Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
GSS 101 Use of English I 2
EDU 101 Sociological Foundations of Education 2
EDU 103 History Foundations of Education 2
HKE 101 Historical and Philosophical Foundation of Physical Education 2
HKE 102 Fitness and Weight Training Education 2
Elective Restricted
BIO 101 Biology I 3
Total 13
GSS 102 Use of English II 2
EDU 102 Philosophical Foundations of Education 2
EDU 111 Introduction to Education Psychology 3
HKE 111 Sociology of Sports 2
HKE 141 Skills & Techniques of Team Sport I (HB/VB) 2
Elective Restricted
BIO 102 Biology II 3
Total 14
Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
GSS 104 History and Philosophy of Science 2
GSS 108 Basic Igbo Studies I 2
EDU 335 Introduction to Special Education 2
EDU 222 Basic Methodology 2
EDU 221 Fundamental of Curriculum Development 2
HKE 131 Athletics and Sports Injury 2
Elective Restricted
STA 101 Introduction to Statistics I 2
Total 14
GSS 103 Introduction to Philosophy and Logic 2
GSS 109 Basic Igbo Studies II 2
EDU 223 Special Methodology in Human Kinetics and Sports 2
HKE 121 Introduction to Human Anatomy 2
Elective Restricted
HED 141 First Aid and Safety Education 2
STA 202 Statistics Inferences 2
Total 14
Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
GSS 107 Nigerians Peoples and Culture 2
EDU 212 Psychology of Learning 2
EDU 331 Educational Research & Statistics 2
HKE 241 Fundamentals of Teaching Physical Education (PE)
& Physical Activities in Nursery/Primary Schools 2
HKE 212 Psychology of Coaching 2
Elective Unrestricted
CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Programme 2
HED 212 Food and Nutrition Education 2
Total 14
CSC 102 Introduction to Computer Fortran 2
EDU 225 Micro-teaching Practice 2
EDU 261 Educational Technology 2
HKE 223 Scientific Basis of Coaching 2
HKE 232 Methods and Materials in Human Kinetics 2
HKE 243 Skills and Techniques of Indiv. & Dual Sports
(Squash Racket/Lawn Tennis) 2
HKE 213 Recreation, Leisure and Dance 2
Total 14
Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
EDU 333 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 2
HKE 242 Skills and Techniques of Team Sports II (Soccer & BB) 2
HKE 314 Drug Use and Abuse in Sports 2
HKE 344 Skills and Techniques of Indiv. Dual Sports (B/B) 2
Electives Restricted
HKE 315 Fundamentals Movement & Dance 2
HED 316 Family Life and Sexual Education 2
HKE 428 Test and Measurement in Human Kinetics 2
Total 14
HKE 316 Adapted Physical Education & Sports 2
HKE 324 Exercise Physiology I 2
HKE 335 Organisation & Administration of Sports & Athletics 2
HKE 346 Skills and Techniques of Track and Field Athletics 2
Total 8
Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
HKE/HED 351 Research Method in HKHE 2
HKE 334 Coaching and Officiating in Sports & Athletics 2
HKE 425 Motor Learning and Human Performance 2
HKE 426 Physiological Basis of Human Kinetics 2
HKE 427 Kinesiology and Exercise Effects 2
Unrestricted Elective
HKE 345 Gymnastics 2
Total 12
EDU 325 Teaching Practice 6
HKE 417 Current Issues in Human Kinetics and Sports 2
HKE 418 Psychology of Sports 2
Year Six
Course Code Course Title Credit Unit
HKE 122 Calisthenics and Aerobic Activities 2
HKE 347 Teaching Human Kinetics & Sports in Sec. Schools 2
HKE/HED 452 Seminar in Human Kinetics 2
HKE 436 Curriculum Development in Human Kinetics 2
HKE 437 Construction and Management of Sports Facilities 2
HKE 447 Skills and Techniques of Team Sports III (Cricket & Hockey) 2
Total 12
HKE 438 Planning and Supervision in Human Kinetics & Sports 2
HKE 448 Advanced Skills & Techniques in Sports (Spec. II) 2
HKE 453 Research Project in Human Kinetics 6
Total 10
Total Quality Credit (TQC) = 27 + 28 + 28 + 22 + 22 + 22 = 149
HKE 101 | Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Human Kinetics
Concepts theories and practice of physical education in Ancient and Modern societies, with special emphasis on the Philosophical basis of physical education with reference to the various functions of Human Kinetics in orient and modern societies, in plaque of physical education in the general education and its significance in the national policy of the Nigerian education system. |
2 |
HKE 102 | Fitness & Weight Training Education
Concepts and Objectives of physical fitness and the place of physical fitness in General fitness: the effects of exercise on the various organs of the body. The courses will be activity centred with emphases on fitness using training and general conditioning. Use of exercise in the prevention of hypokinetic disorders. Students are exposed to various forms of weight training techniques and conditioning exercise which can be gainfully employed in coaching/athletic training and physiotherapy. |
2 |
HKE 111 | Sociology of Sports
Students are exposed to the social dimensions of sport and physical activities – the effective domain of sports participation: the institutionalization of games in sports, sports as a social institution as a social system: degrees of sports involvement and sports violence. |
2 |
HKE 121 | Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
