Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Congratulates Prof. Ikechebelu

By Franklin Onwubiko

The Academic staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology paid a courtesy visit to Professor Joseph Ikechebelu, to congratulate him on his recent elevation as Acting Vice-Chancellor of Nnamdi Azikiwe University.

The delegation was led by the Head of Department, Professor Ikechukwu Mbachu, who expressed the department’s collective congratulations. “As your immediate family, we came to pledge our support. We are here to assist you in any way we can,” he stated.

Professor Brian Adimma in his remarks wished Professor Ikechebelu well in his challenging role and noted that, despite the difficulties, God ultimately decides who leads. He expressed belief that God would give Professor Ikechebelu the grace to excel on the job.

A former Chief Medical Director of NAUTH, Professor Anthony Igwegbe, also addressed Professor Ikechebelu, advising him to remain humble and compassionate. “This office is temporary, so be yourself. Your abilities are unquestionable, and this university will greatly benefit from your innovations. We are here to support you,” he reassured.

In response, Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Ikechebelu expressed gratitude to his immediate family

He stated: “My journey to this position began in this department. Our department is unique because we support each other and nurture the growth of our younger colleagues. I appreciate your support and assure you that I will include you in our initiatives.”