Department of Crop Science and Horticulture


 100 LEVEL

General study courses
1. GSS 101 Use of English I 1
2. GSS 105 Logic, Philosophy and Human Existence (Humanities) 2
3. GSS 107 Nigerian Peoples and Culture 2
4. GSS 108 Basic Igbo Studies 1
5. BIO 101 General Biology  I 3
6. CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Programme I 3
7. ICH 101 Basic Organic Chemistry 2
8. BIO IO3 Practical Biology I 1
Total   15



  General Study Courses  
1. GSS 102 Use of English II 1
2. GSS 106 Social Sciences 2
3. GSS 109 Igbo Language II 1
4. PHY 108 Practical Physics II 1
5. BIO 102 General Biology II 3
6. CSC 102 Computer Programming and Language II 3
7. ICH 102 Basic Physical Chemistry 2
8. BIO 104 Practical Biology II 1
  Total 14



1. ICH 111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 2
2. MAT 101 General Mathematics I 3
3. PHY 101 General Physics I 3
4. PHY 107 General Physics Laboratory I (Practicals) 1
5. AEC 211 Principles of Agricultural Economics 2
6. AGR 211 General Agriculture 3
7. SSL 213 Principles of Soil Science 2
    Total 16


                                                                SECOND SEMESTER

1. ICH 112 Practical Chemistry 1
2. MAT 102 General Mathematics II 3
3. PHY 102 General Physics II 3
4. AST 232 Principles of Animal Production 2
5. CSH 222 Principles of Crop Production 2
6. FST 224 Principles of Food Science and Technology 2
7. FAT 212 Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture 2
Total 15

 NOTE: In addition to regular semester courses, Direct Entry students will take the following 100 level courses in the first year:

  1. GSS 107 Nigerian People and Culture
  2. CSC 101: Introduction to computer programme I
  3. CSC 102: Introduction to computer programme II


1. CSC 201 Applications of Computer Sciences 3
2. CSH  211 Crop Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology 2
3. FWM  211 Introduction to Forestry and Wildlife Management 2
4. SSL 211 Agro-Climatology and Biogeography 3
5. AST 211 Anatomy & Physiology of Farm Animals 2
6. AGR 213 Introduction to  Biotechnology 2
Total 14




1. ENT 200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 2
2. FST 222 Introduction to Agricultural Biochemistry 2
3. AEC 202 Introduction to Businesses in Agriculture 2
4. STA 202 Statistics for Biological Sciences 3
5. CSH 202 Introduction to Crop Science and Horticulture 2
6. AEC 322 Extension Teaching, Learning Process and Methods 2
7. AGR 322 Experimental Design and Analysis in Agriculture 2
Total   15




1. AEC 311 Introduction to Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology 2
2. AEC 313 Introduction to Farm Management and Production Economics 2
3. AGR 311 Introduction to Farm Machinery 2
4. AST 331 Non-ruminant Animal Production I (Poultry Production) 2
5. CSH 311 Arable Crop Production 2
6. CSH 321 Crop Genetics and Breeding 2
7. SSL  311 Introduction to Soil Pedology and Physics 2
    Total   14



1. AST 312 Animal Genetics and Breeding 2
2. AST 334 Ruminant Animal Production II (Beef and Dairy Cattle) 2
3. CSH 322 Principles of Crop Protection 2
4. CSH 324 Permanent Crop Production 2
5. SSL 322 Soil Chemistry and Microbiology 2
6. AGR 324 Agricultural Biochemistry and Methods 2
7. AEC 362 Entrepreneurial Studies in Agriculture 2
8. AGR 322 Experimental design & analysis in Agriculture 2
    Total 16



1. SSL  313 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers 2
2. AGR 301 Applications of Computer to Agricultural Production 3
3. CSH 511 Vegetable and Fruit Crop Production 2
4. CSH 515 Crop Husbandry I (Arable Crops) 2
5. CSH 513 Plant Protection 2
6. CSH 517 Pesticides and their Application 2
Total 13



1. CSH 526 Crop Husbandry II (Plantation Crops) 2
2. CSH 528 Plant Breeding and Seed  Production 2
3. CSH 524 Weed Biology and Control 2
4. CSH 532 Post-Harvest Physiology and Product Storage 2
5. SSL 522 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 2
6. SSL  512 Principles of Irrigation 2
Total 12