A study of the skeletal and muscular structure of the human body, their basic functions and classifications. The study of the functions of human organs and systems with special emphasis on the physiology of muscular activity, and the effects of exercise on human body. |
2 |
HKE 131 | Athletics and Sports Injury
Types of Sports injuries and their causes: preventive measures and skills for emergency care of injured athletics basic principles of caring for sports injuries with emphasis on prevention and safety measures. |
2 |
HKE 141 | Skills and Techniques of Team Sports I (Handball/Volleyball)
Students are exposed to the basic skills of handball and Volleyball as team games, as well as the techniques of instruction. Rules guiding the games and the methods of officiating are also acquired together with the skills of participation, the methods of coaching and laying the pitches. |
2 |
HKE 212 | Psychology of Coaching
Studies related to psychological behavior in sports, the dynamic of personality in sports and the analysis of the theories, methods and strategies of coaching in sports. Psychological attributes of performance, affiliation, achievement, frustrations and aggression in sports will also be studies. |
2 |
HKE 213 | Recreation, Dance and Leisure Education
Theories and techniques of various recreation and leisure programmes, including the principles and practices of both school and community programmes. Factors in planning various community recreation areas and facilities as well as individual. State and National recreation facilities. |
2 |
HKE 223 | Scientific Basis of Coaching
The course requires modern principles of athletic training as well as the knowledge of the science of injury prevention and care. The scientific basis of conditioning, the influence of ergogenic aids, psychologenic factors and incentives in performance will all be studies. |
2 |
HKE 232 | Methods and Materials of Physical Education and Sports
Overview of the cope and content areas in physical education and sport, including the study of modern facilities and equipment and their uses, protective devices and the use of implements. It includes the cultural and sociological influences bearing on the development sports in Nigeria. |
2 |
HKE 241 | Fundamentals of Teaching Physical Education (PE) and Physical Activities in Nursery/Primary Schools
The course is designed to expose the pupils to the rudiments of sports and games. It will also help to familiarize the students with the rules and regulations of many games. |
2 |
HKE 242 | Skills and Techniques of Team Sports II (Soccer/Basketball)
Students are exposed to the basic skills of soccer and Basketball, as well as the strategies and the rules for effective participation international procedure, method of officiating and laying of the pitches will also be demonstrated |
2 |
HKE 243 | Skills and Techniques of Sports Individual & Dual I
(Squash Racket/Lawn Tennis) A study of the skills and strategies, rules and regulations governing Lawn tennis and Squash Racket. Each student will demonstrate competence by mastering not only the skills but also the history of the sport, the rules and the techniques of officiating. |
2 |
HKE 314 | Drug Use and Abuse in Sports
A study of the socio-psychological and physiological effects of use of ergogenic aids in sports and athletic training. The advantages of physical conditioning over ergogenics and the moral implications of doing in sports. |
2 |
HKE 315 | Fundamental Movements and Dance
A study of the theories and practice of creative dance and movement techniques, including cultural and social dance patterns and the use of the body in communication. |
2 |
HKE 316 | Adapted Physical Education Programme
A study of the developmental, corrective remedial programme in physical education offerings. Adaptations of in the needs of the individual who requires special attention during physical education classes. |
2 |
HKE 324 | Exercise Physiology I
The study and use of conditioning exercise for increasing endurance, stamina, skill performance and ability through more efficient functioning of the cardio-vascular and respiratory systems. The effect of calisthenics activities fitness exercise of the body while engaged in muscular activities and sports performance. |
2 |
HKE 334 | Coaching and Officiating in Sports & Athletics
The course will provide both the theoretical and practical experiences in coaching and officiating in selected team, dual and individual sports as well as Track and Field. Emphasis should be on the qualities of a good coach, principles of training and basic rules for officiating. |
2 |
HKE 335 | Organization and Administration of Physical Education & Sports
Studies in the principles of planning and management of materials and personnel in physical education and sport of various levels primary, secondary, and tertiary, local government, State and National etc. principles of budgeting and accounting will also be studied. |
2 |
HKE 344 | Skills and Techniques of Individual and Dual Sports II
(Table Tennis/Badminton) General skills and techniques required for effective coaching participation in the games of Badminton and Table tennis. Knowledge of the historical development of the games, rules and techniques of officiating and methods of laying the courts will also be mastered. |
2 |
HKE 345 | Gymnastics
