RHR 611 Old Testament and Human Relations in Recent Study 3 Credits
Old Testament modern criticism. Literary forms and their cultural settings. Canonical and structural criticisms for human relations.Transmission of the Old Testament: The Scandinavian school. Development of Old Testament ideas – G. V: Rad.
RHR 612 Biblical Hebrew Prose I 3 Credits
Translation of Hebrew texts and commentaries on passages connected with the Pentateuch. Gen 1-6; Ex 20-26.
RHR 613 Biblical Hebrew Prose II 3 Credits
Translation of Hebrew texts and commentaries on passages connected with prophecy in Israel. Amos 3-10; Isaiah 6-15.
RHR 614 Documents from Old Testament Background and Human Relations 3 Credits
Biblical archaeology. Archeological documents relating to the study of Old Testament: Ras Shamra texts, Amarna letters, Cyrus Cylinder, Nuzi and Mari texts.
RHR 615 Biblical Hebrew Poetry 3 Credits
Hebrew texts and commentaries on passages connected with the writings. Psalm 1-20.
RHR 616 Old Testament Theology 3 Credits
The concept of Old Testament theology. Method of studying Old Testament Theology. Relationship between Old and New Testament. Centre of the Old Testament. Object of Old Testament Theology. Old Testament beliefs, practices and institutions as background to Christian faith.
RHR 617 Literature of the Old Testament 3 Credits
Extent and non-extant literatures. Canonical and non-canonical books. Qumran documents. The varied nature of Old Testament literature: Diversity in literary types, time perspective and themes. Texts and versions of the Old Testament.
RHR 618 African Old Testament Scholarship and Human Relations 3 Credits
Old Testament studies in African context. The challenges of Old Testament scholarship in African Churches in Africa and their view and usage of Old Testament. Africanization of Old Testament for national and continental development.
RHR 711Old Testament Authorship and Inspiration 3 Credits
Divine Origin of Scripture. Human origin of Old Testament. The Relationship between the Divine and Human origin of Old Testament. Nature and extent of inspiration.
RHR 712 Old Testament Hermeneutics and Human Relations 3 Credits
Hermeneutics. Literal sense of scripture and common fallacies. More than literal exegesis. Christian interpretation of the Old Testament.
RHR 713 Old Testament Religious Institutions 3 Credits
Priesthood Temple. Patriarchal and Mosaic places of worship. Altars and sacrifices. The Sabbath Pre-exilic and later OT feasts. Synagogue.
RHR 714 Old Testament Pseudoepigrapha, Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls 3 Credits
Pseudoepigrapha, Jewish Apocrypha. Qumran discoveries. Qumran life and thoughts. Rabbinic literature. Eschatology and messianism.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the students applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 621 Exegetical Study of a Gospel Text: John or Any Other 3 Credits
Study of the Greek Text of John’s Gospel. Scope and Purpose. Various approaches to the enigma of John’s Gospel. Social Context – the Johnannine community and audience. Exegesis of selected passages. Importance of John’s Gospel for the missionary Church today.
RHR 622 Exegetical Study of a Pauline Letter: Romans, Corinthians, Galatians or Any Other 3 Credits
Study of the Greek Texts. Critical Problems. Exegesis. Selected Questions and their Relevance for African Context.
RHR 623 Exegetical Study of a Pastoral Letter or Letter to the Hebrews 3 Credits
Study of the Greek Text of the Pastoral Letters or Hebrews. Critical Problems. Exegesis and Theology. Major themes and their relevance for Christianity in Africa
RHR 624 Exegetical Study of Acts of the Apostles
3 Credits
Study of the Greek Text of the Acts of the Apostles-Author, scope and purpose. History of the criticism of Acts. Exegesis and Theology. Major issues in the Book and their relevance for Christianity in Africa today.
RHR 625 Critical Problems and Methods in the New Testament 3 Credits
The Synoptic Problem; Relation between the Synoptic Gospels and Fourth Gospel; Relation between the Acts of the Apostles and Paul’s letters; Form-Criticism and Redaction-Criticism; Emergent Christianity against the Jewish and Hellenistic Backgrounds; and Interpretation of the New Testament in an African Context.