1. AEC 421 Farm Management, Farm Records and Farm Accounts 2
2. AEC 422 Agricultural Extension Practices 2
3. AGR 422 Workshop Practices 2
4. AGR 423 Farm Mechanization Practices 2
5. AGR 424 Report Writing 3
6. AST 431 Animal Husbandry Techniques (Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Poultry, Pigs and Rabbits) 3
7. AST 451 Animal Health Management & Disease Control 2
8. CSH 411 Crop Production Techniques (Permanent, Arable and Horticultural Crops, etc) 4
9. CSH 412 Crop Protection, Pests and Disease Control/Management 2
10. FST 411 Agricultural Products Processing and Storage 2
11. SSL 422 Soil Fertility, Soil and Water Management 2
12. SSL 432 Farm Design, Farm Survey and Land Use Planning 2
13. SSL 441 Agricultural Meteorology 2
14. FAT 428 Fish Hatchery Mgt., Fingerlings and Fry Production 2
15. CSH 499 SIWES Report/ Presentation 4
Total 36




FIRST SEMESTER                                                                                                          

1. SSL 513 Soil and Plant Analysis 2
2. CSH 519 Pests of Crops (Field Crops) 2
3. CSH 531 Stored Products Entomology 2
4. CSH 521 Forage and Fodder Crop Production 2
5. CSH 501 Seminar 2
                                                                                                                                   Total 10


SECOND SEMESTER                                                                       

1. CSH 506 Field Plot Techniques and Experimental Design 2
2. CSH 534 Crop Biotechnology 2
3. CSH 599 Project 4
  Sub-total 8
  Grand Total 18






1. SSL 513 Soil and Plant Analysis 2
2. CSH 519 Pests of Crops (Field Crops) 2
3. CSH 523 Landscape Design 2
4. CSH 535 Horticultural and Ornamental Crops 2
5. CSH 501 Seminar 2
                                                                                                                                   Sub total 10



1. CSH 506 Field Plot Techniques and Experimental Design 2
2. CSH 534 Crop Biotechnology 2
3. CSH 599 Project 4
4. CSH 536 Park design and management 2
  Total 10



AGR 211- General Agriculture (3 Credits)

The definition of agriculture. World population and food supply. History, scope and importance of agriculture to man. Agriculture and natural environment, Characteristic features of tropical agriculture and how they affect production. Land use and tenure. Trends in the production, distribution and utilization of agricultural products. Measures of improving Nigeria Agriculture. Climate, edaphic and social factors in relation to crop production and distributions in Nigeria. Systems of crop farming. Types, distribution and significance of farm animals; basic principles of animal farming. The place of forestry, fish farming and wildlife in Agriculture.


SSL 211 Climatology and Biogeography (3 Credits)

The principles, aims and scope of climatology and biogeography. The elements and controls of climate and weather and the dynamics of the earth’s atmosphere. Radiation and heating of the atmosphere systems, atmospheric moisture, the dynamics of pressure and wind systems. Condensation and precipitation processes. Seasonal variations in temperature, day length, radiation, rainfall and evapotranspiration. Equipment and maintenance of standard meteorological stations. The tropical climate; relation between agriculture and climate with reference to crops, livestock, irrigation, pests and diseases.


AST 211 (Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (2 Credits)

Parts of the beef and diary cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry. Fundamentals of cell biology. Anatomy and physiology of the cell, ceel types. Anatomy and physiology of animal tissues, nervous system, skeletal system, muscle, bone, circulatory system, reproductive, digestive, special senses and other systems of farm animals. Physiological functions of animals – homeostatic, nutrition and digestion, respiration. Temperature regulation, excretion and reproduction. Endocrinology. The blood and circulation. Lactation, milk let down and egg production. Water balance.


CSH 211 – Crop Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology (2 Credits)

Parts of the crop cell types. Introduction to plant taxonomy. Characteristics, distribution, economic importance and local examples of Leguminoseae, Gramineae, Dioscoreae, Rutaceae. Development of cells and tissues; use of plant keys. Cell biology, cell and cell types. Comparative anatomy of major& their functions, composite, plant organs. Enzymes. Photosynthesis, Kreb’s cycle and translocation, Pollination, Respiration and energy utilization; seed dormancy and germination, development; mineral nutrition, growth regulators.