A study of the essential basic movement patters and qualities common to all activities; use of space, time and flow of movement dynamics in gymnastic stunts and tumbling. A skillful combination of the physical components of power, agility, flexibility, neuromuscular coordination and safety skills will be required. |
2 |
HKE 346 | Skills and Techniques of Track and Field Athletics I
General skills and techniques required for effective coaching and participation in Track and Fields Athletics, knowledge of the historical development of the games, rules and techniques of officiating and methods of making the tracks and pitches will also be mastered. |
2 |
HKE 347 | Teaching Human Kinetics in Secondary Schools
The course is designed to expose the students to the rudiments of sports and games. It will also help to familiarize the students with the rules and regulations of many games. |
2 |
HKE 351 | Research Methods in Health and Physical Education
A study of the major steps in a research process: Types of Research Designs, Problem Definition, Hypothesis Postulation. Methods of Data Collection, Data Organization and Data Analysis will be studies. |
2 |
HKE 417 | Current Issues in Human Kinetics and Sports
Course involves study of topical recent issues in Human Kinetics and Sports. Discussion will aim at revealing causes and sources of such recent/current issues. Consideration of the current development on Human Kinetics and Sports generally. Students are exposed to critical analysis of what the recent topical events implies to the development of Human Kinetics Education and Sports generally. |
2 |
HKE 418 | Psychology of Sports
Students are exposed to applied psychological principles in solving the problems of physical education and sport. |
2 |
HKE 425 | Motor Learning and Human Performance
Study of the principles of motor development and human performance as a function of motor learning. Influencing of selected motor activities on human movement behavior. |
2 |
HKE 426 | Physical Basic of Physical Education and Sports
The study of effective participation of physical education programmes and sport as a function of neuro-muscular coordination, cardio-respiratory endurance and psychosomatic balance. |
2 |
HKE 427 | Kinesiology
A study of the concepts of the machines of human motor performance and coordinated activities, analysis of the functions of the various muscule group involved in sports and athletic performance. Principles of motion and use of sporting implements and the forces of gravity of athletic performance. |
2 |
HKE 428 | Tests and Measurement in Health and Physical Education
A study of statistical terms and their application in interpreting sports tests means, medium, mode and standard deviation, the use of various types of graphs to illustrate athletic performance. |
2 |
HKE 436 | Curriculum Development in Health and Physical Education
Study of curriculum techniques and their application of health and physical education programmes the instructional programmes, intramural and extramural programme and the adapted physical education programmes: the school health services and healthful school living environment. Use of innovative methods developed through research to improve teaching and learning. |
2 |
HKE 437 | Construction and Management of Sports Facilities
Students are exposed to the theory and practice of sports facilities construction. Emphasis will be laid on construction of Athletics tracks and all field events facilities such as Shot-put, Javelin, Discus-Hammar (throwing areas), Long Jump, High Jump, Triple Jump areas. Field Trip: The concluding part of the course involves taking students on a field trip to two or three secondary schools for the students to practically construct improvised complete Athletics Track including all the field-events facilities that such schools used for the field trip could use for their ANNUAL INTER-HOUSE ATHLETICS COMPETITION. Note: The schools used for field trip provides materials such as lime (white wash paints, English rope shovels and matchet) while the Human Kinetics Department offer the expertise FREE (at no cast to the school). |
2 |
HKE 438 | Planning and Supervision in Human Kinetics and Sports
Course of study will cover principles of planning and supervision of materials and personnel in Human Kinetics Education and Sports. Various levels of educational endeavour primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Local government, state and federal government involvement in education. At the end of the course students should be able to discuss and explain in detail: What qualitative supervision and planning in Human Kinetics Education entails. Human resource planning/supervision in Human Kinetics Planning for needed materials for proper execution of Human Kinetics Education. Basic considerations in planning/supervision of facilities and materials in Human Kinetics Education. |
2 |
HKE 447 | Skills and Techniques of Team Sports III (Cricket & Hockey)
