In view of the scope of responsibilities to be shouldered for the realization of the objectives of the University, other organs such as Works Services, Physical Planning, Medical and Health Services were created. For the attainment of academic goals, organs were created to ensure quality control. These which Were originally part of the Registry functions, over the years, have evolved into distinct Units that have direct responsibility to the Vice-Chancellor, such as Academic Planning and Physical Planning. Other areas of corporate interest such as community relations, media relations, alumni relations, security matters, legal matters, as well as advancement and development have emerged to further increase the complexity of the University as an organization.
The foregoing key officers of the University cannot achieve the administrative support role alone. They, of necessity, work with large number of subordinates in various units of the Registry, Bursary, Library, Works, Physical Planning, Faculties, Departments, Medical Clinics, Directorates, Laboratories, and so on.