SSL 213 Principles of Soil Science (2 Credits)

Soils, their origin and formation. Physical properties of soils. Soil moisture, air and temperature, classification and survey. Soil colloids; soil reactions. Soil organic matter and soil organisms; soil and water conservation; nutrient requirements and mineral nutrition of plants. Introduction to fertilizer (organic and inorganic).


AEC 211 Principles of Agricultural Economics (2 Credits) 

The nature of economics; scope and method. Price theory and functions of the market with particular reference to agriculture. The concept of opportunity cost; Supply and demand and their application to agricultural problems. Production functions. Cost analysis and function concept. Type of market, perfect competition and monopoly, oligopoly etc. price theory and some applications. Theory of distribution; the place of agriculture in national economy. Recourse allocation on farms. Aggregate income, expenditure, investment, interest rate, savings, and employment. Inflation; international trade. Commodity agreements and balance of payments; Money and banking.


FWM 211 Principles of forestry (2 Credits)

Renewal natural resources, availability, distribution and potential. The important of forest trees and wildlife (with emphasis on Nigerian species). Classification, morphology and distribution of important forest trees. Forest and game reserves in Nigeria. Silviculture, characteristics, afforestation, characteristics of major timber and their uses.


AGR 213 – Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology (2 Credits)

Meaning of biotechnology.  Impact of biotechnology on a variety of economic activities involving food, soil fertility improvement, crop production, and environment. Microbial inoculant of plants. Selection and multiplication of plant beneficial microorganisms for improved plant nutrition (biofertilizers) and for improved biological control of pests, weeds and diseases (biological control agents). Plant tissue cultures of plant seeds, embryos, tissues, cells or protoplasts on artificial nutrient mediums under sterile conditions. Plant cell cultures. Production of cultures of individual plant cells in a liquid medium for the production of plant products.


AST 232 Principles of Animal Production (2 Credits)

Animal production and its development. The livestock industry – problems and prospects. Description of the breeds of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits. Systems of livestock production, feeding habit of farm animals. Principles of breeding and livestock judging. General principles of management of the different types of farm animals.


CSH 222 – Principles of Crop Production (2 Credits)

Crop production and its development. The principles, problems and prospects of crop production. Crop production practices. Importance of crop rotation, cultural practices; modern agricultural practices, water and soil conservation; irrigation and drainage. General types and characteristics of arthropods, micro – organisms and other pests affecting crops. Weeds and their effects on crop production, Birds and mammalian pests, disease and weed control. Basic Mendelian genetics. Principles of crop production, harvesting, processing and storage. Plant propagation, vegetative and seeds propagation, budding, layering and grafting techniques. Farm practices: Maize, melon, potato production (wet season); Tomato, Amaranthus, garden egg production (dry season).


FST 224 Principles of Food Science and Technology (2 Credits)

Definition and scope of Food Science and Technology. Food distribution and marketing. Food and its functions. Food habits. Food poisoning and its prevention. Principles of food processing and preservation. Discussion of different preservation methods. Deterioration and spoilage of foods, other post harvest changes in food. Contamination of foods from natural sources, composition and structures of Nigerian/West African food; factors contributing to texture, colour, aroma and flavor of food. Cost; traditional and ethnic influence of food preparation and consumption pattern.


FST 222 Introductory Agricultural Biochemistry (2 Credits)

Basic pathways chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Vitamins and their coenzyme functions. Minerals. The nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones. Bioenergetics.


CSC 201 Introductory to Computer Science (3 Credits)

History of computers, functional components of computer, characteristics of a computer; problem solving; flow charts, algorithms, computer programming, statements, symbolic names; arrays, subscripts expressions and control statements. Introduction to BASIC Programming computer applications. Hands-on experience.


FAT 212 Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife (2 Credits)

The importance fishes and wildlife of Wes Africa with emphasis on Nigerian species. Classification, evolution, morphology and basic structure of fishes. The adaptation of fish to aquatic life. Life cycle of principal species of fishes and wildlife. Significance of fishes and wildlife in the diet of Nigerians. The fish and wildlife industries in Nigeria. Fundamental principle of fish and wildlife management and production.