RHR 626 The Parables of Jesus in Contemporary African Setting 3 Credits
The parables as a literary genre in the Ancient World. Structures of the parable, purpose, meaning and Characteristics. Basic Principles in Interpretation. Hermeutical consideration of some parables in the African context. This course also will highlight on the following:
- Major contemporary approaches to the study of gospel miracles and parables
- Gospel miracles and the laws of nature
- Study of parables in the literary sense in the Ancient Near East.
- Structure, purpose and meaning of miracles and parables of Jesus.
- Use of miracles and parables in Jesus ministry
- Parables and proverbs: Comparisons and contrasts.
- Hermeneutic principles of Jesus miracles and parables in African context.
RHR 627 Gospel Miracles and Faith Healing Today
3 Credits
Contemporary approaches to the study of gospel miracles. Gospel miracles as a sign of God breaking into history. Faith healing today in the light of gospel material.
RHR 628 The Pauline Missionary Programme
3 Credits
A critical study and analysis of Paul’s Missionary Strategies especially in his second mission to Asia Minor, the mission to Macedonia, Philippi. Thessalonica and Beroea in the light of the issues and methods/approaches in Contemporary missiology in Africa.
RHR 721 The Quest for Historical Jesus 3 Credits
Seeking the person, teaching and real impact of Jesus beneath and through the gospel redactions. The preaching of Jesus and his stance towards God. Various schools and directions in the search for the historical Jesus. Future of the Quest. Relevance of the problem to the Church in Africa.
RHR 722 Theology and Ethics of The New Testament
3 Credits
Study of the Theology and Ethics of the Synoptic Gospels, the Letters of Paul and the Johannine Literature in the New Testament.
RHR 723 The Resurrection 3 Credits
Problems concerning the interpretation of the Resurrection. Survey of various interpretations. Exegesis of Resurrection texts. Meaning of the Resurrection for Christian Life today in the African context.
RHR 724 Women in New Testament Tradition and the African Understanding 3 Credits
A study of the position of women in Jesus’ Ministry and Pauline Tradition. Study of the prominent ways in which women have found theological voice and have allowed the wisdom of faith to be rooted in their lives. Critical study of rights, dignity and values of women in the contemporary Church and African context. The future of the quest for Feminist Theology.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the student’s applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 631 African Church Historiography 3 Credits
The nature of historical writing, historical methods and problems of interpretation. The meaning of history, history as science and art, bias and moral judgements in historical interpretation, conceptual scheme and the peculiar problem of church history.
RHR 632 The Early Christianity in North Africa
3 Credits
The coming of the Church into North Africa, contributions of the early Church Fathers, the encounter of the Church with African societies and the Islamic challenges, the failure of the Church and its lasting heritage. Emphasis will be placed on the Coptic Churches.
RHR 633 Themes on the Missionary Enterprise and African Response – West Africa 3 Credits
(See below- RHR 534 for course content)
RHR 634 Themes on the Missionary Enterprise and African Response – East and North Africa or Central and Southern Africa 3 Credits
Thematic approach presuming some knowledge of African Church history with a focus on the home base of missionary group, motives, pattern of expansion, strategies, theology of mission, relations with traders and the colonial power, relation with African societies; pattern of indigenous response. Contemporary issues in Mission: Indigenisation, rivalry, co-operation and Church unity, the Church and social justice and the Independent Churches.
RHR 635 Reconstructing Local Christian History in Nigeria 3 Credits
The aim of the course is to prepare students for field work. It will focus on methods and problems in oral traditions and other aspects of local Church history.
RHR 636 The Growth of Christianity Igboland
3 Credits
One prelude, the years of growth; the Catholic Church; the Anglicans, the Presbyterians, the Methodists. The smaller Churches. Discussion on the emergence of Christianity in other ethnic group in Nigeria should be considered.
