Course Description (Postgraduate Program)


FRE 501:    Advanced Oral French

This course encourages oral participation by students, thereby enhancing fluency in French Language. It comprises oral exercises such as «exposé, commentaries de  texte, débats », etc.






FRE 502:     Research Methods

An introduction to the use of research, library facilities, the techniques of referencing and the presentation of materials in dissertation form.


FRE 503:     Literary Criticism in French

An introduction to the various approaches with special emphasis on thematic approach.


FRE 511:    General Linguistics

The course focuses attention on the rudiments of general linguistic theories and methods. Types of communication; nature functions and varieties of language; branches of language; branches of linguistics; definition of key concepts, etc.




FRE 512A:    Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of French

This course acquaints students with the socio-pedagogical contexts of learning texts, vocabulary, and grammatical functions of French as a foreign language.


FRE 512B: Psycholinguistics

A critical study of the relation between language and psychology, with emphasis on language acquisition.


FRE 513:    French Grammar and stylistics

A thorough revision of grammatical and stylistic resources for effective translation from French to English and vice versa.


FRE 514: Advanced Essay Writing in French

This course aims at training the students in logical presentation of ideas, arguments through writing long essays in French on subjects preferably original and related to any area of French studies.


FRE 521: 19th Century French Literature

A study of the various literary genres of the 19th century French Literature such as “Pre-Romantisme, Romantisme, Naturalisme”, etc.




FRE 522: 20th Century French Literature

A study of the various literary genres of the 20th century French Literature such as “Existentialisme, Surrealisme, etc.


FRE 531: African Francophone Literature

An in-depth study of the works of representative writers of African Francophone Literature in the various genres.


FRE 532: Caribbean Francophone Literature

An in-depth study of the works of representative writers of Caribbean Francophone Literature in the various genres.


FRE 541: African Oral Literature in French

This course focuses attention on the oral tradition of African Anglophone and Francophone literature with in-depth study of major literary works of representative of the two worlds.


FRE 561: Advanced Translation
This course involves a continuous practice in translation: French/English/French; heoretical and practical approaches of bilingual person to the process of translation, summary writing, etc.


FRE 562: World Literature in Translation

An in-depth study of some works written in other languages but translated into French.


FRE 563:       Special Problems in Practical Translation

The student practices translation from and into French with special focus on identifying possible problem areas and finding solution of general application.


FRE 564:       Translation of Literary Texts

This course concentrates fully on the special methods and skills needed for literary translation from French into English and offers practice with a variety of texts.


FRE 565:     Translation of non-literary texts  

Comprehensive practice in various texts from technical, scientific, administrative and political contexts and introduction to the problems of translation of specialized codes.


FRE 566:        Translation of Document

A special practice in format, phraseology and technical language, in the translation of various types of documents and certificates.




FRE 581:  Project/Dissertation

A long essay in MLA style sheet on a topic in French studies chosen by the student and approved by the supervisor. The essay should show a well researched original work and make a contribution to knowledge.





(Each may be used solely or in combination with other(s)



Literary Theory and Criticism

The development of literary criticism and theory informs every aspect of literary studies especially at the post-graduate levels.  This course examines the diversities of critical issues and approaches at

the basis of differing theories of literature and practices of criticism – biography, chronology, sources, influences and bibliography in relation to literature, the intersections of literature and other disciplines, etc.  Literature’s interactions with philosophy, psychology, sociology, ideology and the way literary theories are enriched by inter-disciplinary thrusts will be discussed.


The theory and practice of literary criticism as they have evolved in various parts of the world since Aristotle will be examined.  Authors and texts will be studied from recent perspectives.  Theories such as formalism, structuralism, post-formalism, post-structural and Reader-response theory will be critiqued.  More modern and contemporary criticism and theories that will be studied include semiotics, Deconstruction, post construction, Gender theories, inter-textuality, psycho-analysis and symbolism.


Students will study specific classical and modern critics of France as illustrations of the ideas introduced into literary theory and criticism from the Francophone world.  There will be an assessment of the modern an contemporary periods as the melting pot of all theories and practices over the ages.

African Literary Theory and Criticism

A study that builds on Literary Theory and Criticism generally.  It examines the varying discourses on literary theorization and practical criticism of African literature from the colonial period to the present.  Examination and evaluation of theories, poetics and aesthetics of both oral written literatures as developed on African and black Literatures of the world.  Specific attention will  e paid

to literary theories and practical criticisms as engaged in by and black writers and critics themselves.