CSH 202 – Introduction to Crop Science & Horticulture        (2 Credits)

Meaning and scope of crop science and horticulture. Basic principles, concepts and importance of crop science and horticulture. Types of crop plants – arable, permanent, plantation crops. Crop production practices. Horticultural crops – fruits and vegetables. Plant pests and diseases – their identification and management practices – chemical, biological, cultural, genetic practices.


AST 331 Non-Ruminant Animal Production (2 Credits)

Management of breeding stock, growing and young animals. Housing, equipment and feeding principles of poultry, rabbits and pigs. Production and management practices. Livestock economics; Health management of stock; processing and marketing of poultry, pigs and rabbits.


CSH 311 Arable Crop Production (2 Credits)                

Origin, distribution, soil and climatic, requirements of cereals including maize, rice, sorghum/millet; legumes such as  cowpea, pigeon peas; root crops such as yam, cocoyam, sweet potato;  fibre crops such as sisal, rosells, cotton ; vegetables and oil seeds – tomato, okra, pepper, garden eggs, groundnut, castor oil, melon, amaranth. Use of improved varieties. Production practices, harvesting, utilization, processing, preservation and storage of some selected arable crops to include yam, tomato, rice, groundnut and cowpea. Field trips to established farms. Farm practice – maize/melon/potato (wet season).


SSL 311 Introductory Soil Pedology and Physics (2 Credits)

Soils, its origin and formation. Soil morphological characteristics, soil components, soil forming rocks and minerals, weathering of rocks and minerals. Profile description, soil survey, soil mapping. Soil classification, properties and management of Nigerian soils.

Classification of soil separates; solid texture, surface area of particles; aggregation, soil structure and stability; porosity, soil water relations, soil and water the hydrological cycle, soil temperature and conduction. Soil erosion.


AEC 311 Introduction to Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology (2 Credits)

The need for agricultural extension, agricultural extension in the world and in Nigeria. Basic philosophies behind agricultural extension work. The institutional setting of agricultural extension. Basic concepts and principles of rural sociology to an understanding of rural situation. Importance of rural communities and institutions, social stratification, social processes and social changes in rural areas. Leadership in rural communities; role and functions of rural leaders. Development of rural leaders. The extension agent and the rural community. Communication techniques and strategies of change. Various agricultural extension teaching methods, aids and their uses.


AGR 311 – Introduction to Farm Machinery (2 Credits)

Aims and objective of agricultural mechanization. Basic mechanics, Workshop tools. Principles of internal combustion engines and electric motor, Study of farm machinery used for tillage; ploughs, harrows, cultivators, farm power transmission system. Harvesting and processing equipment (sprayers and dusters). Equipment for livestock (automatic feed conveyors, automatic drinkers for poultry, feeding and watering equipment; milking and milk handling equipment, meat processing equipment). Water lifting and irrigation equipment. Surveying instruments used on the farm. Operating principles, selection and maintenance procedure of farm machinery. Farm machinery costing and records. Workshop and building materials used on the farm.


AGR 301 Application of Computer to Agricultural Production (3 Credits)

Introduction to problem solving with the computer; Data entry and editing with the computer. Data analysis using different statistical packages.


CSH 321 – Crop Genetics and Breeding (2 Credits) 

Plant cell structure and components, Chromosomes; structure, number and variations, linkage and crossing over, mutation and genes in population. Multiple alleles, mitosis and meiosis. The origin, organization and transmission of biological variations, theory of evolution. Fundamental principles of inheritance. Mendelism. Introduction to population and quantitative genetics. Objectives and general principles of crop breeding including their application to self-pollinated,wind/insect pollinated and vegetative propagated crops. General and special methods of selection in inbreeders and out – breeders; compatability, male sterility. Heterosis. Polyploidy in crop breeding, mutation breeding. Breeding methods for crop improvement, Development, seed multiplication and distribution of improved varieties.


AEC 313 Introduction to Farm Management and Production Economics (2 Credits)

Theory of Production. Principles of agricultural production and resource use; factor-factor, factor-product and product-product relationship. Consumption and resource allocation in agriculture. Farm costs and revenue theories. Elements of time, risk and uncertainty in agricultural production. Types of farm records and their uses. Farm budgeting, gross and net margin analysis and farm planning.