RHR 637 History and Growth of African Christianity
3 Credits
This course attempts a study of the origin and growth of African Christianity in its total religious, socio-political and cultural contexts with the aim of determining the African Christian spirituality since the attainment of religious independency from the mission churches. The course also helps to point the way for the church to exist in post-Christian era in Africa. The course thus begins by examining the basic causative factors responsible for the rise of Independent Churches in Africa (with case studies of “African” and “Ethiopian” church) and New Christian Religious Movements (with case studies of “African” and “Ethiopian” churches) and New Christian Religious Movements (with case-studies of mass movements and initiative of prototype prophets and evangelists). The course also examines such issues as continuity and unresolved conflicts in African Christianity; the origins and problems in African Christian Theology; inculturation and its obstacles in African cultural heritage; Liberation theology and African Christianity. The course ends with a manifesto on the significance of modern African Christianity.
The following themes will be discussed: Theories and Dynamics of Change. The Challenge of proliferation of churches; Pentecostalism new cleavages; New Religious Movements, New wave of Revival in Nigeria; Laity in the life of the Church; Ecumenism, charisms and services; small church communities and ministry in the African Church; Restructuring of African Church on the principle of Democracy and Human Rights; putting an end to African Church’s Dependency syndrome.
RHR 638 Themes in African Contemporary Church History 3 Credits
Discussions will be carried out on a number of issues-new Religious movements, ecumenism, self and group identity, Christianity in dialogue with other faith-groups in society, Christianity without churches and clerics, globalization, scientific development and political realities of the times.
RHR 731 Humanity and the Society 3 Credits
A look at what is man and his environment-past and present. The issues of particularity, globalization, nationalism, and relations. Problems of interpretation, bias and analysis.
RHR 732 The Dynamics of the Rise and Growth of Christianity in Africa 3 Credits
This course is aimed at examining the origins and growth of European missionary brand of Christianity in Africa. It thus attempts a survey of the early Christian beginnings in North, East-Central and South African sub-regions. It examines the European missionary patterns of evangelism and the African responses; the conflict and cohesion in mission communities in Africa; the inter-relationships between the European missionaries and the colonial masters and settlers in the Christianization in Africa; and the influence of colonialism on the growth of mission communities. The course concludes with a critical assessment of the European missionary contributions to the growth of Christianity in Africa. The nature and purpose of history. History as a web in multilateral knowledge: History, science and technology, History and society; history and religion; peculiarity of Christian history. Changing perspectives in responsible and disruptive human attitudes.
RHR 733 Pentecostalism in Africa 3 Credits
The course provides a historical development of Pentecostalism as a global phenomenon as it affects Africa, global shift of Christianity in Africa and the role of Pentecostal churches in Africa. It pays attention particularly on Pentecostal growth, strategies of growth, leaders and the role of the media in propagating Pentecostalism.
RHR 734 History and Heroes 3 Credits
Who is a hero? The factors in the making of heroes. Heroes and impact in the history of their communities. African communities and enduring heroism. Dynamic principles in the formation of heroes.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the students applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 641 A Critical Study of Approaches to the Study of African Traditional Religion and Human Relations
3 Credits
The course consists of critical analysis of methodologies so far used by various scholars in the studies of various aspects of ATR. Reviews of the books connected with each type of methodology. Development of a viable methodology of ATR in the recent time. So the course will focus on recent articles and book reviews on the issue.
RHR 642 Phenomenological Study of African Traditional Religion 3 Credits
The principles of the Phenomenological Studies of African Traditional Religion. The Phenomenological studies of the Supreme Being, Some Deities, and Oracles in the Religious Systems of some African Ethnic groups. The course applies also the phenomenological methods to the study of African Traditional religion with emphasis on the sacred and profane in ATR, divinities, myths, rituals, witchcraft, sorcery and sacrifices, taboos and traditional medicine.
RHR 643 Symols, Rites and Rituals in African Traditional Religion and Human Relations 3 Credits
Study of some African Religious symbols like shrines and sacred objects. Different types of rites like magical rights, divination rites, rites of passage, sacrificial rites. The hermeneutics of African symbols and rites.
