ECE 900:Advanced Control Engineering 3 units
Review of Modern Control Systems Mathematical Models of Systems. State variables models. Feedback Control Systems. The stability of Feedback Systems. Routh-Hurwitz, Root-Locus and Frequency Response Methods, Active Filters.
Control Systems Design: The Design of State Variable Feedback Systems. Designing Feedback Control Systems. Robust Control Systems: PID Controllers, Digital Control System, Sample Data Systems. Digital Filters. Mini Projects: Use of MATLAB in Control Systems Analysis, Design and Simulation, Future evolution of Control Systems.
ECE 901: Advanced Information Technology 3 units
Review of networking fundamentals, Network Devices; Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Brouters, Switches, Hubs, Servers and Gateways. IP addressing: IPV4 and IPV6, Routing Algorithms, Error Detection and Correction, Network threats and Combat Strategies Network Implementations: ESCON, DSL, ATM, WIMAX, Digital Telephony, etc, Computer Aided Network Design, (future, trends in network design) (mini projects) Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System, Graphical and Imaging System Biomedical Information System.
ECE 902: Advanced Intelligent System Engineering 3 units
Artificial intelligence; Expert Systems, intelligent Software Agents, Artificial Tutoring Systems: Fuzzy logic, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Genetic Algorithms. Fuzzy Neural Networks, Data Mining Techniques. Real life Applications and Case Studies of Intelligent Systems. Impact of information Technology on Intelligent System Research, Developing and Usage. Mini projects.
ECE 903: Advanced Computer Based Modeling & Simulation 3 units
Models in Science and Engineering influences on the Decision Taker. Cause-Effect Structures. Classification of Models. System Model System Studies: Corporate Models, system Analysis, Design and postulation.
System Simulation: Monte Carlo, Experimental Nature of Simulation, Numerical Computation Technique for Discrete and continuous Functions. Distributed, lag Computation Technique for Discrete and continuous Functions. Distributed lag models, Cobweb Models, Continuous Systems, Simulation and Simulated. System Dynamics: Exponential Growth and Exponential Decay Models. System Dynamics Diagram. Multi-segment Models. Empirical Probability Distributions. Forecasting Techniques: Regression and Moving Average Models. Probability. Concepts in Simulation. Stochastic Variables. Discrete and Continuous Probability Functions Measure and Numerical Evaluation of Continuous Probability Functions. Use of Random numbers. The Rejection Method.
Arrival Patterns and Service Times in Queuing Systems, Discrete Systems Simulation, Use of General Purpose Simulation System Languages (GPSS) Inventory Models Deterministic Inventory Models. Probabilistic Inventory Models, Just-in-time (JIT) Manufacturing Systems.
ECE 904: Industrial Automation and Robotics 3 units
Representing of Process Control Algorithm Truth Tables. Algorithm State Machine (ASM) Charts, State Transition Diagram (STD), State Transition Tables (STT), Fully Extended State Transition Tables and Applications, Iteratively Linked Machines, Machines Classes. Approaches to Control Logic Implementation. Random Logic, Structural Logic and Hardwired Logic. Software based Systems: Use of Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Microcomputers. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs). Use of Hardware Design Languages. Multiprocessor Control Systems, Remote Instrumentation: Instrumentation Amplifiers.
Interfacing: Interfacing to Bluetooth, GPS and Biometric Information Systems. Interfacing to Control Area Networks (CAN).
Memory Mapping: I/O Mapping. Direct Memory Access (DMA), Use of interrupts, Programming Peripheral interface (PPI), Programmable Interrupt Control (PIC), Robot Design and Construction, Robot Control with experiments. Simulation and Analysis of Robot Behaviour using MATLAB and other application software.
ECE 905: Advanced Operations Research 3 units
Design making in operations research: Linear Programming: Formulation and Graphical Solution. The Simplex Method. Duality, Sensitivity and parametric Analysis. Transportation model, Network Model. Integer Linear Programming: Branch and Bound Algorithm, Cutting Plane Algorithms Zero-one Integer Problem. Dynamic (Multistage) Programming: the Dynamic Programming Model. DP Models and Computation. Dimensionality in Dynamic Programming. Solution of Linear Programs by Dynamic Programming Data Representation In Operations Research. Nature of Data in OR. Forecasting Techniques. Regression Model, Moving Average or Time Series Model. Exponential Smoothing Decision Under Uncertainty. Minmax (maximum) Criterion Hurwitz Criterion, Solution of (MxN) Games by Linear Programming. Project Scheduling by PERT-CPM.Markovian Decision Process. Non-linear Programming: Classical Optimization Theory: Constrained and Unconstrained External Problems: Direct Search and Gradient Methods. Separable, Quadratic, Geometric and Stochastic Programming Linear Combination Method. SUMT Algorithm.