AGR 322 – Experimental Design and Analysis in Agriculture (2 Credits)

Basic concepts of statistics. Frequency distribution, measures of location, measures of variation. Probability distribution, normal and binomial distributions. Histograms, means, mode and median, sampling, data collection, data processing techniques, statistical inference, tests of significance. F-test, t-tests, Chi-square, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Analysis of Covariance; Regression and correlation  analysis. Goodness of fit.  Experimental error, degrees of freedom, Data Transformation, Design of experiments; Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Latin square design, Split plot design and nested classification, Factorial Experiments.


CSH 324 Permanent Crop Production (2 Credits)

Origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirements of important permanent crops including cocoa, oil palm, rubber, coffee, coconut, mango, moringa, sugar cane, bananas, plantains, citrus, kola, cashew, etc. Production practices, mechanized production, improvement, harvesting, utilization, processing, storage and economic aspects of some selected permanent/perennial crops (Farm practices: oil palm/cassava production (wet season).


CSH 322 Principles of Crop Protection (2 Credits)

The major pests, including insects, fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes, weeds and other diseases of tropical crops and stored product. Definition of pests. Study of biology and nature of insect pests of major local crops, cocoa, citrus, kola, cocoyam, bananas, coconut, tomato, cassava. Significance and principles of pest/disease control. Study of the effects of disease caused by Virus, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Control of plants diseases. Weeds of crops, rodents and birds pests. General principles and methods of pest and weeds control. Brief outline, shortcomings and advantages of different pest management and control methods. Strategies of integrated and pest management. Chemical, cultural, biological, host resistance, legislative control methods.


AST 332 Ruminant Animal Production (2 Credits)

Management of breeding stock, growing and young animal. Housing, equipment and feeding principles of cattle, sheep and goats. Production and management practices. Health management of ruminant animals.


AST 312 Animal Genetics and Breeding (2 Credits)

History of genetics; Chromosomes structure, number and variations. Gene and genotype. Genetic code, Mendelism; Fundamental principles of inheritance, quantitative  and qualitative characters and their inheritance. Different types of gene actions, values and means, repeatability, heritability, etc. animal variation and selection principles. Breeding and environmental effects, in-breeding, pure line breeding, cross-breeding and other breeding methods.

SSL 322 Soil Chemistry and Microbiology (2 Credits)

Chemical composition of soils. Soil fertility conversion units and calculations; soil fertility evaluation, silicate mineral chemistry; cation and anion exchange phenomena and base saturation. Soil reaction (active and reserve acidity, alkalinity, buffering capacity). Soil acidity and liming. Survey of microorganisms in soil and their role in soils. The dynamics of N, P and S pools. Association between microbes and plants.


AEC 321 Extension Teaching, Learning process and Methods (2 Credits)    

Nature and elements of communication process. Principles of analyzing communication problems in extension. The meaning of the concepts of teaching, learning and motivation, Steps and principles of teaching and learning. Extension teaching methods. Preparation and use of teaching materials and aids.


AGR 324 Agricultural Biochemistry (2 Credits)

Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acis. Chemistry and mode of action of enzymes and hormones. Chemistry and analysis of selected agricultural products.


CSH 411 Crop Production Techniques (Permanent, Arable and Horticultural Crops) (4 Credits)

Basic principles and practices in crop production – Nursery practices. Germination/sprouting – seed viability test. Plant nutrition and water use. Transplanting.  Seedling rates (planting density), After-care practices, thinning, pruning, budding, layering. Harvesting, processing, packing and storage of arable and horticultural products.


CSH 412 Crop Protection, Pests and Disease Control/Management (2 Credits)

Basic principles of crop protection. Identification of crop parts. Crop disease diagnosis. Collection, identification and preservation of various parts of major crops in Nigerian agriculture – cassava, yam, maize, citrus and vegetables. Diagnosis of major plant disease disorders –bacterial, fungal, nematode and virus disease – pathogens, rootknot, lesion and burrowing, nematodes of selected crops including  cereals, solanaceae. Plant pests and disease control/management, toxicology, application methods, equipment, maintenance and servicing, storage of plant, protection chemicals, cultural practices, integrated approach to include host plant resistance and biocontrol.


