438: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
Administrative Adjudication, Powers of Administration- Administrative Invasion by Tribunal of the People’s legal right and delegations- tribunals and inquiries.
Judicial Control of Administration and Judicial power of Administration.
- Ground of Judicial Review eg Ultra Vires, Natural Justice and Error or law.
- Remedies – eg Certiorari, Prohibition, Mandamus, Declaration Injunction, Habeas Corpus, Damages and Appeal, Ombudsman.
- Action by and against the State, Corporations including Local Government Councils.
Law of Arbitration -Part l (4Credit Units) LAW 431: First Semester
This course examines the meaning, scope and nature of arbitration as a dispute resolution method. Attention is also focused on the types of arbitration customary law arbitration, Commercial Law arbitration under the act agreement, reasons for arbitration, appointment and removal of arbitrators, duties and jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals, conduct of arbitral proceedings, arbitration awards and costs of arbitration.
LAW432: Second Semester- Part 11(4 Credit Units)
An examination of the provisions of the law in respect of enforcement of Awards, common law, customary law, and awards pursuant to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. Meaning of international arbitration, (Arbitral institutions, Adhoc Arrangement, Institutional Arbitration Convention) regulation of international arbitration. Recognition and enforcement of international arbitral award in Nigeria. This will also cover areas of challenge and setting aside of international awards in Nigeria, and also the problems of uniform international rules, the applicable laws in international commercial arbitration.
LAW 439: Maritime Law (4 Credit Units) First Semester Part 1
- Introduction.
- Sources of admiralty law.
- Definition of a ship.
- Nature of admiralty jurisdiction.
- Maritime claims.
- Maritime claims under the Admiralty Jurisdiction Act Mode of exercise of jurisdiction.
- In rem claim.
- In personam claim Contracts of Affreightment Implied obligations in a contract of Affreightment Effect of frustration on a contract of Affreightment, The Voyage Charter party.
Law 440: Maritime Law. Second Semester (4 Credit Unit)
The Time Charter party.
Bills of Lading and their functions Application of the Hague Visby Rules.
Exceptions to a Contract of Affreightment Marine Insurance Contract of Indemnity.
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory LAW 527: First Semester – Fart 1 (4 Credit Units)
The Purpose of the Study of Jurisprudence: Nature, Definition and scope of Jurisprudence, Meaning and Functions of Law, Law and social change, Ethics The relation of law to: a. Justice b. Morality c. Religion
The relation of the above concepts to Islamic and Customary Laws.
Sources of Law:
Legislation, Customs, and Judicial Precedents, Nature, Ascertainment, Applicability and the Role of these in Contemporary and early society.
Analysis of Fundamental Legal Concepts
Rights, Duties, Liability, Ownership, Possession, Personality, Liberty.
LAW 528: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units; Theories of Law
- Natural Law School.
- Historical School.
- Positivist Theory.
- Sociological Theory.
- Pure Theory of Law.
- Maxist Theory of Law.
- Indigenous Theories of Concepts of Law- Islamic School of Law.
- Maliki School and Concept of Customary Law.
- Law Reform.
- Codification, Restatement, Adaptation and Unification of Customary Law. k. Judicial activism.
- Introduction to Law Practice
- Ethics
- Human Rights
- Legal Aid
- Law office management
- Legal Research
- Arbitration
- Client Reception Styles:
- Taking instructions
- Opening of Clients’ file
- Client interviewing and Counseling
- Closing of Client’s file
- File management (keeping Records)
- Mobile Legal Clinic
Company Law. LAW 518: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
- Forms of Business Organization, Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Incorporated Companies, Creation and Incidents.
- Formation of Companies, Certificate of incorporation, Pre- incorporation Contracts, Promoter’s Liability.
- Memorandum of Association, Doctrine of Ultra-Vires; Alteration of Memorandum and the Objects clause.
- Articles of Association, Contractual effect of Memorandum and Articles, Alteration of Articles.
- Doctrines of Constructive Notice and Indoor Management.
- Prospectus, Statement in Lieu of Prospectus, Remedies for Misrepresentation.
- Regulation of Company Matters Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
LAW 519: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Company Securities, Shares and Debentures, Becoming and Ceasing to be a shareholder, Transfer of shares, Floating Charges,
- Directors and other Officers, Appointment, Removal, Duties, Rights and Powers.
- Meetings and Resolutions.
- Majority Powers and Minority Rights, Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement.