Research Methodology

This course seeks to guide students towards A successful planning and execution of their research projects.  It critically presents of research methods and approaches, exposing students to the challenges of research.  Issues of emphasis include editing, authenticity, plagiarism, interpretation, original research and documentation.  It equips students and prepares them for thesis writing.  It aims at the conceptualization, identification and clear formulation of research problems, objectives and hypothesis.  It focuses on the classification and analysis of data collected, and sheds light on the investigation and identification of appropriate methods, parameters and paradigms for structuring theses within specified theoretical framework.


The West African Novel in French Before Independence A study of prose works, especially the novel, written by West African authors (Senegal to Cameroun) stressing among other things, the emergence of written prose in modern African culture and the different trends that are visible in the subjects of those work Short stories, especially translation and adaptations from traditional literature will be studied.  A study of the works relating them to the role of written Literature in the modern African situation.  Special works will be studied in detail especially in relation to the category in which their subjects are grouped.


The Literature of Disillusionment:  The West African Novel in French Since Independence

Attention will be focused on the departure from ‘commitment’ as demonstrated in pre- Independence poetry and fiction, from the fight against assimilation to the re-definition of new goals requiring not only a rejection of the imported values, but also a re-assessment of traditional culture.  New trends in the concept of Africana, the new literature and the description of post-independence socio-political reality  will be given attention.


Theatre Drama in Francophone Africa

A study of written drama in Francophone Arica.  Emphasis will be laid on the epic-historical orientation of the genre, the struggle for independence, the influence of French Drama on African Drama in French and the new orientations in Francophone Africa Drama.  Specific dramatists will be studied$.


Afro-Caribbean Literature in Colonial Times

A study of the tradition of commitment in Francophone poetry and fiction; its origin, its aims and objectives, its artistic as well as ideological achievements; the Negritude philosophy in poetry and

fiction and the novel in the struggle for politico-cultural independence Reacted by a rapidly changing social reality.


The African Diaspora Literature in French

A study of Afro-Caribbean literature stressing two importance Issues: Africa traditional culture in Francophone literature written in the New World; influence of the New World on African artists  using the same language.  Issues like the Negron Renaissance in the New World, the search for cultural identity etc. will be related to contemporary developments in Africa and in France.  Specific Caribbean works will be studied to illustrate the search for cultural identity.


Feminism/Womanism and Francophone Female African Writers

The number of Francophone female writers, especially novelists, has increase considerably in recent times to merit singular critical attention.  This course will therefore discuss feminist/woman) st theories from their origins, specifying their aims and achievements with relation to women’s experiences especially As regards the literary field.  The theoretical exposition will be following by a detailed study of the works of any two Francophone female Africa writers who have made their mark on the literary scene.


Issues and Problems of Comparative Literature

An introduction To the general issues and problems of Comparative literature; history and methods; evaluation, history of ideas, style and taste, stylistics, psychoanalysis and archetypes; image studies, sociology of arts, genre theory, thematic, moral criticism and structuralism.


Influences, Schools and Movements in Literatures

A study of relationship, links, influences between authors, literatures periods, etc.  Here by international dimensions of comparative literature will receive special attention.  Subject like classicism, romanticism, realism, negritude, revolt, commitment, disillusionment are samples of viable topics.


Theme Study in African Literature

A study of significant themes in literature of Africa with appropriate selection of works and authors. Themes such as culture, fracas, revolt, violence, marriage and politics in literary works will be considered.


Literature and the Interdisciplinary Pursuit

Emphasis in this course will be on the interdisciplinary aspect of comparative study.  Connections may be found between literature and other disciplines such as Psychology, Sociology, Law, History, Linguistics, Music, application of modern technology such as film, the computer etc.  This study may utilize any knowledge in these other disciplines in the elucidation of the content and the analysis of the form of literary texts.


The Age of Enlightenment in French Literature

From classicism to pre-romanticism, the age of Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau.  Emphasis will be laid on the ideas propagated as well as on the distinctive elements and qualities visible in the works of the main writers.  The dominate preoccupation of the age he age of rationalism and ideas-will be highlighted especially through the works o the ‘Philosophers’ (intelligentsia) such as the Encyclopaedia.


From Rousseau to Romanticism

A study of the movement from philosophical rationalism to a pre-romantic rehabilitation of the senses in the works of JJ. Rousseau, in romantic poetry drama and fiction and their distinguishing characteristics.  Works by Hugo, Vigny and Musset as illustrations of their specific contributions to the body of writing  and ideas belonging to the Romantic Movement will be studied.


The Novel in Nineteenth Century France

From romantic to realist faction: a study of themes, ideas and aesthetic theories that preoccupy the French novelist in the 19th century, realism and positivism in faction; the novelist as scientist, philosopher and aesthetician; the hero and the unheroic hero in 19th century French fiction, Flaubert and the French novel.