CSH 511 Vegetable and Fruit Crop Production (2 Credits)

History, definition, classification and importance of vegetable crops. Ecological distribution of vegetable and fruit crops in Nigeria. Varieties and adaptation of exotic vegetable and fruits to the Nigerian environment. Types and systems of vegetable and fruit production. Production practices, harvesting, handling, processing, storage, marketing and utilization of vegetables and tropical fruit crops. Methods of plant propagation. Nursery systems, diseases and pests of vegetables and fruit crops. Horticultural machines and equipment. Principles of producing, planting, and maintaining ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials and fruits in the nursery, homes and parks. Pruning and pruning techniques. Field trips and practices.


CSH 515 Crop Husbandry I (Arable crops) (2 Credits)

Soil climatic and growth requirements; weed control and water needs, improved varieties; production practices, diseases and pests, harvesting, handling, processing, storage, marketing and utilization of field crops to include cereals ( maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane), root/ tubers sugar crops, etc. production and management of field crops. Fertilization; irrigation and water use, weed control and pest/disease management. Pest management strategies: chemical, cultural, biological, host resistance, Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Farm practices: cassava/cowpea/maize production (wet season).


CSH 513 Plant Protection (2 Credits)

Quarantine regulations and phytosanitary measures. Fundamentals of plant resistance to diseases, and methods of disease control and management; principles, techniques and equipment for applying crop protection chemicals in the control of field and storage pests diseases and weeds. Equipment, calibration and maintenance. Safety requirements. Storage and disposal of pesticides. Major classes of pesticides, their chemistry and application. Field trips collection, identification and permanent preservation of pest and pathogens.


CSH 523 Landscape Design (2 Credits)

Design principles, design practice, basic styles, preparing the plan design, landscape construction. Hard landscaping, soft management of established landscape. Landscape contracts and contractual agreements. Selection and use of trees and shrubs for beautification of different landscapes and environments. Factors to be considered in landscape planning Practical techniques in residential landscape and landscaping institutions, parks and recreational sites. Field trips and visits to landscape areas.


CSH 535 Horticultural and Ornamental Crops (3 Credits)

Significance and scope of horticulture, division of horticulture (floriculture & pomology); climate in relation to distribution of fruits & vegetables. Introduction to tropical ornamental plants, culture trees, shrubs and flowers. Shades trees, ground covers, annual flowers, perennial shrubs and hedge plants, bedding and foundation plants, lawn grasses, nursery management, palms as ornamental plants, rock gardens, aquatic plants. Rose forms and orchids. Principles underlying basic horticultural crops; horticultural structures, equipment and machinery and their maintenance, propagation practices for horticultural crops; seeds, clones, somatic mutation, chimeras, leaf, stem and root cuttings; grafting and budding, pruning and pruning techniques, layering, special methods of propagation, polyembryony and apomixes; certification indexing procedures and maintenance of clonals utilization and culture of ornamental plants in decoration. Indoor house plants and flowers. Field trips.


CSH 519 Pests of Crops (Field Crops) (3 Credits)

Ecological, biology and nature of damage caused by pest species. Definition of pests, classification and categories of pests. Economic aspect of pest management-economic damage, economic injury level and economic threshold. Build up of pests in the agro ecosystem. What makes an insect a pest? Pest management strategies- chemical, biological, host plant resistance, integrated management; pests of stored products and their control. Crop loss assessment methods. Special pests- locust, birds, snails. Pests of selected Nigerian crops and their control- to include rice, maize, yam, cocoyam, oil palm, citrus.


CSH 501 Seminar (2 Credit)

Each student is expected to attended Departmental and Faculty seminars and be engaged in preparation, presentation and discussion of supervised topics on current issues in Crop Science and Horticulture.


CSH 534 Crop Biotechnology (2 Credits)

Bio-transformation techniques using crop cell cultures, relating it to the already established bacterial and fungal bio-transformations. Somatic embryo bio-transformations. Large scale production of plant cell cultures including optimization processes. Plant cell products-vaccines, interferons. Monoclonal antibodies from hybridoma technology. Other crop breeding techniques: cultivar crossing, cross fertilization, pure line (composite) and hybrid varieties; budding, minisett, chimera and other fruit cleavage techniques including leaf sprouting cultures.


CSH 506 Field Plot Techniques and Experimental Designs (2 Credits)

Meaning of research, defining a research problem, developing research objectives, hypotheses and principles of research designing and methods of sampling. Presentation of research proposals. Presentation of research results. Citing of reference/bibliographies. General aspects of statistics. Statistical methods of handling data. Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersions, standard deviation. Graphs, pie charts, bar charts. Tests of hypothesis, Z-tests, T-tests, Chi-square (Χ2). Simple regression and correlation. Multiple correlation and regression. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Principles of experimental design (CRD, RCBD, factorial experiments – split plot design, Latin square design). Data transformation. Methods of handling missing data (missing plot techniques).