RHR 644 Healing in African Traditional Religion
3 Credits
The concept of Sickness and Healing in African traditions. Healing in African World-Views. Wholistic approach to healing. Various types of healing. The role of the medicine man in traditional healing. The course examines also cross-cultural comparative studies of different divination systems and spirit possession cults in African traditional religion and Afro-American cults. It traces the African roots of spirit possession cults in the new world especially voodism in Haiti and Brazil and finds parallels with African settings.
RHR 645 Religious Leadership in African Traditional Religion 3 Credits
The priests, Prophets, Diviners, Medicine Men, Kings and other Office holders. The religious social and cultural roles of these leaders in the traditional setting and the impact of change on their traditional roles.
REL 646 Impact if Change on African Traditional Religion 3 Credits
The impact of change brought by combined forces of Colonialism, Evangelization, Westernisation, Continuities and Discontinuities. Theories of Conversion. Interaction with Christianity and Islam. Conflict and Dialogue.
REL 647 African Traditional Religious Ideas 3 Credits
The religious and moral world-view as centred on life. The various aims of the traditional religious life-style. The philosophy of the traditional Religion as seen and practices through proverbs, idioms and wise-sayings. The problem of life as demonstrated by the Traditional Religion etc. The course examines the historical development of religious ethical teachings; it investigates the sources of religious ethics, including God, divinities, natural law, customs, education, taboos, prohibitions, sanctions, myths, folklores, fairy tales, fables, proverbs, professional codes of ethics, and oracle. The ethics is taught by methods of oral traditions, plays, story telling, apprenticeship and imitation. Conflict with modern system of ethics and its decline will be examined comparatively.
RHR 648 African Traditional Religion Shrines and Deities 3 Credits
The course examines some popular Traditional Religious Shrines and Deities across Africa. Some famous shrines and Deities in Nigeria as well as their influence on the socio-religious, politico-economic and moral lives of the people will be studied.
RHR 771 Advanced Studies on Principles and Methods of Research in Religion and Human Relations 3 Credits
The course examines the different methods of data collection in African Traditional Religious Research. Highlights on oral tradition in myths, legends, folktales, proverbs, idioms as well as other primary and secondary sources will be studied. Then significant interpretative approaches in the study of ATR like the Area Culture Approach, Phenomenological Approach, Descriptive and Multi-dimensional Approaches shall be examined. The course will discuss the inherent issues connected with the nature of African traditional religions, as well as the evolution of the systematic study and their implications for methodology and conceptual scheme. It will also treat various substantial aspects of the traditional religions of the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, including;
- General features of traditional African myths
- Traditional cosmology and gender
- Principal traditional religious beliefs
- Traditional ritual, symbolism, iconography and festivals
- Traditional religious personages and officials
- Divination, healing and witchcraft
RHR 742 African Traditional Religious World View and the Quest for African Authenticity 3 Credits
The course examines ATR world-view as a basis for Africa’s value scales and attitudinal orientations. Theories of Africanity are studied for better understanding of African personality and identity.
RHR 743 Globalization and African Traditional Religion 3 Credits
The course examines the meaning-content of Globalization and its effects on ATR. The issue of culture contacts, implications and results in human societies and especially in ATR will be x-rayed.
RHR 744 African Traditional Religious Renaisance
3 Credits
The course examines the quest for the revival of ATR culture. Some African key religious festivals across Africa and their impact on the lives of the people will be studied. Also the future of ATR will be treated.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the students’ applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 651 Basic Elements in Religion and Society
3 Credits
The infinite being and various concepts of Him, intrinsic and extrinsic qualities, Existence, Transcendence and Immanence. Various myths on the supreme being’s relation to man and man’s affairs. The concept of life, death, eschatology, reward, punishment, community and society, social structures and social systems, culture, social differentiation, mobility, status and norms. Symbols and rituals, concept of political sociology.
