FEG 801: Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 units
Revision of linear algebra, ordinary differential equation, and laplace, fourier and z-transforms. Complex variable, analysis and applications. Fast computational methods for linear algebra and integral transform algorithms. Short time fourier transform and applications, Wavelet transform, Green’s function, Bassel functions, gamma function, Euler transform, Metric spaces and algebraic structure. Linear space: Bannch and Hilbert spaces; operators in Hibert spaces. Singular value decomposition ensignvalue decomposition and applications. Graph theory and applications. Residue number system and applications. Numerial methods in solving engineering problems.
ECE 837: Computational Intelligence Techniques 3 units
Fuzzy logic control: Linguistic variables, fuzzy logic sets and operators, knowledge rules, system analysis, design and implementation, applications of fuzzy logic in control system. Neutral Network: Introduction to mathematical analysis of neural network and learning rules, applications of neural network to control systems. Genetic algorithm and applications to control system, introduction to robotic kinematic.
ECE 845: Project Management 2 unit
Management principles. Project management definition and constraints. Project life cycle. Project planning and scheduling. Project management tools. Critical path method, CPM: principles, computation, and applications. Project Evaluation & Review Technique, PERT: principles, computation, and applications, Linear programming and application in CPM/PERT. Gannt’s chart and applications. Contract law and bidding.
ECE 815: Wireless and Mobile Communication 3 units
Wireless LAN, Modem technologies, xDSL, cable modem, IP over different networks and internet, Internet Applications Model: Remote Login (TELNET, Rlogin), File transfer and access (FTP, TFTP, NFS), Electronic Mail (SMTP, POP, IMAP, MIME), World Wide Web (HTTP), Voice and Video over IP (RTP), Internet management (SNMP), Streaming technologies, Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Internet Security and Electronic Commerce Technology; Internet Security and Firewall design (IP sec), Encryption standards, Electronic cash and transaction models. Internet business models and technology development.
Introductory Concepts: Overview of digital communications and radio communication characteristics; Cellular concepts and frequency reuse; Cellular geometry: Co-channel interference and frequency planning; Signal quality, traffic capacity and cell sizing; hand-offs and mobility management; cell splitting; other forms of wireless communication. Signal impairments and countermeasures; Path losses; Multipath propagation; Delay spread and ISI; Fading characteristics; Far-near and shadowing effects; Adaptive detection for processing severely distorted signals; source and channel coding; Diversity techniques; Co-channel interference reduction techniques; Directional antennas; Sectored cells; Adaptive antennas, Cellular Systems.
ECE 818: Satellite Communications 3 units
Elements of satellite communications; Satellite frequency bands, transmission and multiplexing schemes, trans-multiplexing, multiple access schemes. Communication satellites: Satellite orbit, laws governing satellite motion, satellite paths, geostationary subsystems, non-geostationary constellation, satellite subsystems, launching of geostationary satellites. Earth stations; Antennas: types of antennas, antenna gain, pointing loss, gain-noise temperature ratio, effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), high power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, up and down converters: conversion process, Polarization hopping, redundancy configurations, earth-station monitoring and control. Satellite link design: basic link analysis, attenuation, sources of interference, carrier to noise and interference ratio, system availability, frequency reuse, link budget, link design. Multiple access techniques: FDMA.
ECE 834:Technopreneurship& Cyber Law 3 units
Overview: Entrepreneurship management and ownership, Entrepreneurs: their characteristics, starting a new business, business planning, strategic planning and strategic management, site selection and layout, Establishing & Financing new venture: Opportunities for entrepreneurship, product identification in various fields, risk management. Business plan development, What is a business plan? The need for a business plan. Preparing for a business plan: (a) Forecasting developments and charting an action plan. (b) Identifying the product/service (c) Evaluating the business venture, (d) Market research and feasibility study. Sources of dept financing, sources of equity financing, financial controls. Marketing and product strategy. Marketing strategy: Market analysis – customer and competitor profiles, product differentiation, strategic product timing, product platform strategy pricing strategies – pricing for profit, market evolution, market development strategies, product development strategies, customer valuation and loyalty.