Students are exposed to the general skills and techniques required for effective teaching of the games of Hockey and Cricket. The course will provide both theoretical and practical experiences for the students in these two sports areas. Emphasis should be laid on history, nature and strategies of these games. At the end of the course students should be able to discuss and explain in detail the skills and strategies involved in the execution of these two games including practical demonstration of the learned skills and the techniques involved. Exposure of students to audio visual aid technological equipment is necessary. |
2 |
HKE 448 | Advanced Skills and Techniques in Sports (Specialization II)
Students are exposed to general advanced skills and techniques of Handball and Volleyball for effective teaching, participation and demonstration of the games of Handball and Volleyball. The study will cover history and nature of the games; advanced skills and strategies of the two games, including detailed knowledge of the latest rules and regulations of the games. Exposure of students to practical demonstration of the advanced skills and strategies of these games including the use of audio visual aid materials/equipment is required. |
2 |
HKE 452 | Seminar in Human Kinetics
Faculty supervised topics and projects raising issues and problems posed in any selected areas of administration of Human Kinetics programme. Investigations will reveal the cause and sources of issue of how best to solve the problems. |
2 |
TOTAL | 72 |
GSS 101 | Use of English 1 | 1 |
GSS 104 | History & Philosophy of Science | 2 |
GSS 107 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture | 2 |
CSC 101 | Computer Programming 1 | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 7 | |
LIS 101 | Historical Foundations of Library and Info. Science | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 2 | |
ECO 101 | Principles of Economics 1 | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
ENG 101 | Elements of English Grammar & Usage | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 101 | Foundations of Health Education | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 2 | |
FACULTY ELECTIVE COURSES (Take any one or Two) | ||
EDU 101 | Sociological Foundations of Education | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses, GS Courses, Faculty and any optional course = 14 or 14 or 13 Credit Units |
GSS 102 | Use of English II | 1 |
GSS 103 | Introduction to Logic and Philosophy | 2 |
CSC 102 | Computer Programming II | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 5 | |
LIS 112 | Library & Information Centre Visit | 2 |
LIS 114 | Book Production and Publishing Processes | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 4 | |
ECO 105 | Principles of Economics II | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
ENG 102 | Elements of English Grammar & Usage | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 141 | First Aid and Safety Education | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 2 | |
FACULTY ELECTIVE COURSES (Take any one or two) | ||
EDU 102 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses, GS courses, Faculty course, plus any optional course. Total = 14 or 14 or 13 Credit Units |
GSS 108 | Basic Igbo Studies 1 | 1 |
LIS 103 | Introduction to Library and Information Resources | 2 |
LIS 105 | Library and Societal Development | 2 |
LIS 201 | Introduction to Bibliography | 2 |
LIS 203 | Oral Tradition, Culture, Literature and Libraries | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 9 | |
ECO 211 | Micro-Economics I | 2 |
ECO 212 | Macro-Economics I | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 4 | |
OR | ||
ENG 221 | Introduction to Phonetics | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 202 | School Health Programme | 2 |
HED 212 | Food & Nutrition Education | 2 |
SUB TOTAL | 4 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 13 or 12 or 13 Credit Units |
GSS 109 | Basic Igbo II | 1 |
LIS 116 | Information Literacy | 2 |
LIS 118 | Types of Libraries | 2 |
LIS 202 | Information Network and Library 2.0 | 2 |
LIS 204 | Introduction to Reference & Information Sources & Services | 2 |
LIS 206 | Technical Services in Libraries & Information Centres | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 11 | |
ECO 213 | Macro-Economics II | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
OR | ||
ENG 222 | Introduction to Phonetics 11 | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 214 | Adult & Adolescent Health | 2 |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 13 or 14 or 13 Credit Units |
LIS 205 | Library and Information Services to Rural Communities | 2 |
LIS 207 | Organization of Knowledge 1 | 3 |
LIS 209 | Serials Management | 2 |
LIS 303 | Indexing and Abstracting | 2 |
LIS 305 | Information, Marketing and Entrepreneurship | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 11 | |
ECO 251 | Principles of Public Finance | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
OR | ||
ENG 303 | English as a second Language | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 215 | Maternal and Child Health | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 13 or 14 or 13 Credit Units |
LIS 208 | Introduction to Information Science | 2 |
LIS 210 | Computers & Data/ Information Processing | 2 |
LIS 212 | Literature & Library Services to Children & Adolescent | 2 |
LIS 214 | Preservation & Conservation of Library Materials | 2 |