ECE 906: Advanced Software Development Tools and Prototyping 3 units
Advanced software tools for the analysis and transformation of complex transfer functions, state space matrix equations engine values and eigen vectors. The software tools should also be able to simplify the analysis of sampled data control systems, analog and digital filters and digital signal processing. Some of the software tools should be able to handle modeling and forecasting including linear and nonlinear regression analysis and process simulations in engineering. The software tools include but are not limited to the following: Matlab, packet tracer and SPSS. Others that would help in hardware design include proteus, Electronic Work Bench and AutoCAD.
Facilities for prototyping such as are used for the production of printed circuit boards using different techniques would be covered in addition the production of appropriate interface cables for project circuit boards. Hardware and software product packaging will also be covered.
ECE 928: Advanced Digital and Hybrid Electronics 3 units
Course work and laboratory session emphasizing Microcomputer/ Microcontroller/ Microprocessor based measurements, monitoring and control of industrial processes. Advanced Structured Digital Logic Design. Sensors and transducers, Digital Control of AC loads, Motor Control Systems for Stepper DC and AC motors. Remote Monitoring and Control, Analogue Computation. Electronic Multipliers and Resolvers. Electronic Security. Surveillance Systems Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC), Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC). Instrumentation Amplifiers. Mini-Projects involving Digital and Hybrid Electronics.
ECE 913: Optical and Quantum Electronics 3 units
An introduction to simulated emission such as masers, optical devices based on linear and nonlinear responses to coherent fields. Material discussed, based on quantum mechanical results, will employ phenomenological theories and will stress applications to modern devices. Subjects will include propagation of rays, spherical waves, and Gaussian beams, microwave and optical resonators and their field characteristics, interaction, rate equations and output power, specific laser and maser systems, harmonic generation and optical mixing, modulators, parametric converters. Detectors, elements of holography; Laboratory, to illustrate and elaborate on specific lecture material, will include atom, ion, molecular, and solid state laser oscillators and their characteristics, mode and optical communications link.
A detailed treatment of the physical principles underling optical masers. Related fields, and applications. These will include a theory of singular momentum, the interactions of radiation and matter. Additional topics include optical resonators; output power of amplifiers and oscillators depressive effects and laser oscillation spectrum, lamb theory; spectroscopy of atoms molecules and ions in crystals as examples of laser media, survey of chemical and dye lasers, noise in optical devices, principles of electo-optical and parametric devices.
ECE 901: Advanced Integrated Circuit Technology 3 units
Integrated circuit techniques applicable to the fields of computer hardware, telecommunications systems related to electronics are studied, with emphasis on device technology and the specialized approaches to devices, circuits and system design required in large scale function integration. Computer logic and memory ICs and by bridge transmitters and receivers, Integrated optical and compound semiconductor light emitting and sensing devices that illustrate the techniques discussed, each student fabricates planar silicon diodes and transistors in the microelectronics laboratory; project students later work on their own in the laboratory on topics of their choice, such as microwave integrated circuits and integrated gates, and opto electronic devices.
Details of circuit design for integration in silicon monolithic integrated circuits and hybrid microwave integrated circuits will be discussed. The limitations of and the advantages afforded by the physical and technology of the processes involved in the fabrication of these circuits will be developed in relation to circuit design. Techniques for complete vertical integration of complex systems, from design through materials processing to final testing. Topics will include: Component digital ICs, Spectral components available to monolithic back in linear IC design, Chip Layout, thermal considerations. The merging of design techniques for microwave integrated circuits and gigabit data rate digital ICs will also be discussed. The class will undertake a design/fabrication project.
ECE914: Solid State Microwave Electronics 3 units
A theoretical and experimental study of modern solid state microwave devices and subsystems based on theUnn effect diode, IMPATT diode, PEAPATT diode, Tunnel Diode. PN diode and transistor. Initially, the basic elements such as microwave cavities, filters, oscillators, amplifiers, modulators and detectors are studied and then more complex elements such as microwave network analyzers.
Noise measuring equipment, time domain reflects meters and experimental; Doppler Radars. Typical uses of solid-state devices in these such systems are discussed and analyzed. The many cases the sub-systems themselves are used to characterize the circuit parameters of microwave solid state devices and other sub-systems. An opportunity to study and operate a wide variety of modern test equipment such as the H.P. Network Analyzer, sampling oscilloscopes, near carrier oscillator noise test sets. Spectrum analyzers and microwave laboratory test bench equipment. Participation in the design and testing of varactor tuned oscillators, low noise oscillators, Doppler Radar speed measuring devices, and other devices and sub-systems of interest to the class.