RHR 652 Change in Religion and Society 3 Credits
Theories of social change; the nature and kind of change, theories of religious change; Forces of change; impact of social change; Impact by religions on society, social and religious dynamics. Social behaviourism in respect of the holy and the profane. This course examines the religious theories of Comte. Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Freud as related to the meanings and functions of religion in society. It seeks to appropriate their insights as they apply to social development in Africa and religious factors underlying human personality and human relations.
RHR 653 Ethics and Values in Society I 3 Credits
Some principles of ethic; conscience; fundamental option, Religion and promotion of culture; Decalogue in current perspective, Justice in African context, Moral and Theological Virtues, Sins as infidelity to the demands of a relationship; Duties of the state and rights of the citizens Ethical dialogue with secular man, brotherhood of the human race etc.
RHR 654 Ethics and Values in Society II 3 Credits
Bioethics-ethical issues in medicine and Health-care. Morality and Human sexuality; Meaning and purpose of Human sexuality; the mystery of sexuality. Sexual perversion and the society; Rights and obligation in business, Ethical issues in Business, Justice, Truth telling and Honesty in Business, Morality and labour relations. The worker and his work, management and morality.
RHR 655 Problems of Man and His Society 3 Credits
Man a multi-dimensional entity. Man his rights and duties. Man’s social, psychological and Religious problems and their solutions, physical problems, sickness, deprivations, misfortunes and death. Environmental problems of erosion, desertification, poverty, oppression, epidemic etc. The problem of evil. Public and private property. The community of Nations and International Law.
RHR 656 Institutionalization of Religion 3 Credits
The concept explained; Religious experiences, Religious dissatisfaction, Religious commitments, Charisma, group formation, creed, cult, sects, denominational churches, proliferation of churches and its consequences, Religious pluralism, civil Religion and new Religious movements. Religion and culture.
RHR 657 Religious Interpretations of Social Institutions
3 Credits
The student is exposed to the influence, dynamics and consequences of Religion in such institutions as the family, education, politics, economy and Health care. It is expected that these institutions are interpreted in the light of various religions.
RHR 658 Religious Conflicts 3 Credits
Meaning of Conflict and Religious Conflicts. Causes of Religious Conflicts. Types of Religious Conflicts. Characteristics features of Religious Conflicts. Religious Conflicts and National Development, Resolution of Religious Political, Economic, and Ethnic Conflicts in Nigeria and the International Community through Dialogue.
RHR 751 Human Rights and Dignity 3 Credits
The course deals with issues of human rights at various levels. The emergence of human rights, the right of life and death penalty, the right to legal justice, the right to migrate, right to religious freedom, economic justice for all, right to property, rights of the unborn, the weak, different races and sexes, the aging; Human rights in Christian social thought, option for the poor, right to work and to just wage and to decent working condition etc.
RHR 752 Justice in Society 3 Credits
The course deals with contemporary issues in justice in the society. The foundations of justice, teaching of scripture and theology on justice, Christian virtue of justice, African especially Igbo conception of justice, justice seeking in a changing world, social needs and injustices, restitution, its obligation and ways to fulfill it, structural injustice, justice in the kingdom of God, secular approaches to justice etc. will be treated.
RHR 753 War and Peace in the Modern World
3 Credits
This course deals with issues of war and peace in the contemporary society. Such topics as: ubiquity of conflict, conflict resolution, morality of war, justice in warfare, holy wars, slavery of war, treatment of prisoners of war, armaments, the Bible and War; Christianity and war, strategy and legitimacy of war, just war revisited, blessed are the peace-makers, towards a culture of peace, pacifism and non-violence etc. will be treated.
RHR 754 Christian Ethics, Ecology, Medicine and Genetics 3 Credits
The course will deal with issues related to environmental ethics and bioethics. It will also study: creation ethics, Ecojustice and Stewardship, contraception, Abortion, New Reproductive Technologies, Postponing Death, Active Euthanasia, Assisting Suicide, Organ and Tissue Transplantation, Access to Health Care etc.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the students applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph. D Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 661 Methods, Theories and Orientation in Theology
3 Credits
The course introduces the students to the pluralism that defines recent approaches to theology, while examining their strengths and weaknesses. The emerging third world theologies will also be studied.