LIS 216 | Public Relations in Libraries | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 10 | |
ECO 214 | Macro-Economics 11 | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
OR | ||
ENG 242 | Advanced English Composition | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 214 | Adult and Adolescent Health | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 12 or 13 or 12 Credit Units |
LIS 301 | Organization of Knowledge II | 3 |
LIS 307 | Archives, and Records Management | 2 |
LIS 309 | Collection Development | 2 |
LIS 311 | Internet and Electronic Libraries | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 9 | |
ECO 332 | International Economics | 2 |
ECO 364 | Developmental Economics | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 4 | |
OR | ||
ENG 321 | Phonology of English | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 316 | Family Life & Sex Education | 3 |
HED 321 | Environmental Health | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 5 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 13 or 12 or 14 Credit Units |
LIS 402 | Government Publication | 2 |
LIS 404 | Management of Libraries and Information Centres | 2 |
LIS 406 | Publishing and Book Trade | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 6 | |
ENG 402 | Language and National Development | 3 |
SUB TOTAL | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 419 | Mental Social Health | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 9 or 8 Credit Units |
LIS 313 | Research and Statistical Methods | 3 |
LIS 315 | Multimedia Resources, Equipment Operation/Material Operations (A/V) | 2 |
LIS 403 | Management Information System | 2 |
LIS 405 | Automation in Library & Information Centres | 2 |
LIS 407 | The Information User | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 11 | |
ECO 458 | Taxation & Fiscal Policy | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
OR | ||
ENG 432 | English for Specific Purpose | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
OR | ||
HED 403 | Introduction to Epidemiology | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus any optional course. Total = 13 or 14 or 13 Credit Units |
LIS 318 | Field Experience (SIWES) | 6 |
SUB TOTAL = | 6 | |
NOTE: Core courses Total = 6 Credit Units |
LIS 401 | Research Project | 4 |
LIS 409 | Data Base Design and Management | 2 |
LIS 411/413/415 | Bibliography & Literature of Social Sciences/Humanities/Science & Technology | 2 |
LIS 417 | Professional Seminar | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 10 | |
ECO 417 | Advanced Micro Economics | 2 |
ECO 491 | Project Evaluation I | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 4 | |
HED 418 | Health Guidance and Counselling | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
ENG 442 | Speech Writing | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus optional course. Total = 14 or 12 or 13 Credit Units |
LIS 408 | Copyright & Legal Issues in Librarianship | 2 |
LIS 410 | Knowledge Management | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 4 | |
ECO 418 | Advanced Macro-Economics | 2 |
ECO 492 | Project Evaluation II | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 4 | |
HED 424 | Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases | 2 |
SUB TOTAL = | 2 | |
ENG 434 | Modern English Grammar & Usage | 3 |
SUB TOTAL = | 3 | |
NOTE: Core courses plus optional course. Total = 8 or 6 or 7 Credit Units |
Course Code | Title and Description | Credit Hours |
LIS 101 | Historical Foundations of Libraries and Information Centres (Emphasis in Nigeria).
Definitions: Data, Information, Library & Information Science, Librarianship as a profession. Professional ethics & Bill of rights. Outline history of libraries of the ancient world, middle ages, Renaissance, the Great National Libraries; Library development in Africa. Evolution of Nigerian Libraries from pre-colonial to Post-Independence period; Islamic scholarship and growth of Arabic collections; Forces in the emergence of modern libraries in Nigeria; development of Nigerian Libraries by types; Library legislation; Library Associations; International Library Organizations and other external agencies in Nigeria Library development. The fusion of Library Science and Information Science. Intellectual freedom and sensorship. |
2 |
LIS 103 | Introduction to Library and Information Resources.
Books: Reference Books, textbooks, government publications, ephemera, fiction and non-fiction, periodicals (Journals, magazines, newspaper, monographic series, etc). Non-Books: A/V and Computer software and hardware; cartographic materials (globes, maps, atlases, etc); electronic publication (soft copies, CD-ROM, internet). |
2 |
LIS 105 | Libraries and Societal Development
Factors determining the establishment and patterns of library services in a society with particular reference to developing countries; Communication and transfer of knowledge; Information and Development; Library as medium of communication and its relationships with other information and communication systems; Functions of different types of libraries; Oral traditions, illiteracy and libraries. |
2 |
LIS 112 | Library and Information Centres Visits.