- Reconstructions and Take-overs, Mergers,
- Winding Up (in outline)
- Partnership, Relation of Partners inter-personal to third parties, Dissolution of Partnership, bu.Privatisation.
Environmental and Planning Law
LAW 513: First Semester Part I (4 Credit Units)
- Sources of Nigeria Environmental Law.
- Sources/ causes of environmental pollution /degradation in Nigeria.
- Policy and Legal response to environmental pollution/ degradation.
- Legal protection of the environmental media: Land, Air and Water at Local Government, State and Federal levels.
- Control of hazardous wastes and substances.
- Environmental Litigation.
LAW 514: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
- Background to the Protection of the Global Environment at the International level.
- Development of International Environmental Law/Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).
- Specific focus on the following global environmental issues:
i. Trans-boundary Movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal,
ii. Climate Change,
iii. Deforestation/ Desertification
iv. Bio-diversity loss
v. Depletion of the Ozone Layer,
4. Issues of Environmental Governance, i.e environmental rights to information and participation, access to justice, etc.
5. International Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), i.e. the Green Peace, WWF, etc.
Public International Law.
Law 520: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units) General Introduction
History and Sources: International and Municipal Law.
Subject of International Law
- States- Nature and classification, recognition of States, governments and belligerents dejure and de facto.
- State succession.
- Territory, Acquisition and loss.
Nationality and domicile, human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Diplomatic Representation
States and functions of diplomatic envoys and consuls, privileges and immunities; Diplomatic missions of international organization. State responsibility and conditions of basic international claims.
LAW 521: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units) State Jurisdiction
Territorial waters, airspace, international servitudes and waterways.
International Agreement
Nature, entry into force, ratification, reservation, interpretation and discharge.
International Organizations
- The United Nations and its Charter- specialized agencies, Disputes, Pacific and non-pacific methods of settlement,
- The Organization of African Unity/African Union
War and Neutrality
- Position of belligerent forces and civilians in war.
- Economic Warfare- on land, sea and in the air.
- The Hague and Geneva Conventions.
- Effects of outbreak of war- persons, actions, contracts, treaties.
- The legal capacity to use force- State, recognized belligerents, and UN.
- The legal claims to make war and UN Charter.
- Obligations
- Position of neutrals.
- Punishment of war crimes-Nuremberg Trials. etc.
Law 534/5 Introduction to Advocacy l & ll (8 Credit Units)
- Introduction to advocacy, its scope and meaning. Advocacy in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Modern trends in advocacy.
- The role of a lawyer in society, Civil Practice and Procedure, commencement of civil action in the magistrates’ courts, and the High court, service of process, and plea. Pleadings, including right of set-off, counter claims, demurrer, etc; Judicial precedent, the hierarchy of courts and law reporting and legal Aid.
- (a) Criminal trial (commencement of in the magistrates’ courts i.e summary trial and trial on information). The proof of guilt.
(b) Evidence- Evidence-in-Chief, cross-examination, re-examination; Enforcement of Judgments and Rules of professional conduct, in outline.
- Duties of counsel to the court, to the client, to the public, the Nigerian Bar Association, to the Body of Benchers, the Ethics and Privileges Committee, etc. The power to punish for contempt, Appeals- High Courts, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court.
Family Law. Law 533: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
Nature of family, including the Extended Family System, the nature and sources of Nigerian Family Law and Succession; Formal and Essential Validity of Statutory Marriage, Void and Voidable Marriages, Dissolution of Marriage under Customary and Islamic Law. Relationship between Parents, Children and the State – Issues from the Child Rights Act 2003.
LAW 534: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
Rectification of Marriage, Judicial Separation, Jactitation of Marriage, Maintenance and Financial Relief, Legitimacy, Custody, Guardianship and Adoption. Basis of Marriage and Divorce, Succession, Testate and Intestate in Customary, Islamic and Statuary laws; Foreign Marriages; Parental Responsibility and Parenthood through Reproductive Technology; Gender perspectives on Law.
Law of Taxation. Law 515: First Semester – Part I (4 Credit Units)
The nature, meaning and various forms of taxation. The general Principles and administration principles and administration of tax and the rules governing residence and ordinary residence tax payers, including individuals, trustees, companies and other business organization. The definition, ascertainment and computation of income for tax purposes, deductions and allowances which may be set against income.