CSH 526 Crop Husbandry II (Plantation Crops) (2 Credits)

Soil and climatic requirements; growth requirement; weed control and water use, improved varieties; production practices, diseases and pests harvesting, handling processing, storage, marketing and utilization of plantation crops. Tropical fruits; oranges, mangoes, pineapple, cocoa, oil palm, cashew, moringa.


CSH 521 Forage and Fodder Crop Production (2 Credits)

Adaptation and botany of indigenous and introduced forage plants. Characteristics of tropical grasses, Legume and shrubs. Establishment, production and seed production of forage plants; the utilization and maintenance of permanent and temporary pastures. Forage conservation, dry season feeds.


CSH 528 Plant Breeding and Seed Production Technology (2 Credits) 

Significance of reproductive system in cultivated plants; sexual and asexual reproduction. Techniques and principles of germplasm bank; role of plant breeding in pest and disease control in crops; selection methods in breeding programmes; maintenance of breeding stock; multiplication and distribution of improved crop varieties.

Structure and nature of seed, functions of parts of seed, seed viability, vigour, dormancy and deterioration. Methods of breaking seed dormancy, production, processing, drying, treatment, packaging, storage and distribution of improved seeds, certification. Procedures for field inspections; seed legislation and control. Seed testing procedures. Seed programmes in Nigeria. Seed Marketing.  Farm practice.


CSH 524 Weed Biology and Control (2 Credits)

Characteristics, classification and biology of weeds. Terrestrial, aquatic and parasitic weeds. Losses due to weeds. Weed control methods and problems associated with them. Classification, chemistry, selectivity, formulation, application, storage and mode of action of herbicides. Herbicides and environmental interaction. Safety factors in the use of herbicides; basis for herbicidal selectivity. Plant auxins and hormone weed-killers. Application equipment, and techniques, practical methods of controlling weed in Nigeria. Farm practice.


CSH 531 Stored Products Entomology (2 Credits)

Food storage and its importance. Types and nature of damage and losses caused by insects on stored food products. The major orders of insects found in stored products to include cereals (maize, sorghum, rice, millet, etc), legumes, oil seeds, fish and meat products, furniture and timber products. Primary and secondary pests, mites and rodents associated with storage, methods of detection of infestation in storage. Pest control in stored products.


CSH 532 Post Harvest Physiology and Product Storage (2 Credits)

Storage life of harvested fruits, seeds, vegetables and flowers. Tropical environment in relation to fruits and seed maturity, ripening and senescence. Physical and chemical indices of quality in fruits, seeds, vegetables, flowers and other crop products. Storage of harvested crop materials. Traditional methods of vegetable processing and storage. Fundamentals and principles of crop storage and transportation. Storage and shell life problems; ideal atmosphere for storing fruits, seeds, vegetables, flowers and other crop products. Controlled atmosphere in transit and long term storage; protective treatment, design and operation of equipment for storage and preservation. Scope and importance of seed storage, factors affecting seed longetivity in storage. Storage facilities- silos, ware houses, ships, traditional and environmental control methods- inert gas storage, quality control in storage, seed packaging in relation to seed storage. Visits to strategic grain reserve depots and warehouses.


CSH 536 Park Design and Management (2 Credits)

Architectural design principles and concepts for various types of parks. Functional designs, e.g. parks for family relaxation, parks for holidaying, concepts of national parks, picnic parks.


CSH 517 Pesticides and their Application (2 Credits)

Classification of pesticides- major pesticide groups; structure, properties and synthesis of pynethroids, organophosphates, organochlorides, carbonates and botanicats, Mode of action of pesticides. Measurement of toxicity; methods of estimation of pesticides metabolism and pathway of pesticides in the environment. Ecological problems and limitation in the use of pesticides. Hazards, precautions and effects on the environment, equipment for application-principles and use; calibration and maintenance, dosage calculation.


CSH 599 Project (4 Credits)

Each student is expected to choose and execute a special project (research) on which the student works alone under the supervision of an academic staff to present the result of the research activities.