Properties of semiconductor devices, with emphasis on low frequency operation (below 1000 Ghz). Devices based on tunnel effect; tunnel diode, zener diodes, field emitter cathodes, thin film resistor semiconductor contacts: p-n diodes, avalanche diodes, transistors. Devices based on metal semi-(nogap) conductor contacts; schotikydiodelshottky triode. Emphasis is placed on determining the factors underlying performance capabilities. Equivalent circuits are developed. The student will carry out a term laboratory paper or prepare a term paper on an appropriate contemporary topic.
ECE 916: Advanced Microwave Engineering 3 units
Theory of passive microwave devices. Wave in homogeneous wave guides propagation and distortion of pulse; application of gyrotropic media to non reciprocal waveguide devices. Scattering matrix analysis of multiport junctions, resonant cavities, directional couplers, isolators circulators, periodic waveguides. Elastic waves in solids and their microwave applications. Advanced topics of microwave electronics will be considered in depth. Topics to be selected from the following list: interactions of electrons with cavities; periodic structure; travelling wave tubes; acoustic waves; microwaves generation and implication by avalanches transit time diodes, transferred electron oscillators; integrated optics, and other modern microwave devices.
Space charge waves, coupled mode theory, applications to microwave tubes. Carrier waves in semiconductor, solid state travelling wave amplifiers. Acoustic amplifiers, surface wave devices. Negative resistance amplifiers. Read and IMPATT diodes Paramedic amplifiers. Noise considerations.
ECE 918: Advanced Communication Engineering 3 units
The statistical basis of communication theory is developed and applied to detection and estimation in telephone, radio and radar system. Topics covered include: Propagation and transmission of radio waves; representation, sampling, quantization and multiplexing; optimum receivers and error probabilities. The theory of optimum signal processing in the presence of nois. Bounds on performance are determined and optimum receivers developed for detection and estimation of signal parameters in white and coloured noise. Optimum filters of the Wiener-kolmogorove and Kalman Busy types are examined and techniques of constrained optimization developed. Special topics such as phase lock, loops, error control, and feedback communication are considered.
Electrically small antennas; arrays; wire antenna and feeding arrangement; aperture antenna such as slots, horns and parabolic reflectors; antenna for multiple independent types; receiving antennas and the concept of antenna temperatures, antenna measurements and evaluation. Speech production and representation. Acoustical properties of the vocal tract and models which relate articulations to phonetics. The identification and extraction of parameters of the speech wave which carry information. Control of speech synthesizers. Systems for speech transmission and computer.
Recognition of speech and speakers by computer. A series of course offering an introductory treatment of topics of special interest. Topics change from semester to semester. Possible topics include spectral estimation, radar, multiple-access systems, spread spectrum, Mobile communication, optimum signal processing, pulse-code and delta modulation, array processing, optical communication and communication networks.
ECE 912: Information Theory and Coding 3 units
The concept of a general signal space based on multidimensional linear space is developed and applied to the representation of discrete and continuous signals and to linear transformations. Fourier, Hilbert and other integral transforms are considered and methods are developed for characterizing signals by such properties as energy, power, instantaneous frequency, and signal dimensionality and time bandwidth product. The applicability of general signal analysis techniques to practical problems is stressed as is a relationship of these general methods to more familiar approaches to signal analysis and representation.
A treatment of the concepts of information theory for both discrete and continuous channels. Determination of channel capacity and its relation to actual communication systems. Introduction to rate distortion functions for continuous sources. Methods of error control are considered, typical codes described and their performance in communication channels analysis.
ECE 915: Advanced Radio Engineering 3 units
An elementary treatment of wave phenomena in the atmosphere of the earth, including gravity waves, planetary waves, acoustic waves radio waves and plasma waves; attention is directed to the role of these phenomena in various atmosphere processes and engineering problems such as weather, diffuse transport, air-sea interaction, radio communication and remote sensing. Electrical systems for communications, controls, detection, and other purposes in which radio waves play a control role; system functions, including generation, modulation, transmission, reception and demodulation, guidance, radiation, and propagation of radio waves, including transmission lines and wave guides, antenna systems and the effects of atmosphere in homogeneity; system design problems.
Propagation in the earth’s environment; troposphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, and interplanetary space. Diffraction and surface wave propagation; troposphere refraction and ducting, propagation in the ionosphere plasma, including magnetoionic whistler mode propagation, ion effects and ion whistler mode propagation, ion effects and ion whistler group velocity and ray tracing. WKB solutions of the coupled wave equations interactions between particles and waves, in the magnetosphere, radar astronomy, the scattering of radio waves from fluctuation in retroactive index troposphere and D region ionosphere and its use as a diagnostic tools, radio and satellite scintillations and their use in studying the ionosphere and solar wind.
ECE 998: Seminar 3
ECE 999: Dissertation 18