Study visits to libraries, information centres, publishing/media houses, printing presses and allied organizations and institutions to acquaint students with the structure and management of information profession. Submission of written reports at the end of the visits. |
2 |
LIS 114 | Book Production Processes and Publishing
A brief outline history of printing and publishing from the earliest times to the present day; what is a book? The different parts of a book; Manuscript development and editing; author-publisher and publisher printer relationships; marketing and promotion techniques; intellectual property laws; use of new technologies in publishing; problems of publishing in Nigeria. |
2 |
LIS 116 | Information Literacy
Concept of data, information, knowledge, literacy, information literacy, information literate person; characteristics/Qualities of information; Formats of Information resources: Print (Hard copy) and e-resources (soft copies); Types of information sources – Primary. Secondary and Tertiary; Organization of library and information materials- Library catalogues (card and OPAC); Access points, keywords; Nature of information need; knowledge gap establishment and how to fill the gap; Matching Reference queries and appropriate sources for a particular information need; Use of abstracting and indexing journals, bibliography or reference list; Databases and their types (offline and online); findability; The internet and the strategies for effective search – search engines; keywords search, Advance search (Boolean search); Deep search etc; information evaluation – quality determination – refundancies elimination (inaccurate and misleading information), and selection of appropriate information; creative/strategic use of information; independent learning and social responsibility standards; Collaborative information sharing (the invisible college); Information Dissemination; citation styles. |
2 |
LIS 118 | Types of Libraries: An Introduction
Definitions, nature, organization, and functions of various types of Libraries (National, Public, Academic, School, Special, and Private Libraries); of libraries; Building and managing the different collections. Administration of the various types of libraries.
LIS 201 | Introduction to Bibliography.
The Concept and history of bibliography: Types of bibliography and uses; Bibliographic control-local, national and international; Mechanics of compiling a bibliography (Compilation); criteria for evaluation; role of modern technology in bibliography.
2 |
LIS 202 | Information Network and Library 2.0+ (Social Media)
Concept of network, computer network and networking. Telecommunications and related technologies; Telephone, modems, telex, video text, tele text, VANS, Packet, switching, LANS, Satelites; History of the development of networks; Networking configurations (star, ring, distributed, etc); Physical vs logical configurations; compatibility and standards gateways and interconnections; Economics of networking; data flows, privacy, copyright; Downloading & uploading etc; Net-based dissemination of information; news groups; Social Media (Blog/Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, You-Tube etc) and Library services – Library 2.0 etc. |
2 |
LIS 203 | Oral Tradition, Culture, Literature and Libraries.
Definition and values of oral information and literature, Oral knowledge of the history and culture of a people; oral literature as source materials for research; identifying and recording relevant sources; role of libraries in collection, transcription and documentation; organizing them to use in the library; problems and prospects of preservation; storage and retrieval. |
3 |
LIS 204 | Introduction to Reference & Information Sources and Services
Definitions; Description of the various types of reference books, e.g. encyclopaedia, dictionaries, Bibliography, yearbooks, handbooks, directories, Bibliography, manual, calendar, Biography, Chronologies, Gazette, Geographical Sources, Atlas, Gazettee, Guide-books, Maps; Selection and use of basic Reference Sources; Evolution, theory and objectives of reference service; reference questions, handling of queries, Users guidance and instruction; Techniques of literature searching, Abstracting and Indexing services; Current Awareness Services (CAS); Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI); translation services; Reference and Information services in different types of libraries; organization and evaluation of reference services; status of reference and information services in Nigerian libraries. |
2 |
LIS 205 | Library and Information Services to the Rural Communities.
The Nigerian rural setting; people education, occupation and recreation; needs assessment. Library and information programmes (e.g. Outreach Programme) and resources; identification of, and cooperation with other change agents and local power elites. |
2 |
LIS 206 | Technical Services in Libraries and Information Centres.
Definition, scope, purpose and function of technical services in libraries. Brief introduction to the various areas of technical services, namely: Acquisition, Cataloguing and Classification, Serials Control, reprography, binding and the total preservation and conservation program in tropical countries; Emphasis on management aspects of library acquisition; Circulation; Order routines; acquisition of foreign publications; Cataloguing and Processing; automation of technical operations. |
2 |
LIS 207 | Organization of Knowledge I
The concept and arrangement of knowledge; standard techniques of identification and description of bibliographic units through descriptive cataloguing using AACR2; subject cataloguing and classification; using Sear’s list of Subject Headings, and Dewey Decimal Classification; Filing rules; other Classification schemes and their features (e.g. LC, UDC, Bliss, Colon, Faceted). The comparison between DDC and LC. |
3 |
LIS 208 | Introduction to Information Science
Definition and scope of Information Science; Trace the history of Information Science; Basic Terminologies of Information Science; Problems of growth of knowledge especially in scientific and knowledge especially in scientific and technological fields; information needs and information gathering techniques; role of computers in information storage and retrieval; principles of designing information system; major institutions for Information Science and their functions/activities (e.g. Unesco’s PGI, UNLSIST, IDRC, IFID, etc). |
2 |
LIS 209 | Serials Management
Definitions; role of serials in information dissemination; selection; acquisition, organization and storage of serials in print and non-print (microforms, CD-Rom); problems of bibliographic control; user access via indexing and abstracting services, internet. |
2 |
LIS 210 | Computer and Data/Information Processing.