Technology Creativity innovation and commercialization. Entrepreneurship Overview: Establishing &Finnacing new venture: Marketing and product strategy: business and technology strategy: Case studies on important technology-based companies. E-Commerce: Principles of doing business on the internet. Advertisements on the internet. Simulation and using internet as a showroom. Marketing on the internet. Technical support via internet. Basic Law: Contract law, Cooperative bargaining, conflict resolution, Entrepreneurship case studies.
ECE 803: Advanced Research & Development Techniques 3 units
Introduction: Definition of research, characteristics of research, types of research, research processes, research as a way of thinking, applications of research. IT impact: The ‘automate’ imperative and the ‘informate’ imperative in the emergence of a new research and development tool. The Research Proposal: The introduction. The Problem. The Objective of the Study. The Hypothesis to be Tested. The Study Design. The Setting. Measurement Procedures. Sampling, Analysis of Data, Structure of the Report. Problems and Limitations. Works Schedule. Formulating a Research Problem: Reviewing the literature. Identifying variables. Constructing Hypothesis. Conceptualizing a research design. The research design. Selecting a Study design. Constructing an Instrument for data collection and sampling: Selecting a Method for Data Collection.
Sampling Data collection, analysis, interference and presentation. Selecting a method for Data collection. Establishing the validity and reliability of a Research Instrument. Data mining model, tools and applications. Prototyping intellectual –Property issues. Protecting the intangible, Patents Infringements changes to watch for, Patent searches over the internet. Copyrights changes to watch for, Software piracy, Plagiarism, Trade secrets (What is eligible to be a trade secret?), Using a trade secret infringement, Reverse Engineering.
ECE 838: Network Security and Management 3 units
Network security: Cryptographic Techniques: Security Protocols: General security architectural concepts, transport layer security protocol, network layer security protocol, IEEE LAN security protocol, OSI upper layers architectural overview, upper layers security model, security exchanges. Directory Systems Security Network management: Fault management; Performance management process, accomplishing performance management, reporting performance information. Accounting management, Network Management Protocols.
ECE 814: Optical Communications 3 units
Introduction: Basic optical communications, generations, merits and limitations of optical fibre communications, Optical Fibre; Geometry, wave propagation, dispersion, nonlinear effects, loss characteristic. Optical Receivers: Block diagram, P-I-N and Avalanche photodiode receivers, noise, sensitivity, bit error rate performance analysis, and design: Coherent Light wave system: Principles of coherent and non-coherent detection. ASK, PSK, FSK, PPM. DPSK demodulation Bit error rate performance analysis. Performance degradation due to laser phase noise, group velocity-dispersion, self phase modulation, polarization mode dispersion, relative intensity noise, effect of timing jitter. Doped fibre amplifiers, Brillouin amplifiers, Fibre Raman amplifiers; Amplifier noise, Amplifier gain characteristics, Amplifier performance analysis; Optical time division multiplexing (OTDM)
ECE 805: Modern Control Theory 3 units
Brief history and comparison of classical control with modern control, Revision of linear algebra in control theory: Matrix operations, types of matrix, elementary operations, rank, determinant, inverse, transpose. Eigen values-distinct, repeated, complex and their eigenvectors, diagonalisation of matrix. Computation and applications of Eigen values and eigenvectors. State regulation, state estimation, Ricatti equations. Dynamic programming, Calculus of variation, Pontragin principle. Kalman Filter & Extended Kalman Filter: State space model, State estimation, applications. Digital control system: Z transforms, transfer functions. Difference state space models, Stability, Jury test, linear regulator design. Fuzzy logic control: Linguistic variables, Fuzzy sets and operators, knowledge rules, system analysis, design and implementation, applications of fuzzy logic in control system. Neural Network: Introduction to mathematical analysis of neutral network and learning rules, applications of neutral network to control systems. Genetic algorithm and applications to control system. Introduction to robotic kinematic.