Aspects of Twentieth Century French Literature

Selected authors from the 20th century will b studied partly in the light of he new consciousness aroused ‘y the First World War as well as o a persisting catholic humanism.  Attention will be focused on the literature of revolt and revolution typified by the works of Camus and Sartre.  The Noveau Roman and the French Avant-garde Theatre, and the Theatre of the Absurd, will be studied.



Phonetics and Phonology of French

The course involved the description of the sounds of French, German or Portuguese, their organization into a phonological system and provides the students extensive practice in their perception and production.  The segmental and supra-segmental aspects of the sounds will be presented as closely connected units of system.


Applied Linguistics

The course aims at studying the application of the findings of General Linguistics and other related disciplines to the teaching of foreign languages.  It seeks to train the students to prepare, evaluate and adapt foreign language teaching materials to specific needs.


Foreign Language Research Methodology

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the techniques and linguistic tools needed for research in foreign language studies.  Students will be exposed to investigations in the areas of linguistics, translation and the teaching of foreign language.


Morphology and Syntax of French

The course deals with the description of the morphological processes and syntactic patterns of foreign languages.  The formal tools and concepts required for this description will be presented

using various models.  Attention will be paid to the basic sentence structures and their relationships.


Theories and Methods Translation

This course examines critically translation theories and methods as they have been practiced from early times to date.  It looks at different types of translation and focuses on what the task o the translator is.  The necessarily comparative nature of translation will also be dwelt upon.


Semantics and Pragmatics

The course focuses on the study of meaning in general and in French, German or Portuguese languages in particular, at the word, sentence and discourse levels.


Translation: French into English

The course provides students with ample practice in translating different types of texts, ranging from literary to technical ones from French German/Portuguese into English.


Machine Translation

This course provides students with relevant insights into the development and use of machine for automatic translations. It also looks at the various problems associated with machine translation and their possible remedies.


Advanced Studies in Literary Translation                        

This intensive course aims at improving students’ translation skills, while familiarizing them with a wide range of literary texts from various genres.


Advanced Studies in Non-Literary Translation                

This course introduces students to a wide range of administrative, legal, commercial and technical texts, and to the translation of national and international documents.  Special attention is paid to the stylistic peculiarities of the various texts.


Translation: English into French

This course provides students with ample  practice in translating different types of texts ranging from literary to technical ones from English into French/German/Portuguese.


Ph.D. Courses

Seminar  in Literature I

The seminar involves a close examination of modern literature particularly African Literature in foreign languages: English, French and Portuguese, with the aim of discussing issues that are particular interest to critics and researchers.


Seminar in Literature II

The seminar will be one subject to be taken from the student’s field of research.  It should normally involve highlighting and discussing the main issues that will feature in the thesis.


French Phonology

The course will examine the phonological system and the sound patterns of the French language, theories of phonological analysis such as he phonemic approach, the distinctive approach and the prosodic systems.  The articulatory, auditory and acoustic analysis of French shall be made.


French Syntax

This course will study some theories of grammar and will apply these theories to make an in-depth study of some aspects of the syntax of French.  These will include passivation, the syntax of the auxiliary, nominalization, pronominalisation, relativisation and interrogation.


French Morphology

The course will consider in detail the various morphological processes involved in word formation and word structure in French.  Models for morphological description will be examined as well as

interactions between morphology, syntax and phonology on the principles of word-level grammar in structural and post-structural linguistics.



The course will consider various theoretical approaches to the study of meaning in French, the formal nature of semantic representation and the interaction between the semantic and syntactic components.  The course will also treat the nature of theoretical evidence and argumentation vis-à-vis semantic description.


Foreign Language Acquisition

This course will examine the theoretical and practical issues relevant to the teaching and learning of second and foreign language: general theories of language learning, the role of the first language in the acquisition of other language, cognitive and socio-cultural variable at play, contrastive analysis, error analysis, language teaching methods etc.


Advanced Theories of Translation

Various theories of translation will be presented and evaluated in this course.  Some works will be examined in their original and translated versions, serving to illustrate different approaches to translation.  The course is also partly conceived of as a comparative stylistic study of the French and English languages, ad selected aspects of the vocabulary and syntax of the two languages will be thoroughly examined.


Bilingualism, Multilingualism and Interpretation

The aim of this course is to acquaint the students with the concepts of bilingualism and multilingualism and their implications for interpretation.

Contrastive Analysis

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the various techniques and methods of contrastive studies in linguistics.  The history of contrastive studies will be surveyed.  The course will review the theoretical significance of contrastive analysis to translation, language typology and universals, and to Applied and General Linguistics.