Basic knowledge about how to operate a computer; input and output devices; input data, output data with appropriate software packages (e.g. Excel, Dbase, Basic Programming Language etc); conduct searches on databases (e.g. DC-ROM, Internet). |
2 |
LIS 212 | Literature and Library Services to Children and Adolescent.
Definition of a child and adolescent; Stages of child development, Characteristics, needs and interests of children and adolescents, learning processes of children and adolescent, The Environmental and cultural factors that affect children’s literature; reference books. Fiction books, non-fiction books; Tools for selecting and organizing children’s literature; Techniques of organizing children’s literature e.g. simplified cataloguing, broad classification, shelving, simple maintenance routines; Evaluation of children’s literature/books; types of programmes, school-public library relationships; role of the library and teacher in promoting reading habits of children and adolescents. |
2 |
LIS 214 | Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials
Definitions of Preservation and Conservation; Everyday care of library resources and equipment; history of paper-making; causes of and prevention of damage to paper (e.g. acidity); Preservation processes and repairing of damage to paper and other library resources; special storage facilities; Preservation of Library materials against natural disasters (e.g. fire, earthquakes, flood, thunderstorm, etc), adverse weather conditions (e.g. Harmattan, humidity, heat, sandstorm, etc), and pests (e.g. insects, rodents, human beings, fungi, etc); non-book library materials (A/V materials, etc). |
2 |
LIS 216 | Public Relations in Libraries:
Introduction – Concept; Distinction from other Relations like Press, Organizational, International etc; Rationale for Public Relation in Library; Characteristics/qualities of a Public Relations Officer; Categories of Public relation; Functions of Public Relation in LIS; Problems of Public Relations in Nigeria; |
2 |
LIS 301 | Organization of Knowledge II
The organization and Administration of the Cataloguing and Classification Department; The principles that govern the review of cataloguing rules and Classification schemes; The principles and main features of faceted classification, chain indexing and automatic indexing with exercises in their construction; Cataloguing of non-book materials; application of computers to cataloguing with special emphasis |
LIS 303 | Indexing and Abstracting
The concepts of indexing and abstracting; indication & information; Purposes of indexing and abstracting; Methods of indexing and abstracting; standard tools (e.g. subject heading lists, thesaurus) needed for indexing and abstracting; (indexing of books and journals/periodicals); types of indexes and abstracts; indexing and abstracting services including electronic databases; evaluation of indexes and abstracts; practical application. |
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LIS 305 | Information, Marketing and Entrepreneurship.
Definitions of Economics, Marketing, entrepreneurship, and Information; Principles of Economics, Marketing, and entrepreneurship. The relationships between Economics, Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Their application to management of libraries and information centres and services. Information as a commodity and a public good; utility theory of information; costing and pricing of information; information product development; market segmentation and aggregation; market research; market planning; Effective promotion of information service. |
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LIS 307 | Archives and Records Management
Concept and development of archives, life cycle of records, vital records, Disaster planning; types of Archival records, methods of acquisition, Principles and techniques of organization of archival materials; creation of records and the need for records management; Method of arranging and describing Archival materials; Basic reference services in Archives (e.g. finding aids) etc. The National Archives Nigeria: Origin, development and service. |
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LIS 309 | Collection Development
Criteria and responsibility for the selection of library materials; book selection tools, the role of subject specialists; censorship, collection development policy, Books and periodicals acquisition procedures, Gifts and exchanges, donation, legal deposit, weeding and discarding, stock revision and evaluation of collections; problems of acquisition of Africana; problems of collection development techniques e.g. internet, etc. |
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LIS 311 | Internet and Electronic Libraries
Definition of basic technologies, ICT in Context; why use of ICT contemporary technologies in libraries and information centres; concept of internet, e-libraries, digital and virtual libraries; information system, non-book communication technology, characteristics of the internet and use of the internet for E-mail etc, search engines and search strategies. Electronic publishing and electronic libraries and access; Issues and problems posed by ICT; Solutions to the problems; information super highway and the Nigeria situation; LAW, WAN, MAN. |
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LIS 313 | Research and Statistical Methods
Nature and purpose of research in Library and Information Science; types of research; survey, historical/documentary and experimental etc, steps in research; statement of problem, review of literature, data collection and analysis; conclusion and recommendation. Introduction to basic statistical concepts and calculations of descriptive and inferential statistics. Application of quantitative techniques in Library and Information Management. |
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LIS 315 | Multimedia Resources, Equipment operation and material productions.