ECE 830: Advanced Computer Architecture 3 units
Overview of Computer Fundamentals: Development history of computer hardware and software. Contemporary computers. Storage and Input/Output Systems. Operating System: Overview of operating system, dimension and type of operating system, high level scheduling, short-term scheduling, I/O scheduling, memory management, virtual memory, window base operating systems, UNIX/LINUX based operating system. Arithmetic system: Fixed point Vs floating point system and implementation. Instruction Set and Register, Machine instruction characteristics, types of operands and operations, instruction pipelining. Control Unit: Micro-operations, control of the CPU hardwired implementation, control unit operation, microinstruction sequencing and execution, micro programmed control.
ECE 811: Digital Image Processing 2 units
Introduction: definition, problems and applications of digital image processing. Digital image acquisition devices. Digital image formats. Edge detection techniques. Segmentation methods. Image morphology. Image enhancement. Image restoration techniques. Morphology, Fourier transform and Wavelet transform in image processing. Image registration techniques. Shape analysis. Image understanding. Artificial neural network and image understanding. Colour representation standards, equations, processing, quantization, and dithering. Case study: practical applications of image processing to face recognition, fingerprint, iris, etc. Introduction to image compression techniques.
ECE 839: Advanced Microprocessor & Microcontroller System 3 units
Introduction to superscalar processor, parallel processor. High performance RISC microprocessor Architecture and Interfacing e.g. Intel 1960, and Motorola PowerPC microprocessor. Digital signal processing microprocessor architecture and programming. Microcontroller system: Intel 8051/8031 Micro-controller architecture, interfacing and programming; Motorola M6813 Micro-controller architecture, interfacing and programming; Introduction to PIC microcontroller: general architecture, applications and selection of microcontroller, advantages, low-end and high performance PIC. Specific PIC microcontrollers: Features, architecture, block diagram, pin configuration, on-chip memory, and peripheral. Instruction set and Assembly language programming. Serial I/O interfacing: 12C, and SPI interfacing and programming. Memory interfacing external memory interfacing, EEPROM and Flash memory interfacing. Design exercises using development system.
ECE 841: Internet Engineering 3 units
Internet Technology: Communication Networks, Narrowband ISDN: ISDN standards, interfaces, and functions. ISDN services. Frame Relay and Broadband ISDN: Background, Protocols and services, B-ISDN standards, services and architecture SOH, ATM networks. Cellular Networks: Overview, standards, network architecture (OFDM), wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), Optical code division multiple-access (OCDMA), subcarrier multiplexing (SCM), WDM components: WDM mult/demultiplexers, add and drop multiplexers (ADM), star couplers, Optical cross-connects, wavelength converters; performance analysis of multi-channel systems, Crosstalk, WDM systems. Free space Optical Links: Atmospheric optical channel, effects of atmosphere on optical beams, on direct detection receivers, heterodyning over atmospheric channel, optical inter satellite links. Optical Networks: Topology, WDM networks. Optical LAN, WAN, Broadcast and select optical networks, Wavelength routed optical networks. Future trends in Optical Fibre Communications.
ECE 812: Microwave Electronics System 3 units
Microwave Devices: overview of performance characteristics and applications. Microwave Diodes, Microwave bipolar transistors, hetero junction bipolar transistors, Field Effect Transistors, Transferred Electron Devices. Avalanche Transit-Time Devices. Microwave tubes. Applications in microwave circuits. Network Analysis Transmission Line Equations and Solutions, Smith Chart, ABCD Matrix, S-Parameter Matrix, Signal Flow Graphs. Impedance Transformation and Matching Impedance Measurements, Single-stub Matching, Double-stub Matching, Triple-Stub Matching, Impedance Matching with Lumped Elements, Waveguide Reactive Elements, Quarter-wave Transformer, Binomial Transformer, Chebychev Transformer, Tapered Transmission Lines Waveguides and Coaxial Components: Rectangular, bends and twists, ridge, fin Line, terminations, attenuators, phase shifters, Circular Polarizers. Coaxial-to-Waveguide Transitions, Baluns, Stripline Circuits: Substrate materials, stripline, micro strip, terminations, attenuators, couplers, power dividers, isolators, resonators, filters. Power Measurements: Introduction, Types of Power Measurements, Sensors, Meters, Specifications.