LAW 516: Second Semester – Part II (4 Credit Units)
Different types of tax and duties imposed by governments; Taxing powers of governments; The role of Tax Agencies: FIRS; Problems of Double Taxation, Married Women, and Tax exemption of pensions and gratuities.
Tax treatment of groups of companies, reconstructions, amalgamations and dividends.
Conveyance Law. LAW 511: First Semester-Part I (4 Credit Units)
The course concerns the law relating to the transfer of legal estates and interest in land. It examines capacity of parties, the contract for the transfer of a legal estate or interest in land -leases, mortgages’, assignments. It also deals with the transfer of little to land. The relevance of the study is examined in the light of the land Use Act 1978.
LAW 5ll: Second Semester-Part II (4 Credit Units)
This course examines the content of conveyance. It also considers wills and settlements. The relevance of the study is examined in the light of the Land Act 1978. Transfer of interests under customary Law and Islamic Law are also examined.
GSS101/2: Use of English 1& II (2 Credit Units)
Effective communication and writing in English, language skills, writing of essay answers, comprehension, sentence construction, outlines and paragraphs, collection and organisation of materials and logical presentation, punctuations.
GSS107: Nigeria Peoples and Culture (2 Credit Units)
Study of Nigerian history, culture and arts in pre-colonial times. Nigerian’s perception of his world, culture areas of Nigeria and their characteristics, evolution of Nigeria as a political unit, indigene/settler phenomenon, concepts of trade, economic self-reliance, social justice, individual and national development, norms; and values, negative attitudes and conducts (cultism and related vices) re-orientation of moral environmental problems.
GSS104: History and Philosophy of Science (2 Credit Units)
Man – his origin and nature, man and his comic environment, scientific methodology, science and technology in the society and service of man, renewal and non-renewal resources – man and his energy resources. Environmental effects of chemicals, plastics, textiles, wastes and other materials, chemical and radiochemical hazards, introduction to the various areas of science and technology.
CSE101: Computer Programming I (3 Credit Units)
The essence of this course is to make student computer literate. It will introduce simple computer terminologies to students, and equip them with the background to feed in and retrieve information from the computer. It will also give students some insight into computer programming,
CSE 102: Computer Programming II (3 Credit Units)
Introduction to basic programming, data types – constants and variable, statement types, assignment types, input-output statement, data base management systems, creation, access and storage of files.
LIT 101/102: Literature in English (6 Credit Units)
Aim of the Course
The aim of the course is to help students develop the following skills which will directly or indirectly help them in studying and practising law:
- Critical reading skills,
- Critical analysis skills,
- Logical thinking skills,
- Argumentative/defence skills,
- Writing skills,
- Presentation skills.
Objectives of the Course
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
- List the uses of literature,
- State the major types of literature,
- Define literary analysis,
- List and define the basic elements of the play/novel, plot, character, theme, point of view, narrative mode, structure and styles,
- Define important literary terms.
ECO 101: Principles of Economics 1 (3 Credit Unit)
- The nature and significance of Economics Science- What is economics?
- Basic consumer theory – Utility, Choice, Preference, Demand and Supply; factors affecting demand and supply, elasticity of demand and supply and their applications;
- Elementary theory of cost; production theory, production function, inputs and outputs, returns to proportion, returns to scale,
- Rate of technical substitution; classification of market structures-competitive market, oligopoly monopoly and monopolistic competition wage rate determination.
ECO102: Principle of Economics 11 (3 Credit Unit)
Differences between micro economics and macroeconomics;
- National income determination -Methods of national income determination, uses of national income, problems of national income determination, factors affecting economics growth.
- Inflation – types of inflation, causes of inflation.
- Money and financial institutions Basic principle of international trade.
- Public finance.
- Population, growth and poverty.
ACC.101: Principles of Accounting 1(3 Credit Units)
First Semester:
- Nature of Accounting, Historical development of Accounting; Accounting concept, Bases and policies, Definitions – Accounting, Accountancy, Book- keeping & Accounts, Principles& Conventions.
- Accounting Books & Records; Source Documents, Books of prime Entry, Ledgers & trial balance, Double Entry Book Keeping, “T” Accounts & Columnar Accounts, Capital & Revenue Items, Classification of Accounts .
- Final Accounts for The Sole Proprietor, Income Statement & Balance Sheet, Balance Sheet Equation.
- Adjustments in Final Accounts. Accruals & pre-payments, Provisions for bad and doubtful debts.
- Miscellaneous: Banking Reconciliation Statement & the cash book, Petty Cash Book and the Imprest System.