RHR 662 African Theologies 3 Credits
African theology is the theology that addresses the problems of Africans. It seeks to reflect on faith using African thought forms, categories and symbolisms drawn from African cultures. This will include interpretations of Christ in Africa. The students are introduced to different trends in African theology, contextual theology, African inculturation theology, Black theology, liberation theology etc.
RHR 663 Problems of Christian Theology 3 Credits
This will include an examination of major Christian theological doctrines such as revelation, God, Christ, the Trinity, Creation, Fall, Sin, Salvation, Grace, etc. The course will try to provide the students with an opportunity to explore and discuss particular Christian concepts and doctrines in which they are interested in the African context.
RHR 664 Fundamentals of Christian Ethics 3 Credits
The concept of morality and value, Distinctiveness of Christian Ethics. End of man and purpose of life will be studied. The moral teachings of the OT and NT; Conscience, Situation Ethics and Fundamental Option; Sin, Virtues, Justice in African Context, Christ and the moral life, Evolution of Christian Ethics and biblical renewal of Christian Ethics. Lectures will attempt to highlight the relation between African and Christian Ethics.
RHR 665 Pastoral Theology 3 Credits
Modern approaches in pastoral care are studied. Relation between Theology and Ministry are examined also the problem of inculturating the Sacraments in Africa. Special studies of some Patristic writings and Teachings of the Vatican II are made as well as mutual relation between Liturgy and Theology and inculturating them in Africa.
RHR 666 Contemporary Orientations and Problems in Christian Ethics 3 Credits
Changing perspectives in responsible human attitudes. The relevance of the Ethical teaching of Jesus. Absolute norms in Christian Ethics. Inviolability of Human Life. Politics and Morality; Christian Conscience. Sin as Infidelity. Ethical issues in Medicine; Moral aspects of Human Sexuality; Ethical issues in Business; First Conversion and Continual conversion. Other current themes and values in Christian Ethics.
RHR 667 The Problems of God Today 3 Credits
The discussion of the God of Abraham and the God of Philosophers as well as the God of African Traditional Religion delineating the similarities and dissimilarities. How do these attempts illumine the mystery of the God of the Judeo-Christian revelation also modern atheism.
RHR 668 The Problem of Christian Inner Life 3 Credits
The course deals with the inner life of a Christian. The course discusses the virtues of faith, hope and charity in the Bible, in contemporary theology and in the Christian life. Theological analysis; object, motive, subject and qualities of Faith, Hope and Charity. Faith acceptance and commitment, doubting and growing in these theological virtues, the connection between justice and peace and charity and the meaning of spiritual poverty and sin in the secular age.
RHR 761 A Theology of Human Existence 3 Credits
The course deals with understanding Human Existence: Who are we? Biblical vies and theology of Human person; Nature and Grace, Biblical notion of original sin etc.
RHR 762 Christian Existence 3 Credits
The course deals with a historical perspective of Christian existence, Christian Ethics, the Moral Teaching of the New Testament, Moral Message of the Church of the New Testament, Christian existence, principles and process. Who is a Christian? What kind of person is a Christian called to be? How does one become a Christian? Ecumenical situation, e.t.c.
RHR 763 Systematic Christology 3 Credits
It deals with the fact of incarnation of Christ, Humanity and Divinity of Christ in New Testament and Tradition, the Christ of the Fathers of the Church and the Councils and Medieval Theology, Christology in the 20th Century, the Catholic and Protestant views etc.
RHR 764 Christian/Human Destiny – The Kingdom of God 3 Credits
The course deals with the meaning of justification, Eschatology, the Kingdom of God, the destiny of creation and humanity, spirituality and spiritualities, the last things, the final fulfillment from the standpoint of the individual.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the student’s applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 771 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph. D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 681 Themes in Comparative Religion I 3 Credits
This course will try to identify and define some of the major aspects of religious life the world over, and to suggest how they are related to one another. The following themes will be given special attention: Religious Language, Divinity, God and gods, Mythology and Cosmology, Ritual and Symbolism.