ECE 810: Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 units
Review of fundamentals of DSP. Discrete-time signals and systems, sampling and reconstruction, z-transform, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems, structures for discrete-time systems, Fourier analysis of signals using DFT, FFT, responses, HR and FIR filters, Design of HR and FIR filters; Rational parametric models of random signals, Autoregressive models, Yule-Walker equations, Levinson-Durbin algorithm, Lattice filters, Schur algorithm. Adaptive FIR filters, Error performance surface, Steepest-descent algorithm LMS algorithm, Convergence properties, Gradient adaptive lattice filter, Method of least squares, Recursive least squares algorithm, Applications in telecommunications, image processing, video compression, audio system, etc. DSP Hardware: Fixed point and floating point DSP, merits, demerits and applications.
ECE 818: Software Development in Telecommunications 3 units
Telecommunication software development: Introduction. Examples of life cycles (V-lifecycle, Y life cycle, spiral life cycle, etc). Methods and tools for: requirement capture, analysis, specification, architecture, design and development. Finite state machines: the SDL language. Programming: Overview of programming languages (C, C++, Java) in telecommunication. Real-time programming. Programming for embedded systems.Performance and memory management.Configuration management. Interfaces definition: Problem overview. Transparency of distribution. Distributed 00: the COREA solution, the Java solution. Interface specification in TMN. System tests: Unit tests. Software integration tests.Hardware integration tests. Embedded software tests Performance and conformance tests. Testing of 00 software. CASE to test: Attols, Insure, Hindsight, etc.
ECE 906: Software Development Tools and Prototyping 3 units
Use of software tools for system development, which includes two or more of the following: Matlab, Simulink, Proteus, Packet Tracer, SPSS, Ms Excel, depending on the nature of the project. New Software tools are taught as they become available.
Prototyping: Introduction, Grounding plane, digital ground, analogue ground, power decoupling, inductance and capacitive effects, feed through capacitors. RF effects &shielding, Soldering techniques for pass-through and surface mount components, desoldering, Breadboarding, Veroboarding, Wire wrapping techniques. Radio Frequency design and implementation techniques. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) techniques, production of PCB-Etching of copper plates and alternative approaches, Double-sided boards and multilayer boards. Construction exercises using different prototyping techniques. Packaging Techniques, Documentation and Manual writing Automated Testing of Hardware and software. Interface cable and system packaging.
ECE 840: Multimedia Technology &Programming 3 units
Multimedia and supporting technologies: Multimedia definitions, multimedia services, trends of market, issues of multimedia information circulation, communication technologies, LAN technologies, personal computer technologies, internet home appliance technologies, future multimedia services. Basic technologies of multimedia information circulation: E-mail, common gateway interface between WWW and database, java, active X, virtual reality modelling language, push type service provision. Application technologies of multimedia information: circulation telecommunication technologies, computer telephony integration security and transaction, electronic data exchange, agent communication, Network configuration of the information superhighway, SONET, SDH, ATM copper access network, CATV access network, wireless access network, fibre access network. Video communication technologies in multimedia: Video coding standards, rate control, TV conferencing, quality of service: Programmable quality by ATM network, QOS routing traffic performance of multimedia services, quality measurement method, quality of service: Programmable quality by ATM network, QOS routing traffic performance of multimedia services, quality measurement method, quality evaluation method, traffic control, Multimedia protocols: Protocol over ATM network, object oriented transport protocol, synchronization protocol.