The concept of multimedia/Audio visual; A/V material as a means of communication; educational functions and uses of various types of non-print media (e.g. slide, films, opaque, over-head, multimedia projectors, audio recording, photography; etc); selection and acquisition, organization, storage and evaluation of A/V materials; bibliographic control; maintenance and administration of media centres, Manipulation of A/V equipment and multimedia; production of simple A/V materials and multimedia. |
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LIS 318 | Field Experience (SIWES)
At least twelve weeks of supervised field experience in any approved library and information centre in Nigeria undertaken throughout the three months of the 300 level second semester within the academic programme, and the long vacation. |
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LIS 401 | Research Project
A topic on any aspect of Library and Information Science selected by a student and written under the supervised direction of a staff member. Students should demonstrate their understanding of research and statistical/methods, through use of collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. An annotated bibliography or the construction of an index or thesaurus may also be accepted. |
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LIS 402 | Government Publications and Grey Literature
Definition, nature and uses of Government Documents; types of documents; bibliographic control of Government Publication; International organization (e.g. UN and UN bodies, OAU, ECOWAS); their publication; acquisition, control and organization in libraries. Concept of Grey literature, Types of grey literature; technical reports, patents, dissertation, working papers, etc, collection and management etc. |
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LIS 403 | Management Information System
Meaning and scope of management information systems; DBMS, DSS, MLS, dependence of MIS/DSS upon DBMS, types of data and information involved in an MIS; levels of directions of data/information flows in an organizations, Data capture, information overload, “data security’, Management of organizational Data and Information (e.g. decision making process; how managers work; managers’ preferred formats for data/information presentation; Basic query formulation and retrieval languages; data structuring (normalization) procedures; Database administration processes (e.g. the role of the Data Dictionary/Directory (DDD); Integration of Internal and External Data and Information; Knowledge-based systems and experts systems, as extensions of MIS/DSS; Applications of MIS/DSS. |
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LIS 404 | Management of Libraries and Information Centres
The concept of management as applied to libraries with reference to the librarian roles, powers and responsibilities; delegation of authority; staff committee; library committee, evaluation; setting goals and developing action plans; budgeting; reporting libraries activities; managing resources, time people and money |
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LIS 405 | Automation in Libraries and Information Centres and Library Softwares Application.
Definition, planning, automation of library processes such as serial control acquisitions, circulations, cataloguing, reference services, national and international; examples of successful automated bibliography systems and library automation in Nigeria, Hands on-application of appropriate software (e.g. CDS/ISIS; Library Thing; KOHA etc). |
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LIS 406 | Publishing and Book Trade
Problems of book publishing in Africa (Nigeria; books for various categories of readers, the multi-national publishers; indigenous publishing; government and individuals as publishers; bookshops and bookselling; problems of marketing and distribution. |
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LIS 407 | The Information User
Kind of information users and their work environments; a user; information seeking behavior patterns; uses of information, users studies; user education. |
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LIS 408 | Copyright and Legal Issues in Librarianship
Definition of copyright and intellectual property; Development of copyright in Western countries and the Nigerian experience; copyright protection and administration, Relevance of the copyright laws to Librarianship and library services; The provisions of the Official Secrets acts; The Provision of Nigerian Legal Deposit; Enabling laws for libraries in Nigeria. |
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LIS 409 | Database Design and Management
Concept and Scope of Database, Principle of database design; Development and Management of database for information systems; Data analysis techniques; Data modeling and schema design; Query languages and search specifications; Overview of file organization for databases; Implementations of database design; Issues and problems for the development and maintenance of library and information centres databases; Evaluation of databases management systems. |
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LIS 410 | Knowledge Management: Introduction; Role Library and Informational in knowledge Management; Emerging job title for Library and Information; Professional Library and Information Science; Professional soft skills for knowledge Management;
Challenges to the LIS Professional; Influence of knowledge management on learning organization. |
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LIS 411 | Bibliography and Literature of Science and Technology.
Scope, growth, characteristics and structure of scientific and technical literature; bibliographic organization and control; electronic literature searching and information retrieval processes, international cooperation in the organization and dissemination of scientific information. |
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LIS 413 | Bibliography and Literature of Humanities
Growth, characteristics and structure of the Humanistic literature; bibliographic organization and control; sources of information programmes and services of national and international institutions and organization. |
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LIS 415 | Bibliography and Literature of Social Science
Nature and Scope of the social sciences, characteristics and nature of social science literature; bibliographic organization and control; programmes and services of national and international institutions and organization. |
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LIS 417 | Professional Seminar
Each student before graduating from the Department, should select a topic from any area of the profession; and present a well written paper on the topic before the other students and the reading staff. The student should answer some questions, at the end, based on the topic which must have been advertised to members of the Department. The teaching staff should plan, supervise and assess each presentation. |
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