ACC. 102 Principles of Accounts Ill (3 Credit Units) Second Semester:
- Accounting System, Nature of Accounting Systems, General Journal, Control Accounts, Suspense Accounts, Correction of Errors.
- Preparation of Accounts from Incomplete Records.
- Accounts of non- trading organisation Receipts & payments Accounts, Income and Expenditure Accounts Receipts and Expenditure Accounts.
- Manufacturing Accounts Elements of cost, direct and indirect cost, Production, Distribution and Operational Costs Profit or loss on manufacturing.
- Joint Venture Accounts & Consignment Accounts. Joint venture with “X” Accounts Memorandum Joint Venture Accounts Consignor’s & Consignee’s Accounts.
- Computation of Interest & Commissions.
- Introduction to Partnership Accounts, Partnership Agreement, Profit Sharing & partner’s Capital, Current Interests, Drawings Appropriations Accounts.
MAC 101 &102: Introduction to Mass Communication (6 Credit Units)
First and Second Semesters:
Consideration of mass communication as a sub-type of human communication and overview of the models and elements of communication. Explanation of the communication process, i.e. encoder, receiver, feedback, etc. Definition of Mass Communication and differences between it and intra-and interpersonal communication, traditional communication, etc. Survey of the mass media, including their adjuncts. Examination of the characteristics, functions, contents, operations, and impacts of the different mass media. National mass media systems, and mass communication between/across nations. Basic function of mass communication, such as information, education, persuasion, mobilization, integration, etc. Mass X Communication as a social institution; institutional linkages. The mass media as a development resource. Effects of the mass media on society.
PSC 101/102: Introduction to Political Science l & ll (6 Credit Units)
Government as the agent of community.
Classification of political systems. Ideas of constitutionalism, democracy, authoritarianism, representation, functions of the Executive, Legislature, Judiciary and their interrelationships: Party politics and Pressure Groups. Presidentialism, Unitarianism etc.
PSY 111: Psychology 1 (3 Credit Units) First Semester:
- Introduction to psychology.
- Schools of psychology- Emotion, Motivation, Defence Mechanisms, and Behaviour.
PSY 112: Introduction to Psychology 11 (3 Credit Units) Second Semester:
- Sensory processes (sensation), Perception, Personal differences.
- Psychological basis of behavior.
- Behaviour abnormalities.
- Areas of applied psychology.
SOC 111: Introduction to Sociology l (2 Credit Units) First Semester:
- The development of sociology as an academic discipline.
- Founding fathers of Sociology.
- Schools of thought in Sociology.
- Culture and social communication.
- Socialization.
- Deviance and social control.
SOC112: Introduction to Sociology II (2 Credit Units) Second Semester:
Social institution, Social stratification and mobility, Social change Social problem, Social conflict determination and resolution strategies Social work, Social development, Social policy, Globalization and sociology, Social policy and social research.
GSS. 108/09 Basic Studies in Igbo (2 Credit units) 1.2.
Aims and Objectives
This programme aims at exposing the students to the basic rudiments of Igbo grammar, literature and culture that will prepare them for understanding the behavioural and /or the functional patterns of the language with the ultimate aim of providing them with the enablement for the practical use and application of the language in their daily living and experiences within the Igbo environment and beyond.
GSS.108 First Semester Utoasusu (Language)
- Abichii
- Mkpuruokwu
- Iwu Nsupe
- Onuogu
- Mbuuzo
- Tensi
- Nkowa
- Ntimkpu
Agumagu (Literature)
- NgalabaAgumagu
- AtumatuAgumagu
- Aghotaaza
- Nkowa na ntule Akwukwo a hooro maka ogugu
(a) Akwukwo Abu ‘IjeUwa’
- Nkowa Abu
- Ntule Abu n’uzo di mfe
GSS. 109 Second Semester Nkega Nke Mbu Omenala
- Ekele n’ala Igbo
- Ofufe na nsopuru n’ala Igbo
- llu di na nwunye
- Aru na Nsoala n’ala Igbo
- Igbaafa n’ala Igbo
- Izulite Umuaka
- Igu oge
- Ezinaulo
- Ochichi Obodo
- Egwu Onwa
- Nri ndi Igbo
- Inyeaka n’ala Igbo
- lle Obia n’ala Igbo
Nkega nke abua
Agumagu (Literature)
- Mkpolite Agumagu
- Agumagu Ederede