RHR 682 Themes in Comparative Religion II 3 Credits
This course will examine certain themes such as asceticism, mysticism, pilgrimage, worship, rituals, and religious experience in world religions. For each aspect; there will be brief working definition, followed by a critical review of current theories and an attempt to show its relations to other aspects.
RHR 683 Themes in Comparative Religion III 3 Credits
This course deals with the themes: Scripture and Oral texts, worship including prayer and sacrifice, calling, priesthood, prophecy/divination/revelation and Ecstasy (spirit possession), priesthood, etc. For each aspect; there will be brief working definition, followed by a critical review of current theories and an attempt to show its relations to other aspects.
RHR 684 The Essence of Comparative Religion 3 Credits
The students will be required to examine tolerance, complementary religions and the task of comparative religion etc.
RHR 685 Relations among People of Living Faiths
3 Credits
This course analyses the concept of religious dialogue and studies the various principles of dialogue, history of relations between Christians, Muslims and adherents of African Traditional Religion. It looks at the Nigerian example and directions to the future.
RHR 686 Christian Encounter with Non-Christian Religions
in Nigeria 3 Credits
The course traces the encounter of Christianity with non-Christian religions in Nigeria. It also examines the consequences of such encounters in relation to both conflict generation, and developments towards national consciousness, social consensus and solidarity.
RHR 687 Advance Research Methods in Comparative Religion 3 Credits
Studies the methods of research into the various areas of religious studies with emphasis on documentation, analysis and interpretation of data.
RHR 688: Trends in Methodology of Religious Studies
3 Credits
The course aims at understanding the main issues and perspectives in the methodology of religious studies. It will pay particular attention to the initiative and activities of the International Association for the History of Religions (I.A.H.R.) towards the evolution and promotion of a widely acceptable and viable methodology. In addition to examining in detail the phenomenological and historical including the sociological, cultural anthropological and psychological reason for their rise with particular attention to Aladura Praying Movements, Healing Churches and Messianic Churches. The course deals with the place of Abiodun Emmanuel and Garrick Braide, the new wave of Pentecostalism, public response to New Religious Movement and concludes with New Religious Movements and Contribution to the Modernization of Nigeria.
RHR 691 African Christian Theology I 3 Credits
Discusses the need for African Christian Theology, historical development of African Christian Theology, methodological problems in evolving African Christian Theology, current typologies of African Christian Theology and outlines hermeneutical principles by which to evaluate current issues and trends being addressed by third world theologians.
RHR 781 The Need for Continue Research in Comparative Religion 3 Credits
The course aims at understanding the main issues and perspectives in the research methodology of religious studies. It will also highlight on the scholars who contributed to the growth of comparative religion.
RHR 782 Basic Elements in Comparative Religion
3 Credits
Students are exposed to various concepts such as motive, method and material in comparative religion. Darwinism, totemism, magic, some varieties of religious experience, the phenomenology of religion, culture and history should also be considered.
RHR 783 Selective Challenges in Comparative Religion 3 Credits
The course deals with the attitude to other religions; truth and error; problems of propaganda; syncretism, adaptation, inculturation or incarnation; revival and criticism, hatred, envy and jealousy in comparative religion.
RHR 784 Religion and Healing in African and Afro-American Cults 3 Credits
The course examines cross-cultural comparative studies of different divination systems and spirit possession cults in African traditional religion and Afro-American cults. It traces the African roots of spirit possession cults in the new world especially voodism in Haiti and Brazil and finds parallels with African settings.
RHR 701 Ph.D. Seminar 3 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph.D seminar in the Department. This seminar will be an overall assessment of the students applicability of research skills in writing research papers.
RHR 781 Ph.D. Dissertation 12 Credits
The students will be required to present a Ph.D Dissertation to be examined by an external examiner in an oral defence.
RHR 791 African Christian Theology II 3 Credits
The African Theology is the Theology that addresses the problems of Africans. It deals also with the sources of African theology, black theology, ethiopic theology, theology of decolarrization, symbolisms, liberation theology, African inculturation, adaptation and reincarnatin theologies etc.